Descr sounds music.txt
This file is delegated file from descr_sounds.txt for manage sound bank: music_bank (both RTW and M2TW) and living_city_music (RTW only)
File's structure.
DEFAULT: modifiers
DEFAULT = setting which declare by this would be using for follow sound events unless specified in event or DEFAULT is declared in the same category again.
List of modifers (X indicated value for setting)
3d - sound has distance/direction modification
1d - sound has no distance/direction modification
Streamed - read from disk instead of embedded file in memory at the game startup
looped - overwrite the parameter in play_tracked_sound
ducking - temporary lowering other sounds (not use in vanilla RTW but could be used in RTW)
retrigger X - delay before retriggering the sound, using for music (X is in second)
minDist X - minimum distance which would hear the sound (X must more than 1.0)
maxDist X - maximum distance which sound would still be heard
priority X - (X = between 0 to 9999)
Volume X - modifier to based sound volume set in the preference (X = between -100 to 0 db)
probability X -
minPitch X -
maxPitch X -
dry_level X - (X = 0 to 1 }
wet_level X - (X = 0 to 1 }
delay X - delay in seconds before next 3d sounds start playing
randomdelay X - delay within seconds before next 3d sounds start playing
probradius X -
fadein X -
fadeout X -
pref X - sound preference setting to be use for events below (X = sfx/speech/music/INTERFACE }
pan X - 2D events only, from 0 (hard-left) to 1.0 (hard-right) 0.5 - default
ignore_pause X -
distancepriority X -
effect_level X -
rndvolume X -
required_samples_cutoff X
Limit how many sound samples would be loaded of this bank to be loaded at the same time.
music_timeout X
Music events timeout in second
music_retrigger X
Music state will change to the previous one if no events occured within the time out in second
music_fade_in X
Music fade-in in second
music_fade_out X music_fade_out_timeout X
Music fade-out when music change from one state to another in second
Before start sound bank entry, the file contain list of music event which not part of sound bank. Usage of this part is to be played by scripted in tutorial/prologue/historic battles in a bit special manner with some special setting for them. Structure of sound event which not part of sound bank is as example below.
event { event name } modifiers folder { base path } {sample name} modifiers (any of probability, volume etc) {sample name} ... folder { base path , in case files have different location} {sample name} modifiers (any of probability, volume etc) {sample name} ... end
Real start of sound bank is begin with this.
DEFAULT: streamed BANK: music_bank
This is declare of beginning of entries of "music_bank". Organization of music_bank is according to below.
culture { culture_type as defined in descr_cultures.txt } (using in RTW only) music_type { culture_type } (using in M2TW only)
Cultures and music type of use for several cultures at the same time by using ", " separate each of cultures
Follow culture/music_type group Each event entries are structure like this.
state { music_state } event modifiers folder { base path } {sample name} modifiers (any of probability, volume etc) {sample name} ... folder { base path , in case files have different location} {sample name} modifiers (any of probability, volume etc) {sample name} ... end
{sample name} = name of sound sample file (if extension is .wav, extension could be omitted)
Note: music_bank is allow to use .mp3 files in RTW.
{ music_state } are moment or situation which music in event would be played. Available music_state are...
MUSIC_FRONTEND (played in main menu) MUSIC_BATTLE_TENSION (play in deployment phase of battle) MUSIC_BATTLE_MOBILIZE (play after battle start while no combat engagement) MUSIC_BATTLE_BATTLE (played during combat engagement) MUSIC_RESULT_WIN_CLOSE (play when result scroll show up in battle map if winning result is poor) MUSIC_RESULT_WIN_AVERAGE (play when result scroll show up in battle map if winning result is average) MUSIC_RESULT_WIN_CRUSHING (play when result scroll show up in battle map if winning result is great/heroic) MUSIC_RESULT_LOSE_CLOSE (play when result scroll show up in battle map if losing result is close) MUSIC_RESULT_LOSE_AVERAGE (play when result scroll show up in battle map if losing result is average) MUSIC_RESULT_LOSE_CRUSHING (play when result scroll show up in battle map if losing result is crushing) MUSIC_RESULT_DRAW (play when result scroll show up in battle map if losing result is draw) MUSIC_STRATMAP_SUMMER (play on strategy map during summer time) MUSIC_STRATMAP_WINTER (play on strategy map during winter time)(not use by vanilla RTW but could be used by modder in RTW) MUSIC_CAMPAIGN_LOADING (play on loading screen during campaign/loading save of that culture) MUSIC_PREBATTLE_SCROLL (play on prebattle scroll) MUSIC_RESULT_STRAT_WIN_CLOSE (play when result scroll show up in strategy map if winning result is poor) MUSIC_RESULT_STRAT_WIN_AVERAGE (play when result scroll show up in strategy map if winning result is average) MUSIC_RESULT_STRAT_WIN_CRUSHING (play when result scroll show up in strategy map if winning result is great/heroic) MUSIC_RESULT_STRAT_LOSE_CLOSE (play when result scroll show up in strategy map if losing result is close) MUSIC_RESULT_STRAT_LOSE_AVERAGE (play when result scroll show up in strategy map if losing result is average) MUSIC_RESULT_STRAT_LOSE_CRUSHING (play when result scroll show up in strategy map if losing result is crushing) MUSIC_RESULT_STRAT_DRAW (play when result scroll show up in strategy map if draw) MUSIC_CAMPAIGN_VICTORY (play on campaign victory scroll) MUSIC_CAMPAIGN_DEFEAT (play on campaign defeat scroll) MUSIC_CREDITS1 (play on end credit, phase 1) MUSIC_CREDITS2 (play on end credit, phase 2)
If this file is for RTW, it would contain music_bank "living_city_music" at the end of file which is for music that play during settlement viewer mode.
BANK: living_city_music
This is declare of beginning of entries of "living_city_music". Organization of music_bank is according to below.
culture { culture_type as defined in descr_cultures.txt } (using in RTW only) event { event name } modifiers folder { base path } {sample name} modifiers (any of probability, volume etc) {sample name} ... folder { base path , in case files have different location} {sample name} modifiers (any of probability, volume etc) {sample name} ... end
Tips for Manage Overhauled of Game's Music in Mod
1) Understand limit. Sound bank has its limit. Total size of sound files embedded in memory should be lower than lower than 400 mb if you want your mod to play music properly. The higher sound memory usage, the more likely the game would just become silence with no music play. Music bank tend to be the biggest part of those share so manage memory usage properly
2) Limited number of music in each events, There should not be more than 5 in each category. And the more of them, the less likely you would get listen to music you want, either by have to shared time with others or overused memory to the level that music fail to load
3) Music should be at lowest bit-rate that within acceptable quality level, rabbits and whales don't play your mod. The less memory using on sound and music would also mean more stable mod as whole too, especially for big and heavy mod.