Hording and Emergent Factions - RTW/BI
Hording and Emergent Factions
The Barbarian Invasion expansion introduced hording and emergent factions to the Total War game.
The vanilla game uses the following types of horde / emergent factions:
Horde Factions on Map at Start
Factions Without Settlement
The Huns and Vandals are placed on map but do not own a settlement, they are 'horde' nations so do not get destroyed because of not owning settlement. Most of their units are free of upkeep charges and they have the option to sack as well as occupy settlements.
Horde Faction With Settlements
Factions like the Franks have the ability to horde but start on vanilla map with ownership of a settlement. If their last settlement is captured by another faction or (in case of human player) if they opt to leave their last settlement a horde army will be produced for them and they will act as above.
Horde Faction Emerging via descr_events.txt
In vanilla game the Slavs emerge via an event controlled by bi/data/world/maps/campaign/barbarian_invasion/descr_events.txt the relevant part of the file being:
event emergent_faction slavs date 47 summer region Locus_Barbaricum
which makes them emerge on the summer of the 47th year from the start of the game, in region Locus_Barbaricum. The date can be changed to anything you like, the region can be changed to any region on the edge of the map. Please note, if you try and use region that does not border edge of map you will get message that they have emerged but they will not actually apppear.
Making Other Factions Emerge via descr_events.txt
Other factions that have the horde capability can be set to emerge in similar faction. Remove faction from starting map by altering descr_strat.txt; assign the factions settlements to another faction or slaves and reduce their entry in descr_strat.txt to
faction franks, balanced henry dead_until_resurrected denari 10000
or similar, and move faction from playable to non-playable list at top of file.
Add event for them in descr_events.txt eg:
event emergent_faction franks date 5 summer region Locus_Barbaricum (or any edge region)
Important: to make that work you must also add lines to BI/data/text/historic_events.txt similar to the ones for the Slavs but using the other factions name eg:
{THE_FRANKS_EMERGE_TITLE} The xxxx Emerge {THE_FRANKS_EMERGE_BODY} A new faction, blah, blah, etc.....
failing to add that will give a hard CTD when the event triggers!