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/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users on every page load. */ /* Script: [[User:TheDJ/Gadget-HotCat.js]] * HotCat: Adds an easy way to add, modify and remove categories * Documentation: [[User:TheDJ/HotCat]] * Originally written by: Magnus Manske * * This version was forked from * Major changes: * - blacklist code is disabled. * - all code for the uploadForm has been removed * - autocommit is disabled * - will be enabled on pages without categories so that you can easily add them * - uses javascript:void() as a dummy value for href in order to avoid a conflict with popups. * - checks for {{Uncategorized}} and removes it if a category is added * - does not use JSconfig for configuration options like its Commons original * - tries to detect other categories and if possible, add to the end of them. * - fixes a bug in the suggestion list with titles containing : character * - Uses opensearch API to look for categories. Allows for case insensitive search. * [[User:TheDJ]] 2008-03-12 <source lang="javascript"><nowiki> */ var hotcat_running = 0 ; var hotcat_last_v = "" ; var hotcat_exists_yes = "" ; var hotcat_exists_no = "" ; var hotcat_no_autocommit = 0; // In Commons hotcat_suggestion_delay is configurable trough JSconfig var hotcat_suggestion_delay = 100; var hotcat_old_onsubmit = null; var hotcat_nosuggestions = false; // hotcat_nosuggestions is set to true if we don't have XMLHttp! (On IE6, XMLHttp uses // ActiveX, and the user may deny execution.) If true, no suggestions will ever be // displayed, and there won't be any checking whether the category exists. // Lupo, 2008-01-20 var hotcat_modify_blacklist = new Array ( "" ) ; addOnloadHook ( hotcat ) ; function hotcat () { if ( hotcat_check_action() ) return ; // Edited page, reloading anyway // Do not add interface to protected pages, if user has no edit permission // Also disable it on preview pages: on a preview, we *are* already editing, // and HotCat must not open the page for editing a second time. Lupo, 2008-02-27 if( wgAction != "view" || document.getElementById('ca-viewsource' ) != null || wgNamespaceNumber == -1 || wgNamespaceNumber == 10 ) return; // If we have no Categories div, then add one // TheDJ, 2008-02-28 var visible_catlinks = document.getElementById ('mw-normal-catlinks') || getElementsByClassName ( document , "p" , "catlinks" ) [0]; var hidden_catlinks = document.getElementById ('mw-hidden-catlinks'); if ( visible_catlinks == null || typeof( visible_catlinks ) == 'undefined' ) { d3 = document.createElement ( "div" ); = "mw-normal-catlinks"; d3.innerHTML = '<a href="/wiki/Special:Categories" title="Special:Categories">Categories</a>: '; visible_catlinks = d3; if ( hidden_catlinks ) { // There are hidden categories. hidden_catlinks.parentNode.insertBefore( d3, hidden_catlinks ); hidden_catlinks.parentNode.className = "catlinks"; } else { // This page has no categories at all, lets create a section where we can add them. var footer = getElementsByClassName ( document , "div" , "printfooter" ) [0]; if( !footer ) return; // We have no idea where we should add this. d1 = document.createElement ( "div" ); = "catlinks"; d1.className = "catlinks"; d1.appendChild ( d3 ); footer.parentNode.insertBefore( d1, footer.nextSibling ); } } hotcat_modify_existing ( visible_catlinks ) ; hotcat_append_add_span ( visible_catlinks ) ; } function hotcat_append_add_span ( catline ) { var span_add = document.createElement ( "span" ) ; var span_sep = document.createTextNode ( " | " ) ; if ( catline.getElementsByTagName("span")[0] ) catline.appendChild ( span_sep ) ; catline.appendChild ( span_add ) ; hotcat_create_span ( span_add ) ; } String.prototype.ucFirst = function () { return this.substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + this.substr(1,this.length); } function hotcat_is_on_blacklist ( cat_title ) { if ( !cat_title ) return 0 ; cat_title = cat_title.ucFirst.replace( /Category:/gi, "" ); for ( var i = 0 ; i < hotcat_modify_blacklist.length ; i++ ) { if ( cat_title.substr ( 0 , hotcat_modify_blacklist[i].length ) == hotcat_modify_blacklist[i] ) return 1 ; } return 0 ; } function hotcat_modify_span ( span , i ) { //var cat_title = span.firstChild.getAttribute ( "title" ) ; // This fails with MW 1.13alpha if the category is a redlink, because MW 1.13alpha appends // [[MediaWiki:Red-link-title]] to the category name... it also fails if the category name // contains "&" (because that is represented by & in the XHTML both in the title and in // the link's content (innerHTML). Extract the category name from the href instead: var cat_title = null; var classes = span.firstChild.getAttribute ('class'); if (classes && (/\bnew\b/) >= 0) { // href="/w/index.php?title=...&action=edit" cat_title = hotcatGetParamValue ('title', span.firstChild.href); } else { // href="/wiki/..." var re = new RegExp (wgArticlePath.replace (/\$1/, '(.*)')); var matches = re.exec (span.firstChild.href); if (matches && matches.length > 1) cat_title = decodeURIComponent (matches[1]); else return; } // Strip namespace, replace _ by blank cat_title = cat_title.substring (cat_title.indexOf (':') + 1).replace (/_/g, ' '); var sep1 = document.createTextNode ( " " ) ; var a1 = document.createTextNode ( "(-)" ) ; var remove_link = document.createElement ( "a" ) ; // Set the href to a dummy value to make sure we don't move if somehow the onclick handler // is bypassed. remove_link.className = "noprint"; remove_link.href = "#catlinks"; remove_link.onclick = hotcat_remove; remove_link.appendChild ( a1 ) ; span.appendChild ( sep1 ) ; span.appendChild ( remove_link ) ; // Disabled blacklist check TheDJ, 2008-02-28 // if ( hotcat_is_on_blacklist ( cat_title ) ) return ; var mod_id = "hotcat_modify_" + i ; var sep2 = document.createTextNode ( " " ) ; var a2 = document.createTextNode ( "(±)" ) ; var modify_link = document.createElement ( "a" ) ; = mod_id ; modify_link.className = "noprint"; modify_link.href = "javascript:hotcat_modify(\"" + mod_id + "\");" ; modify_link.appendChild ( a2 ) ; span.appendChild ( sep2 ) ; span.appendChild ( modify_link ) ; span.hotcat_name = cat_title; //Store the extracted category name in our own new property of the span DOM node } function hotcat_modify_existing ( catline ) { var spans = catline.getElementsByTagName ( "span" ) ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < spans.length ; i++ ) { hotcat_modify_span ( spans[i] , i ) ; } } function hotcat_getEvt (evt) { return evt || window.event || window.Event; // Gecko, IE, Netscape } function hotcat_evt2node (evt) { var node = null; try { var e = hotcat_getEvt (evt); node =; if (!node) node = e.srcElement; } catch (ex) { node = null; } return node; } function hotcat_evtkeys (evt) { var code = 0; try { var e = hotcat_getEvt (evt); if (typeof(e.ctrlKey) != 'undefined') { // All modern browsers if (e.ctrlKey) code |= 1; if (e.shiftKey) code |= 2; if (e.altKey) code |= 4; } else if (typeof (e.modifiers) != 'undefined') { // Netscape... if (e.modifiers & Event.CONTROL_MASK) code |= 1; if (e.modifiers & Event.SHIFT_MASK) code |= 2; if (e.modifiers & Event.ALT_MASK) code |= 4; } } catch (ex) { } return code; } function hotcat_killEvt (evt) { try { var e = hotcat_getEvt (evt); if (typeof (e.preventDefault) != 'undefined') { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation() } else e.cancelBubble = true; } catch (ex) { } } function hotcat_remove (evt) { var node = hotcat_evt2node (evt); if (!node) return false; // Get the category name from the original link to the category var cat_title = node.parentNode.hotcat_name; var editlk = document.getElementById('ca-edit').getElementsByTagName('a')[0].href; if ((hotcat_evtkeys (evt) & 1) || (hotcat_evtkeys (evt) & 4 )) // CTRL or ALT pressed? editlk = editlk + '&hotcat_nocommit=1'; hotcat_killEvt (evt); document.location = editlk + '&hotcat_removecat=' + encodeURIComponent(cat_title) ; return false; } function hotcatGetParamValue(paramName, h) { if (typeof h == 'undefined' ) { h = document.location.href; } var cmdRe=RegExp('[&?]'+paramName+'=([^&]*)'); var m=cmdRe.exec(h); if (m) { try { return decodeURIComponent(m[1]); } catch (someError) {} } return null; } // New. Code by Lupo & Superm401, added by Lupo, 2008-02-2007 function hotcat_find_category (wikitext, category) { var cat_name = category.replace(/([\\\^\$\.\?\*\+\(\)])/g, "\\$1"); var initial = cat_name.substr (0, 1); var cat_regex = new RegExp ("\\[\\[\\s*[Cc]ategory\\s*:\\s*" + (initial == "\\" ? initial : "[" + initial.toUpperCase() + initial.toLowerCase() + "]") + cat_name.substring (1).replace (/[ _]/g, "[ _]") + "\\s*(\\|.*?)?\\]\\]", "g" ); var result = new Array (); var curr_match = null; while ((curr_match = cat_regex.exec (wikitext)) != null) { result [result.length] = {match : curr_match}; } return result; // An array containing all matches, with positions, in result[i].match } // New. Code by TheDJ, 2008-03-12 function hotcat_find_ins ( wikitext ) { var re = /\[\[(?:Category):[^\]]+\]\]/ig var index = -1; while( re.exec(wikitext) != null ) index = re.lastIndex; if( index > -1) return index; //we should try to find interwiki links here, but that's for later. return -1; } // Rewritten (nearly) from scratch. Lupo, 2008-02-27 function hotcat_check_action () { var ret = 0; if (wgAction != 'edit' || typeof(document.editform) == "undefined" ) return ret; // Not an edit page, so not our business... var summary = new Array () ; var t = document.editform.wpTextbox1.value ; var prevent_autocommit = 0; if ( (typeof (hotcat_no_autocommit) != "undefined" && hotcat_no_autocommit) || hotcatGetParamValue ('hotcat_nocommit') == '1') prevent_autocommit = 1; var cat_rm = hotcatGetParamValue ('hotcat_removecat'); var cat_add = hotcatGetParamValue ('hotcat_newcat'); var comment = hotcatGetParamValue ('hotcat_comment') || ""; var cat_key = null; if (cat_rm != null && cat_rm.length > 0) { var matches = hotcat_find_category (t, cat_rm); if (!matches || matches.length == 0) { alert ('Category "' + cat_rm + '" not found; maybe it is in a template?'); prevent_autocommit = 1; } else if (matches.length > 1) { alert ('Category "' + cat_rm + "\" found several times; don't know which occurrence to remove."); prevent_autocommit = 1; } else { if (cat_add != null && cat_add.length > 0 && matches[0].match.length > 1) cat_key = matches[0].match[1]; // Remember the category key, if any. var t1 = t.substring (0, matches[0].match.index); var t2 = t.substring (matches[0].match.index + matches[0].match[0].length); // Remove whitespace (properly): strip whitespace, but only up to the next line feed. // If we then have two linefeeds in a row, remove one. Otherwise, if we have two non- // whitespace characters, insert a blank. var i = t1.length - 1; while (i >= 0 && t1.charAt (i) != '\n' && t1.substr (i, 1).search (/\s/) >= 0) i--; var j = 0; while (j < t2.length && t2.charAt (j) != '\n' && t1.substr (j, 1).search (/\s/) >= 0) j++; if (i >= 0 && t1.charAt (i) == '\n' && j < t2.length && t2.charAt (j) == '\n') i--; if (i >= 0) t1 = t1.substring (0, i+1); else t1 = ""; if (j < t2.length) t2 = t2.substring (j); else t2 = ""; if (t1.length > 0 && t1.substring (t1.length - 1).search (/\S/) >= 0 && t2.length > 0 && t2.substr (0, 1).search (/\S/) >= 0) t1 = t1 + ' '; t = t1 + t2; summary.push ( "Removed category \"" + cat_rm + "\"" ) ; ret = 1; } } if (cat_add != null && cat_add.length > 0) { var matches = hotcat_find_category (t, cat_add); if (matches && matches.length > 0) { alert ('Category "' + cat_add + '" already exists; not added.'); prevent_autocommit = 1; } else { var insertionpoint = hotcat_find_ins( t ); var newcatstring = '\n\[\[Category:' + cat_add + (cat_key != null ? cat_key : "") + '\]\]'; if( insertionpoint > -1 ) { t = t.substring(0, insertionpoint ) + newcatstring + t.substring( insertionpoint ); } else { t = t + newcatstring; } summary.push ( "Quick-adding category \"" + cat_add + "\"" + comment) ; var t2 = t.replace(/\{\{[Uu]ncategorized[^}]*\}\}/g, ""); // Remove "uncategorized" template if (t2.length != t.length) { t = t2; summary.push ( "removed {{uncategorized}}" ) ; } ret = 1; } } if (ret) { document.editform.wpTextbox1.value = t ; document.editform.wpSummary.value = summary.join( "; " ) + " (using [[TWC Wiki:HotCat|HotCat]])" ; document.editform.wpMinoredit.checked = true ; if (!prevent_autocommit) { // Hide the entire edit section so as not to tempt the user into editing... var bodyContentId = document.getElementById("bodyContent") || document.getElementById("mw_contentholder"); = "none"; document.editform.submit(); } } return ret; } function hotcat_clear_span ( span_add ) { while ( span_add.firstChild ) span_add.removeChild ( span_add.firstChild ) ; } function hotcat_create_span ( span_add ) { hotcat_clear_span ( span_add ) ; var a_add = document.createElement ( "a" ) ; var a_text = document.createTextNode ( "(+)" ) ; = "hotcat_add" ; a_add.className = "noprint"; a_add.href = "javascript:hotcat_add_new()" ; a_add.appendChild ( a_text ) ; span_add.appendChild ( a_add ) ; } function hotcat_modify ( link_id ) { var link = document.getElementById ( link_id ) ; var span = link.parentNode ; var catname = span.hotcat_name; while ( span.firstChild.nextSibling ) span.removeChild ( span.firstChild.nextSibling ) ; = "none" ; hotcat_create_new_span ( span , catname ) ; hotcat_last_v = "" ; hotcat_text_changed () ; // Update icon } function hotcat_add_new () { var span_add = document.getElementById ( "hotcat_add" ) ; hotcat_clear_span ( span_add ) ; hotcat_last_v = "" ; hotcat_create_new_span ( span_add , "" ) ; } function hotcat_create_new_span ( thespan , init_text ) { var form = document.createElement ( "form" ) ; form.method = "post" ; form.onsubmit = function () { hotcat_ok(); return false; } ; = "hotcat_form" ; = "inline" ; var list = null; if (!hotcat_nosuggestions) { // Only do this if we may actually use XMLHttp... list = document.createElement ( "select" ) ; = "hotcat_list" ; list.onclick = function () { var l = document.getElementById("hotcat_list"); if (l != null) document.getElementById("hotcat_text").value = l.options[l.selectedIndex].text; hotcat_text_changed(); }; list.ondblclick = function (evt) { var l = document.getElementById("hotcat_list"); if (l != null) document.getElementById("hotcat_text").value = l.options[l.selectedIndex].text; // Don't call text_changed here if on upload form: hotcat_ok will remove the list // anyway, so we must not ask for new suggestions since show_suggestions might // raise an exception if it tried to show a no longer existing list. // Lupo, 2008-01-20 hotcat_text_changed(); hotcat_ok((hotcat_evtkeys (evt) & 1) || (hotcat_evtkeys (evt) & 4)); // CTRL or ALT pressed? }; = "none" ; } var text = document.createElement ( "input" ) ; text.size = 40 ; = "hotcat_text" ; text.type = "text" ; text.value = init_text ; text.onkeyup = function () { window.setTimeout("hotcat_text_changed();", hotcat_suggestion_delay ); } ; var exists = null; if (!hotcat_nosuggestions) { exists = document.createElement ( "img" ) ; = "hotcat_exists" ; exists.src = hotcat_exists_no ; } var OK = document.createElement ( "input" ) ; OK.type = "button" ; OK.value = "OK" ; OK.onclick = function (evt) { hotcat_ok ((hotcat_evtkeys (evt) & 1) || (hotcat_evtkeys (evt) & 4)); }; // CTRL or ALT pressed? var cancel = document.createElement ( "input" ) ; cancel.type = "button" ; cancel.value = "Cancel" ; cancel.onclick = hotcat_cancel ; if (list != null) form.appendChild ( list ) ; form.appendChild ( text ) ; if (exists != null) form.appendChild ( exists ) ; form.appendChild ( OK ) ; form.appendChild ( cancel ) ; thespan.appendChild ( form ) ; text.focus () ; } function hotcat_ok (nocommit) { var text = document.getElementById ( "hotcat_text" ) ; var v = text.value || ""; v = v.replace(/_/g, ' ').replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, ''); // Trim leading and trailing blanks // Empty category ? if (!v) { hotcat_cancel() ; return ; } // Get the links and the categories of the chosen category page var url = wgServer + wgScriptPath + '/api.php?action=query&titles=' + encodeURIComponent ('Category:' + v) + '&prop=info|links|categories&plnamespace=14&format=json&callback=hotcat_json_resolve'; var request = sajax_init_object() ; if (request == null) { //Oops! We don't have XMLHttp... hotcat_nosuggestions = true; hotcat_closeform (nocommit); hotcat_running = 0; return; } ('GET', url, true); request.onreadystatechange = function () { if (request.readyState != 4) return; if (request.status != 200) { hotcat_closeform (nocommit); } else { var do_submit = eval (request.responseText); var txt = document.getElementById ('hotcat_text'); if (do_submit) { hotcat_closeform ( nocommit ,(txt && txt.value != v) ? " (redirect \[\[:Category:" + v + "|" + v + "\]\] resolved)" : null ); } } }; request.setRequestHeader ('Pragma', 'cache=yes'); request.setRequestHeader ('Cache-Control', 'no-transform'); request.send (null); } function hotcat_json_resolve (params) { function resolve (page) { var cats = page.categories; var is_dab = false; var is_redir = typeof (page.redirect) == 'string'; // Hard redirect? if (!is_redir && cats) { for (var c = 0; c < cats.length; c++) { var cat = cats[c]["title"]; if (cat) cat = cat.substring (cat.indexOf (':') + 1); // Strip namespace prefix if (cat == 'Disambiguation') { is_dab = true; break; } else if (cat == 'Category_redirects' || cat == 'Category redirects') { is_redir = true; break; } } } if (!is_redir && !is_dab) return true; var lks = page.links; var titles = new Array (); for (i = 0; i < lks.length; i++) { if ( lks[i]["ns"] == 14 // Category namespace && lks[i]["title"] && lks[i]["title"].length > 0) { // Name not empty // Internal link to existing thingy. Extract the page name. var match = lks[i]["title"]; // Remove the category prefix match = match.substring (match.indexOf (':') + 1); titles.push (match); if (is_redir) break; } } if (titles.length > 1) { // Disambiguation page hotcat_show_suggestions (titles); return false; } else if (titles.length == 1) { var text = document.getElementById ("hotcat_text"); if (text) text.value = titles[0]; } return true; } // end local function resolve // We should have at most one page here for (var page in params.query.pages) return resolve (params.query.pages[page]); return true; // In case we have none. } function hotcat_closeform (nocommit, comment) { var text = document.getElementById ( "hotcat_text" ) ; var v = text.value || ""; v = v.replace(/_/g, ' ').replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, ''); // Trim leading and trailing blanks if (!v // Empty || wgNamespaceNumber == 14 && v == wgTitle // Self-reference || != 'hotcat_add' // Modifying, but && text.parentNode.parentNode.hotcat_name == v) // name unchanged { hotcat_cancel (); return; } var editlk = document.getElementById('ca-edit').getElementsByTagName('a')[0].href; var url = editlk + '&hotcat_newcat=' + encodeURIComponent( v ) ; // Editing existing? var span = text.parentNode.parentNode ; // span.form.text if ( != "hotcat_add" ) { // Not plain "addition" url += '&hotcat_removecat=' + encodeURIComponent (span.hotcat_name); } if (nocommit) url = url + '&hotcat_nocommit=1'; if (comment) url = url + '&hotcat_comment=' + encodeURIComponent (comment); // Make the list disappear: var list = document.getElementById ( "hotcat_list" ) ; if (list) = 'none'; document.location = url ; } function hotcat_just_add ( text ) { var span = document.getElementById("hotcat_form") ; while ( span.tagName != "SPAN" ) span = span.parentNode ; var add = 0 ; if ( == "hotcat_add" ) add = 1 ; = "" ; while ( span.firstChild ) span.removeChild ( span.firstChild ) ; var na = document.createElement ( "a" ) ; na.href = wgArticlePath.split("$1").join("Category:" + encodeURI (text)) ; na.appendChild ( document.createTextNode ( text ) ) ; na.setAttribute ( "title" , "Category:" + text ) ; span.appendChild ( na ) ; var catline = getElementsByClassName ( document , "p" , "catlinks" ) [0] ; if ( add ) hotcat_append_add_span ( catline ) ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < span.parentNode.childNodes.length ; i++ ) { if ( span.parentNode.childNodes[i] != span ) continue ; hotcat_modify_span ( span , i ) ; break ; } } function hotcat_cancel () { var span = document.getElementById("hotcat_form").parentNode ; if ( == "hotcat_add" ) { hotcat_create_span ( span ) ; } else { while ( span.firstChild.nextSibling ) span.removeChild ( span.firstChild.nextSibling ) ; = "" ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < span.parentNode.childNodes.length ; i++ ) { if ( span.parentNode.childNodes[i] != span ) continue ; hotcat_modify_span ( span , i ) ; break ; } } } function hotcat_text_changed () { if ( hotcat_running ) return ; var text = document.getElementById ( "hotcat_text" ) ; var v = text.value.ucFirst() ; if ( hotcat_last_v == v ) return ; // Nothing's changed... if (hotcat_nosuggestions) { // On IE, XMLHttp uses ActiveX, and the user may deny execution... just make sure // the list is not displayed. var list = document.getElementById ('hotcat_list'); if (list != null) = "none" ; var exists = document.getElementById ('hotcat_exists'); if (exists != null) = "none" ; return; } hotcat_running = 1 ; hotcat_last_v = v ; if ( v != "" ) { var url = wgMWSuggestTemplate.replace("{namespaces}","14") .replace("{dbname}",wgDBname) .replace("{searchTerms}",encodeURIComponent(v)); var request = sajax_init_object() ; if (request == null) { //Oops! We don't have XMLHttp... hotcat_nosuggestions = true; var list = document.getElementById ('hotcat_list'); if (list != null) = "none" ; var exists = document.getElementById ('hotcat_exists'); if (exists != null) = "none" ; hotcat_running = 0; return; }'GET', url, true); request.onreadystatechange = function () { if (request.readyState == 4) { try { eval( "var queryResult="+ request.responseText ); } catch (someError ) { if( console && console.log ) console.log( "Oh dear, our JSON query went down the drain?\nError: " +someError ); return; } var pages = queryResult[1]; // results are *with* namespace here var titles = new Array(); for ( var i = 0 ; pages && i < pages.length ; i++ ) { // Remove the namespace. No hardcoding of 'Category:', please, other Wikis may have // local names ("Kategorie:" on de-WP, for instance). Also don't break on category // names containing a colon var s = pages[i].substring (pages[i].indexOf (':') + 1); if ( s.substr ( 0 , hotcat_last_v.length ).toLowerCase() != hotcat_last_v.toLowerCase() ) break ; titles.push ( s ) ; } hotcat_show_suggestions ( titles ) ; } }; request.setRequestHeader ('Pragma', 'cache=yes'); request.setRequestHeader ('Cache-Control', 'no-transform'); request.send(null); } else { hotcat_show_suggestions ( new Array () ) ; } hotcat_running = 0 ; } function hotcat_show_suggestions ( titles ) { var text = document.getElementById ( "hotcat_text" ) ; var list = document.getElementById ( "hotcat_list" ) ; var icon = document.getElementById ( "hotcat_exists" ) ; // Somehow, after a double click on the selection list, we still get here in IE, but // the list may no longer exist... Lupo, 2008-01-20 if (list == null) return; if (hotcat_nosuggestions) { = "none" ; if (icon != null) = "none"; return; } if ( titles.length == 0 ) { = "none" ; icon.src = hotcat_exists_no ; return ; } // Set list size to minimum of 5 and actual number of titles. Formerly was just 5. // Lupo, 2008-01-20 list.size = (titles.length > 5 ? 5 : titles.length) ; // Avoid list height 1: double-click doesn't work in FF. Lupo, 2008-02-27 if (list.size == 1) list.size = 2; = "left" ; = 5 ; = "absolute" ; // Was listh = titles.length * 20: that makes no sense if titles.length > list.size // Lupo, 2008-01-20 var listh = list.size * 20; var nl = parseInt (text.offsetLeft) - 1 ; var nt = parseInt (text.offsetTop) - listh ; = nt + "px" ; = text.offsetWidth + "px" ; = listh + "px" ; = nl + "px" ; while ( list.firstChild ) list.removeChild ( list.firstChild ) ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < titles.length ; i++ ) { var opt = document.createElement ( "option" ) ; var ot = document.createTextNode ( titles[i] ) ; opt.appendChild ( ot ) ; //opt.value = titles[i] ; list.appendChild ( opt ) ; } icon.src = hotcat_exists_yes ; var nof_titles = titles.lenght; var first_title = titles.shift (); var v = text.value.ucFirst(); text.focus(); if ( first_title == v ) { if( nof_titles == 1 ) { // Only one result, and it's the same as whatever is in the input box: makes no sense // to show the list. = "none"; } return; } = "block" ; // Put the first entry of the title list into the text field, and select the // new suffix such that it'll be overwritten if the user keeps typing. // ONLY do this if we have a way to select parts of the content of a text // field, otherwise, this is very annoying for the user. Note: IE does it // again differently from the two versions previously implemented. // Lupo, 2008-01-20 // Only put first entry into the list if the user hasn't typed something // conflicting yet Dschwen 2008-02-18 if ( ( text.setSelectionRange || text.createTextRange || typeof (text.selectionStart) != 'undefined' && typeof (text.selectionEnd) != 'undefined' ) && v == first_title.substr(0,v.length) ) { // taking hotcat_last_v was a major annoyance, // since it constantly killed text that was typed in // _since_ the last AJAX request was fired! Dschwen 2008-02-18 var nosel = v.length ; text.value = first_title ; if (text.setSelectionRange) // e.g. khtml text.setSelectionRange (nosel, first_title.length); else if (text.createTextRange) { // IE var new_selection = text.createTextRange(); new_selection.move ("character", nosel); new_selection.moveEnd ("character", first_title.length - nosel);; } else { text.selectionStart = nosel; text.selectionEnd = first_title.length; } } } /* </nowiki></source> */ //<pre> //Version: 3.1 //============================================================ // en: ADD SOME EXTRA BUTTONS TO THE EDITPANEL // de: FÜGE NEUE BUTTON IN DIE WERKZEUGLEISTE //============================================================ // Vorschläge für neue Buttons werden gerne entgegengenommen // Die Reihenfolge und Anzahl der Buttons ist über die (alphabetische) Variable XEBOrder wählbar. //================================ //Control Variables // //rmEditButtons - Removes standard toolbar buttons //XEBOrder - The order in which the buttons are displayed document.write('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' + '' + '&action=raw&ctype=text/css&dontcountme=s">'); if(typeof XEBPopups== 'undefined')XEBPopups=true; if(typeof XEBHideDelay== 'undefined')XEBHideDelay=0.5; //Time before the popup disappears after the mouse moves out if(typeof XEBExtendEditSummary == 'undefined')XEBExtendEditSummary=true; // Is the edit summary extended after a popup //fills the variable mwCustomEditButtons (s. function in /wikibits.js), with buttons for the Toolbar function addCustomButton(imageFile, speedTip, tagOpen, tagClose, sampleText){ mwCustomEditButtons.push({ "imageFile": imageFile, "speedTip": speedTip, "tagOpen": tagOpen, "tagClose": tagClose, "sampleText": sampleText}); } if (typeof usersignature == 'undefined') var usersignature = '-- \~\~\~\~'; var Isrc=''; // English Wikipedia creates 11 extra buttons which are stored in mwCustomEditButtons // rather than mwEditButtons. However, there is no guarantee it will always be 11 // so we count them here. var enExtraButtons=mwCustomEditButtons.length; var BDict={ 'A':['e/e9/Button_headline2.png','Secondary headline','\n===','===','Secondary headline'], 'B':['1/13/Button_enter.png','Line break','<br />','',''], 'C':['5/5f/Button_center.png','Center','<div style="text-align: center;">\n','\n<\/div>','Centred text'], 'D':['e/ea/Button_align_left.png','Left-Align','<div style="text-align: left; direction: ltr; margin-left: 1em;">\n','\n<\/div>','Left-aligned text'], 'D1':['a/a5/Button_align_right.png','Right-Align','<div style="text-align: right; direction: ltr; margin-left: 1em;">\n','\n<\/div>','Right-aligned text'], 'E':['0/04/Button_array.png','Table','\n{| class="wikitable" \n|- \n| 1 || 2\n|- \n| 3 || 4','\n|}\n',''], 'F':['1/1e/Button_font_color.png','Insert coloured text','<span style="color: ','">Coloured text<\/span>','ColourName'], 'FS':['1/1b/Button_miss_signature.png','Unsigned post','{{subst:unsigned|','|date}}','user name or IP'], 'G':['9/9e/Btn_toolbar_gallery.png','Picture gallery',"\n<gallery>\nImage:","|[[M63]]\nImage:Mona Lisa.jpg|[[Mona Lisa]]\nImage:Truite arc-en-ciel.jpg|Eine [[Forelle ]]\n<\/gallery>",'M63.jpg'], 'H':['7/74/Button_comment.png','Comment',"<!--","-->",'Comment'], 'I1':['6/6a/Button_sup_letter.png','Superscript','<sup>','<\/sup>','Superscript text'], 'I2':['a/aa/Button_sub_letter.png','Subscript','<sub>','<\/sub>','Subscript text'], 'J1':['5/58/Button_small.png','Small','<small>','<\/small>','Small Text'], 'J2':['5/56/Button_big.png','Big text','<big>','<\/big>','Big text'], 'K':['b/b4/Button_category03.png','Category',"[[Category:","]]",'Category name'], 'L':['8/8e/Button_shifting.png','Insert tab(s)',':','',':'], 'M':['f/fd/Button_blockquote.png','Insert block of quoted text','<blockquote style="border: 1px solid blue; padding: 2em;">\n','\n<\/blockquote>','Block quote'], 'N':['4/4b/Button_nbsp.png','nonbreaking space',' ','',''], 'O':['2/23/Button_code.png','Insert code','<code>','<\/code>','Code'], 'P':['3/3c/Button_pre.png','Pre formatted Text','<pre>','<\/pre>','Pre formatted text'], 'P1':['9/93/Button_sub_link.png','Insert link to sub-page','[[','/Sub_Page]]','Page'], 'Q':['d/d3/Button_definition_list.png','Insert definition list','\n; ','\n: Item 1\n: Item 2','Definition'], 'R':['7/79/Button_reflink.png','Insert a reference','<ref>','<\/ref>','Insert reference material'], 'R1':['7/79/Button_reflink.png','Start a reference','<ref name="','','Reference name'], 'R2':['9/99/Button_reflink_advanced_2.png','Insert reference material','">','</ref>','Reference material'], 'R3':['1/1a/Button_reflink_advanced_3.png','No reference material','','"/>',''], 'R4':['9/9a/Button_references.png','Reference footer',"\n==Notes==\n<!--See for an explanation of how to generate footnotes using the <ref(erences/)> tags-->\n<div class=\'references-small\'>\n<references/>\n</div>",'',''], 'S':['c/c9/Button_strike.png','Strikeout','<s>','<\/s>','Struck out text'], 'T':['e/eb/Button_plantilla.png','Template','{{','}}','Template name'], 'TS':['a/a4/TableStart.png','Start a table','{|','',''], 'TC':['7/71/TableCell.png','Table cell','|','',''], 'TE':['0/06/TableEnd.png','End a table','','|}',''], 'TR':['4/4c/TableRow.png','Start a table row','|-','',''], 'T1':['3/30/Tt_icon.png','Teletype text','<tt>','<\/tt>','Teletype Text'], 'TL':['3/37/Button_tl_template.png','Template link',"{{subst:"+"tl|",'}}','Template name'], 'U':['f/fd/Button_underline.png','Underlined',"<u>","<\/u>",'Underlined text'], 'V':['c/c8/Button_redirect.png','Redirect',"#REDIRECT [[","]]",'Article Name'], 'W':['8/88/Btn_toolbar_enum.png','Numbering',"\n# ","\n# Element 2\n# Element 3",'Element 1'], 'X':['1/11/Btn_toolbar_liste.png','List',"\n* ","\n* Element B\n* Element C",'Element A'], 'Y1':['c/ce/Button_no_include.png','No Include',"<noinclude>","<\/noinclude>",'Text'], 'Y2':['7/79/Button_include.png','Include only',"<includeonly>","<\/includeonly>",'Text'], 'Z':['3/35/Button_substitute.png','Substitute',"{{subst:","}}",'Template'], 'AI':['1/1c/Button_advanced_image.png','Advanaced Image',"[[Image:","|thumb|right|px|Caption]]",'FileName.jpg'], 'GEO':['b/b8/Button_Globe.png','Geo location',"","",""], 'TALK':['4/49/Button_talk.png','Add talk template',"","",""] }; var XEBOrder2=[]; addOnloadHook(initButtons); if(!wgIsArticle)// only if edit { if(XEBPopups)hookEvent("load", extendButtons); } function initButtons(){ var bc,d; if (typeof XEBOrder!