Jebus comes from the small IGN kingdom, instead of the massive TWC Empire or the org. confedaracy. to proove how small the kingdom is, he's 3rd in charge of it.. you may find such a kingdom, by searching google for "IGN boards MTW"
This user is not American ...and unabashedly proud of it. But he's not saying where he is from in case y'all come and bomb the hell out of it.
this user is a communist (and is currently working on his stalin 'tash)
Turn ons kitten huffing Technology communism oscar wilde (in a manly hetrosexual way) jessica alba (in a manly... you dont need to know this...) when girls I know like Iron Maiden/Slayer/Queens of the Stone Age tomboys :P 1337 sp34k n00bs
Turn Offs
evil bloodsucking capatalists
your mum
thacher (pronounced cunt)
not including uncyclopedia references on your user page
most relegions (exceptions, pastafarinism, buddhism, taoism, confusism)
NOT getting tickets to download
I get awarded lots of cookies... now go play in the traffic