ETW files:db/battles tables/battles
"01", 1 BYTE - #Currently unknown
"Count", INTEGER (4 byte) - #Count of items in the file
"Map name", UTF-16 STRING: 2 bytes size + pairs of bytes
"Map Type", UTF-16 STRING: 2 bytes size + pairs of bytes. Possible types: classic, naval, siege, historic
"Map Folder", UTF-16 STRING: 2 bytes size + pairs of bytes
"Unknown", SOME 4 BYTES
"attacker/defender(?) number", INTEGER 2 BYTES (1,2,4 players on side A)
"Unknown", SOME 4 BYTES
"defender/attacker(?) number", INTEGER 2 BYTES (1,2,4 players on side B)
"Unknown", SOME 4 BYTES Ending in 00 00 00 or 01 01 01 (010101 is visible in singel player)
This file probably describes all possible maps & their setups.
Editing the strings, or adding records it in the patch.pack makes the game crash
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