='string') // can be modified XEBOrder2="A,D,C,D1,F,U,J1,E,G,Q,W,X,K,L,H,O,R,T".split(","); else if (XEBOrder.toLowerCase()=='all') for (b in BDict) XEBOrder2.push(b); else XEBOrder2=XEBOrder.toUpperCase().split(","); for (b in BDict) BDict[b][0] = Isrc+BDict[b][0]; // // Add the start of the URL (Isrc) to the XEB buttons // If the user has defined any buttons then add them into the available button lists if (typeof myButtons=='object') for (b in myButtons) BDict[b] = myButtons[b]; // custom user buttons // Add the media wiki standard buttons into the available buttons for (b in mwEditButtons) { // add standard buttons for full XEB order changing // BDict[b]=[]; BDict[b]=[mwEditButtons[b].imageFile,mwEditButtons[b].speedTip,mwEditButtons[b].tagOpen,mwEditButtons[b].tagClose,mwEditButtons[b].sampleText]; // for (d in mwEditButtons[b]) BDict[b].push(mwEditButtons[b][d]); } // Build the new buttons for (i=0;i<XEBOrder2.length;i++) { bc = BDict[XEBOrder2[i]]; //Check if bc is an object // - protects if user specified a non-existant buttons // - IE causes a javascript error when viewing a page if(typeof bc=='object') { //Call addCustomButton in wikibits addCustomButton(bc[0],bc[1],bc[2],bc[3],bc[4]); } } // Remove the default buttons (if requested by the user) eraseButtons(); } /** en: Removes arbitrary standard buttons from the toolbar * @author: [[:de:User:Olliminatore]] * @version: 0.1 (01.10.2006) **/ function eraseButtons(){ //Remove the buttons the user doesn't want if(typeof rmEditButtons!='object') return; if (typeof rmEditButtons[0] == 'string' && rmEditButtons[0].toLowerCase() == 'all') { mwEditButtons=[]; for(i=0;i<enExtraButtons;i++){mwCustomEditButtons.shift();} } //Sort the user's requests so we remove the button with the highest index first //- This ensures we remove the buttons the user expects whatever order he requested the buttons in rmEditButtons.sort(sortit); //Remove individual buttons the user doesn't want for(i=0;i<rmEditButtons.length;i++){ var n=rmEditButtons[i]; //Standard Wikimedia buttons if(n>=0 && n<mwEditButtons.length){ if(n<mwEditButtons.length){ var x = -1; while((++x)<mwEditButtons.length) if(x>=n) mwEditButtons[x] = mwEditButtons[x+1]; } mwEditButtons.pop(); } //Extra buttons in English Wikipedia n=n-mwEditButtons.length; if(n>0 && n<mwCustomEditButtons.length){ if(n<mwCustomEditButtons.length){ var x = -1; while((++x)<mwCustomEditButtons.length) if(x>=n) mwCustomEditButtons[x] = mwCustomEditButtons[x+1]; } mwCustomEditButtons.pop(); } } }; //Function: // sortit //Purpose: // Used to sort the rmEditButtons array into descending order function sortit(a,b){ return(b-a) } //Function: //Purpose: // Adds extended onclick-function to some buttons function extendButtons(){ if(!(allEditButtons = document.getElementById('toolbar'))) return false; if(typeof editform != 'undefined') if(!(window.editform = document.forms['editform'])) return false; // table extendAButton(Isrc+"0/04/Button_array.png",XEBPopupTable) extendAButton(Isrc+"7/79/Button_reflink.png",XEBPopupRef) extendAButton(Isrc+"b/b8/Button_Globe.png",XEBPopupGeoLink) extendAButton(Isrc+"4/49/Button_talk.png",XEBPopupTalk) extendAButton(Isrc+"1/1c/Button_advanced_image.png",XEBPopupImage) //extendAButton(Isrc+"6/6a/Button_sup_letter.png",XEBPopupFormattedText) // redirect -##IE doesn't like this line. Object doesn't support this property or method //c=XEBOrder2.getIndex('V'); // if(c != -1) // allEditButtons[bu_len+c].onclick=function(){ // var a='#REDIRECT \[\['+prompt("Which page do you want to redirect to\?")+'\]\]'; // document.editform.elements['wpTextbox1'].value=a; // document.editform.elements['wpSummary'].value=a; // document.editform.elements['wpWatchthis'].checked=false // }; }; function extendAButton(url,newfunc) { if(!(allEditButtons = document.getElementById('toolbar'))) return false; if(typeof editform != 'undefined') if(!(window.editform = document.forms['editform'])) return false; allEditButtons = allEditButtons.getElementsByTagName('img'); for(i=0;i<allEditButtons.length;i++) { if(allEditButtons[i].src==url) { allEditButtons[i].onclick=newfunc; } } } //========================================================================================================== // General purpose popup code //========================================================================================================== function getXEBPopupDiv(name) { XEBMainDiv= document.getElementById("XEB"); if(XEBMainDiv==null){ XEBMainDiv=document.createElement("div"); document.body.appendChild(XEBMainDiv);"XEB"; } me= document.getElementById("XEBPopup" & name); if(!(me==null))return me; me=document.createElement("div"); XEBMainDiv.appendChild(me);"XEBPopup";'absolute'; me.display='none'; me.visibility='hidden'; me.onmouseout=CheckHideXEBPopup; me.onmouseover=cancelHidePopup; return me; } //Function: // CheckHideXEBPopup //Purpose: // Looks at the cursor position and if it has moved outside the popup it will close the popup //Called: // When the onMouseEvent is fired on the popup function CheckHideXEBPopup(e){ m= document.getElementById("XEBmnu"); if(is_gecko) { ph=m.offsetHeight; var x=e.clientX + window.scrollX; var y=e.clientY + window.scrollY;; s=window.getComputedStyle(m,""); ph=s.height; ph=Number(ph.substring(0,ph.length-2)); } else { var x=event.clientX+ document.documentElement.scrollLeft + document.body.scrollLeft; var y=event.clientY+ document.documentElement.scrollTop + document.body.scrollTop; ph=m.offsetHeight; } pl=curPopup.x; pt=curPopup.y;; pw=Number(pw.substring(0,pw.length-2)); if(x>(pl+2)&&x<(pl+pw-5)&&y>(pt+2)&&y<(pt+ph-5))return; curPopup.hideTimeout=setTimeout('hideXEBPopup()',XEBHideDelay*1000); } function cancelHidePopup() { clearTimeout(curPopup.hideTimeout) } function hideXEBPopup(){ XEBMainDiv= document.getElementById("XEB"); m= document.getElementById("XEBPopup"); XEBMainDiv.removeChild(m); } function XEBstartDrag(e) { m=new GetPos(e||event); curPopup.startDrag.mouse=m; curPopup.startDrag.floatpopup.y=parseInt(; curPopup.startDrag.floatpopup.x=parseInt(; curPopup.dragging=true; } function XEBstopDrag(e) { if(curPopup.dragging==false)return; curPopup.dragging=false; } function XEBDrag(e) { if(curPopup.dragging==false)return; m=new GetPos(e||event); x=parseInt(curPopup.startDrag.floatpopup.x+(m.x-curPopup.startDrag.mouse.x)); y=parseInt(curPopup.startDrag.floatpopup.y+(m.y-curPopup.startDrag.mouse.y));"px";"px"; curPopup.x=x; curPopup.y=y; } //============================================================================= // Popup: Table //============================================================================= function XEBPopup(name,x,y) { // Make sure the popup can appear on the screen this.IESelectedRange=XEBgetIESelectedRange(); winW=(is_gecko)?window.innerWidth:document.body.offsetWidth; if((winW-this.width)<x)x=(winW-this.width); this.div=getXEBPopupDiv(name);; this.div.display="inline"; this.div.visibility="visible"; + "px"; this.x=x; this.y=y;; this.startDrag=new