How to Unlock All Factions
This is a quick guide to how to Unlock all the Factions in Medieval 2: Total War.
There are two ways to do this, both being relativly simple.
First way
1. Go to your "Medieval II Total War" folder.
2. Right click on the preferences.cfg file, select the properties tab and uncheck the read only box, then open it with notepad. This is so that you can edit the file.
3. Scroll to the bottom of the file.
4. Add the following lines:
unlock_campaign = true
5. Save and exit the file. You should now be able to play with all the factions next time you open the game.
The Second Way
1. Go to the "Medieval II Total War/data/world/maps/campaign/imperial_campaign" folder. 2. Right click on the file "desc_strat.txt", select properties and uncheck the read-only box. This is so that you can edit the file. 3. Open the desc_strat.txt file in notepad. 4. Move all the factions from the unlockable section into the playable section. Make sure no faction is mentioned twice. The file should look like this:
playable england france hre spain venice sicily milan scotland byzantium russia moors turks egypt denmark portugal poland hungary end unlockable end nonplayable papal_states aztecs mongols timurids slave end
Next time you open the game all the factions should be enabled.