Since the directions for creating a new page are unclear, I'll be doing my assassin research here.
The assassin stats can be found in the descr_campaign_db.xml file
<assassinate_base_chance float="15"/>
- This is the base percentage that a default assassin starts off with
<assassinate_attack_modifier float="1.0"/>
- Your assassin's agent skill (eyes) is added to this number and then the new number is multiplied to the base percentage
<assassinate_defence_modifier float="0.0"/>
- Might have something to do with defense vs attacks from other assassins
<assassinate_public_modifier float="1.0"/>
- Might have something to do with public security traits
<assassinate_personal_modifier float="1.0"/>
- Personal security traits (from failed assassination attempts for example) are added to this number and then multiplied to the result of the previous statements.
<assassinate_counter_spy_modifier float="1.0"/>
- A default division value that is applied to all calculations
divided affects captain&generals
<assassinate_agent_modifier float="2.0"/>
- A default multiplication value that is applied to all targets that are agents
<assassinate_own_region_modifier float="0.7"/>
- This value is a multiplier to assassinating targets to regions in your own lands
<assassinate_assassinate_attr_modifier float="0.1"/>
- If your assassin has these traits it is added to the number then multiplied
Prototype Handgun: +1 assassination, +2 law. 33% upon agent creation if there is a gunsmith or higher in the city. Child Apprentice: +1 assassination. 5% chance on killing a target. This one is ridiculously easy to get for some reason. Assassin's Blade: +1 assassination. 3% chance on killing a target. Also rather easy to pick up.
<assassinate_chance_min int="5"/>
- Minimum percentage of assassination chance
<assassinate_chance_max int="95"/>
- Maximum percentage of assassination chance
float attribute = numbers may be in decimal form
int attribute = numbers must be integers
Results that are expressed as decimals are not rounded, thus a result of 10.7% = 10% ingame.
These are pretty self explanatory
Trigger agents6
WhenToTest AssassinationMission
Condition MissionSucceeded
Affects GoodAssassin 1 Chance 100
- ------------------------------------------
Trigger agents7
WhenToTest AssassinationMission
Condition not MissionSucceeded and not Trait BadAssassin >= 1
Affects GoodAssassin -1 Chance 50
- ------------------------------------------
Trigger agents7_badassassin
WhenToTest AssassinationMission
Condition not MissionSucceeded and AgentType = assassin and Trait GoodAssassin < 1
Affects BadAssassin 1 Chance 50
- ------------------------------------------
Trigger agents8
WhenToTest LeaderOrderedAssassination
Condition MissionSucceeded
Affects AssassinMaster 1 Chance 100 Affects DeceiverVirtue 1 Chance 5 Affects StrategyDread 1 Chance 50
- ------------------------------------------
Trigger agents8a
WhenToTest LeaderOrderedAssassination
Condition not MissionSucceeded
Affects AssassinMaster 1 Chance 10 Affects DeceiverVirtue 1 Chance 10 Affects StrategyDread 1 Chance 25
- ------------------------------------------
Trigger agents9
WhenToTest SufferAssassinationAttempt
Affects Paranoia 1 Chance 33 Affects HighPersonalSecurity 1 Chance 75 Affects Gambling 1 Chance 15 Affects Girls 1 Chance 20 Affects Drink 1 Chance 20
- ------------------------------------------
Trigger agents10
WhenToTest SufferAssassinationAttempt
Condition Trait Paranoia >= 3
Affects Insane 1 Chance 30 Affects Deranged 1 Chance 10
- ------------------------------------------
Trigger agents11
WhenToTest SufferAssassinationAttempt
Affects Xenophobia 1 Chance 8 Affects Introvert 1 Chance 25
Much of this information comes from a forum posting I read by Dopp