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Town Watch (RTW unit)

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Town Watch (RTW unit)
Roman town watch.png
Class Light Infantry
Unit Size 160 men
Weaponry Spear
Morale 2
Melee Attack 3
Ranged Attack N/A
Defence 7
Charge Bonus 0
Accuracy N/A
Range N/A
Ammunition N/A
Region Global
Recruitment Cost 150
Upkeep Cost 100
Turns to Build 1
Unit Limit Unlimited
Building Requirements Barracks
Technology Requirements None
Attributes • Can sap

Roman town watch unit card.png Town watch are the second Rome: Total War Pre-Marian infantry recruited by the Romans.


The town watch are local workers and peasants given enough training to defend their homes and keep order in the streets. They are no substitute for fully trained Roman legionaries, but then they are not expected to be more than a citizen militia with an interest in keeping the peace (and possibly they might have some fire fighting duties). They do not have much equipment, as the most they are expected to do is stand behind their spears and shields, and then hold position when charged. By and large, this they manage to do.


The town watch in battle are essentially an emergency brigade and tend to only be in battle if there is great need for it. They are generally considered a garrison troop, soldiers to put in cities for city public order while better fighting units originally meant to be there are at the front lines of battle. Town watch tend to be the filler garrison unit when every denarii must be put into the war machine. This is usually done because although the town watch cannot win against most other units, they are relatively inexpensive and easy to produce.

Despite being a spear unit, the town watch actually do not have a cavalry attack bonus.


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