Object; this.startDrag.floatpopup=new Object; } function setInnerHTML(text) { winW=(is_gecko)?window.innerWidth:document.body.offsetWidth; if((winW-this.width)<this.x)this.x=(winW-this.width); "px"; mt="<div id='XEBmnu' style='width:" + this.width + "px' >"; mt+='<div id="XEBmnuTitle" class="XEBPopupTitle" onmousedown="XEBstartDrag(event)" onmouseup="XEBstopDrag(event)" onmousemove="XEBDrag(event)">Title</div>' mt+=text; mt+="</div>"; this.div.innerHTML=mt; //Turn off autocomplete. If the mouse moves over the autocomplete popup then x,y in CheckHidePopup is relative to the // autocomplete popup and our popup is hidden var InTexts = this.div.getElementsByTagName('input'); for (var i = 0; i < InTexts.length; i++) { var theInput = InTexts[i]; if (theInput.type == 'text'){theInput.setAttribute('autocomplete','off');} } //Add rollover features to menu items. Doing it here means we don't have to do it for each menu x=XEBgetElementsByClassName(this.div,'XEBMnuItm','span'); for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { var theItm = x[i]; theItm.onmouseout=XEBMenuMouseOut; theItm.onmouseover=XEBMenuMouseOver; }'thin';'solid';'#D0D0D0'; } XEBPopup.prototype.width=250; XEBPopup.prototype.dragging=false; XEBPopup.prototype.setInnerHTML=setInnerHTML; var curPopup; function GetPos(e) { this.x=e.clientX-10+ document.documentElement.scrollLeft + document.body.scrollLeft; this.y=e.clientY-10+ document.documentElement.scrollTop + document.body.scrollTop; } function XEBPopupTable(e){ m=new GetPos(e||event); curPopup=new XEBPopup("table",m.x,m.y); mt='<p>Enter the table parameters below: <\/p>' +'<form name="XEBPopupTableForm">' +'Table caption: <input type="checkbox" name="inputCaption"><p\/>' +'Table alignment: center<input type="checkbox" name="inputAlign"><p\/>' +'Table headline: colored<input type="checkbox" name="inputHead"><p\/>' +'Number of rows: <input type="text" name="inputRow" value="3" size="2"><p\/>' +'Number of columns: <input type="text" name="inputCol" value="3" size="2"><p\/>' //+'Alternating grey lines: <input type="checkbox" name="inputLine" checked="1" ><p\/>' +'Item column: <input type="checkbox" name="inputItems" ><p\/>' +'Sortable: <input type="checkbox" name="inputSort" ><p\/>' +'<\/form>' +'<i>The default table allows for fields and values only.<\/i><p\/>' +'Check "Item column" to allow for the table to have fields, items, and values.<\/i><p\/>' +'<p><button onClick="javascript:insertTableCode()">Insert</button>' +'<button onClick="hideXEBPopup()">Cancel</button>' curPopup.setInnerHTML(mt); return true; } function insertTableCode(){ f=document.XEBPopupTableForm; var caption = (f.inputCaption.checked)?"|+ TABLE CAPTION \n":""; var exhead = (f.inputHead.checked)?'|- style="background: #DDFFDD;"\n':""; var nbRow = parseInt(f.inputRow.value); var nbCol = parseInt(f.inputCol.value); var exfield = f.inputItems.checked; var align = (f.inputAlign.checked)?'align="center"':""; //generateTable(caption, exhead, nbCol, nbRow, exfield, align); var code = "\n"; code += '{| {{prettytable}} ' + align + ' '; // en: class="wikitable" code+=(f.inputSort.checked)?'class="sortable" \n':'\n'; code += caption + exhead; if (exfield) code += '!\n'; for (i=1;i<nbCol+1;i++) code += '! FELD ' + i + '\n'; var items = 0; for (var j=0;j<nbRow;j++){ if (exfield) { items++; code += '|-\n! style="background: #FFDDDD;"|ITEM ' + items + '\n'; } else code += '|-\n'; for (i=0;i<nbCol;i++) code += '| Element\n'; } code += '|}\n'; hideXEBPopup(); insertTags('','', code); extendSummary('table'); return false; } // Get the text currently selected by user in the textAra // This code is based on part of the insertTags function in wikibits.js function XEBGetSelectedText() { var txtarea; if (document.editform) { txtarea = document.editform.wpTextbox1; } else { // some alternate form? take the first one we can find var areas = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea'); txtarea = areas[0]; } // IE & Opera if (document.selection && !is_gecko) { var theSelection = document.selection.createRange().text; if (!theSelection) theSelection=''; } // Mozilla else if(txtarea.selectionStart || txtarea.selectionStart == '0') { var replaced = false; var startPos = txtarea.selectionStart; var endPos = txtarea.selectionEnd; var theSelection = (txtarea.value).substring(startPos, endPos); if (!theSelection) theSelection=''; } return theSelection; } //Notes: // IE loses the cursor position in the textarea when the popup is used. // So we save the cursor position here function XEBgetIESelectedRange(){ var IESel=new Object; var txtarea; if (document.editform) { txtarea = document.editform.wpTextbox1; } else { // some alternate form? take the first one we can find var areas = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea'); txtarea = areas[0]; } // IE & Opera if (document.selection && !is_gecko) { txtarea.focus(); IESel.Rng=document.selection.createRange(); return IESel; } } function XEBinsertText(beforeText,selText,afterText,IESelectedRange) { var newText=beforeText + selText + afterText; var txtarea; if (document.editform) { txtarea = document.editform.wpTextbox1; } else { // some alternate form? take the first one we can find var areas = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea'); txtarea = areas[0]; } // IE if (document.selection && !is_gecko) { tr=IESelectedRange.Rng; tr.text=newText; txtarea.focus(); //txtarea.caretpos=tr.duplicate();; return; // Mozilla } else if(txtarea.selectionStart || txtarea.selectionStart == '0') { var replaced = false; var startPos = txtarea.selectionStart; var endPos = txtarea.selectionEnd; if (endPos-startPos) { replaced = true; } var scrollTop = txtarea.scrollTop; // var myText = (txtarea.value).substring(startPos, endPos); // if (!myText) { // myText=sampleText; // } // if (myText.charAt(myText.length - 1) == " ") { // exclude ending space char, if any // subst = tagOpen + myText.substring(0, (myText.length - 1)) + tagClose + " "; // } else { // subst = tagOpen + myText + tagClose; // } txtarea.value = txtarea.value.substring(0, startPos) + newText + txtarea.value.substring(endPos, txtarea.value.length); txtarea.focus(); //set new selection if (!replaced) { var cPos = startPos+(newText.length); txtarea.selectionStart = cPos; txtarea.selectionEnd = cPos; } else { txtarea.selectionStart = startPos+beforeText.length; txtarea.selectionEnd = startPos+beforeText.length+selText.length; } txtarea.scrollTop = scrollTop; // All other browsers get no toolbar. // There was previously support for a crippled "help" // bar, but that caused more problems than it solved. } // reposition cursor if possible if (txtarea.createTextRange) { txtarea.caretPos = document.selection.createRange().duplicate(); //txtarea.caretPos =IESelectedRange.Rng; } txtarea.focus(); } //============================================================ // Table generator //============================================================ /** en: Generate an array using Mediawiki syntax * @author: originally from fr:user:dake * @version: 0.2 */ function generateTable(caption, exhead, nbCol, nbRow, exfield, align){ }; function XEBPopupRef(e){ m=new GetPos(e||event); curPopup=new XEBPopup("ref",m.x,m.y); curPopup.width=500; mt='<p>Enter the reference parameters below: <\/p>' +'<form name="XEBPopupRefForm">' +'Name:<input type="text" name="refName" value="" size="10"><p\/>' +'Material:<input type="text" name="refMaterial" value="' + XEBGetSelectedText() + '" size="20">' +'<\/form>' +'<p><button onClick="javascript:insertRef()">Insert</button>' +'<button onClick="hideXEBPopup()">Cancel</button>'; curPopup.setInnerHTML(mt); // document.XEBPopupRefForm.refName.focus(); return true; } function insertRef(){ f=document.XEBPopupRefForm; var refName = f.refName.value; var refMaterial=f.refMaterial.value; hideXEBPopup(); var code1='<ref'; code1+=(refName)?' name="'+refName+'">':'>'; code2=refMaterial; code3='<\/ref>' XEBinsertText(code1,code2,code3,curPopup.IESelectedRange); extendSummary('ref'); return false; } //===GEO LINK Function================================================== function XEBPopupGeoLink(e) { m=new GetPos(e||event); curPopup=new XEBPopup("geo",m.x,m.y); curPopup.width=300; mt='<p>Enter the location parameters below: <\/p>' +'<form name="XEBPopupGeoLinkForm">' +'Loction:<p\/>' +'<table style="background: transparent;">' +'<tr><td>Latitude:<\/td><td><input type="text" autocomplete="off" name="geoLatDeg" value="" size="4"><\/td>' +'<td><input type="text" name="geoLatMin" size="4"><\/td>' +'<td><input type="text" name="geoLatSec" size="4"><\/td>' +'<td><select name="geoLatNS"><option value="N">N<option value="S">S</select><\/td><\/tr>' +'<tr><td>Longitude:<\/td><td><input type="text" name="geoLonDeg" value="" size="4"><\/td>' +'<td><input type="text" name="geoLonMin" value="" size="4"><\/td>' +'<td><input type="text" name="geoLonSec" value="" size="4"><\/td>' +'<td><select name="geoLonEW"><option value="E">E<option value="W">W</select><\/td><\/tr>' +'<\/table>' +'Region:<input type="text" name="geoRegion" value="" size="4"><p\/>' +'Type:' +'<SELECT NAME="geoType" size="5">' +'<OPTION VALUE="country">Country<OPTION VALUE="state">State' +'<OPTION VALUE="adm1st">Admin unit, 1st level<OPTION VALUE="adm2st">Admin unit, 2nd level' +'<OPTION VALUE="city">City<OPTION VALUE="airport">Airport' +'<OPTION VALUE="mountain">Mountain<OPTION VALUE="isle">Isle' +'<OPTION VALUE="waterbody">Waterbody<OPTION VALUE="landmark" SELECTED>Landmark' +'<OPTION VALUE="forest">forest</SELECT><br>' +'Title: <input type="checkbox" name="geoTitle" ><p\/>' +'<\/form>' +'<p><button onClick="javascript:insertGeoLink()">Insert</button>' +'<button onClick="hideXEBPopup()">Cancel</button>'; curPopup.setInnerHTML(mt); document.paramForm.refName.focus(); return true; } function insertGeoLink() { f=document.XEBPopupGeoLinkForm; var code='{{Coor '; if(f.geoTitle.checked)code+='title '; ft='dms'; if(f.geoLatSec.value==''&&f.geoLonSec.value=='')ft='dm'; if(ft=='dm'&&f.geoLatMin.value==''&&f.geoLonMin.value=='')ft='d'; code+=ft; code+='|'+f.geoLatDeg.value; code+=(ft=='dm'||ft=='dms')?'|'+f.geoLatMin.value:''; code+=(ft=='dms')?'|'+f.geoLatSec.value:''; code+='|'+f.geoLatNS.value; code+='|'+f.geoLonDeg.value; code+=(ft=='dm'||ft=='dms')?'|'+f.geoLonMin.value:''; code+=(ft=='dms')?'|'+f.geoLonSec.value:''; code+='|'+f.geoLonEW.value; code+='|type:'+f.geoType.value+'_region:'+f.geoRegion.value code+='}}'; insertTags('','', code); extendSummary('geo-location'); hideXEBPopup(); return false; } //===Talk Page entry Function=========================================== function XEBPopupTalk(e) { m=new GetPos(e||event); curPopup=new XEBPopup("talk",m.x,m.y); curPopup.width=200; mt='<div style="font-size:medium"><p>Please choose:<\/p>' mt+='<span class="XEBMnuItm" onclick="XEBInsertTalk(1)">Test1<\/span><br>' mt+='<span class="XEBMnuItm" onclick="XEBInsertTalk(2)">Self Test<\/span><br>' mt+='<span class="XEBMnuItm" onclick="XEBInsertTalk(3)">Nonsense<\/span><br>' mt+='<span class="XEBMnuItm" onclick="XEBInsertTalk(4)">Please stop<\/span><br>' mt+='<span class="XEBMnuItm" onclick="XEBInsertTalk(5)">Last chance<\/span><br>' mt+='<span class="XEBMnuItm" onclick="XEBInsertTalk(6)">Blanking<\/span><br>' mt+='<span class="XEBMnuItm" onclick="XEBInsertTalk(7)">Blatant<\/span><br>' mt+='<span class="XEBMnuItm" onclick="XEBInsertTalk(8)">*BLOCKED*<\/span><br>' mt+='<span class="XEBMnuItm" onclick="XEBInsertTalk(9)">Spam<\/span><br>' mt+='<span class="XEBMnuItm" onclick="XEBInsertTalk(10)">Npov<\/span></div>' curPopup.setInnerHTML(mt); return true; } function XEBInsertTalk(itm) { hideXEBPopup(); if(itm==1)code='{{subst:test1-n|}}'; if(itm==2)code='{{subst:selftest-n|}}'; if(itm==3)code='{{subst:test2-n|}}'; if(itm==4)code='{{subst:test3-n|}}'; if(itm==5)code='{{subst:test4-n|}}'; if(itm==6)code='{{subst:test2a-n|}}'; if(itm==7)code='{{subst:bv-n|}}'; if(itm==8)code='{{subst:blantant|}}'; if(itm==9)code='{{subst:spam-n|}}'; if(itm==10)code='{{subst:NPOV user}}'; insertTags('','', code); return false; } function XEBPopupImage(e) { m=new GetPos(e||event); curPopup=new XEBPopup("image",m.x,m.y); curPopup.width=300; mt='<p>Enter the image parameters below: <\/p>' +'<form name="XEBPopupImageForm">' +'File:<input type="text" name="imgFile" value="' + XEBGetSelectedText() + '" size="30"><br>' +'Type:<SELECT NAME="imgType">' +'<OPTION VALUE="thumb">Thumbnail' +'<OPTION VALUE="frame">Frame' +'<OPTION VALUE="none">[not specified]' +'</SELECT><br>' +'Location:<SELECT NAME="imgLocation">' +'<OPTION VALUE="left">Left' +'<OPTION VALUE="center">Centre' +'<OPTION VALUE="right">Right' +'<OPTION VALUE="none">None' +'</SELECT><br>' +'Size:<input type="text" name="imgSize" value="100" size="3">px<br>' +'Caption:<input type="text" name="imgCaption" value="" size="30"><\/p>' +'<\/form>' +'<p><button onClick="javascript:XEBInsertImage()">Insert</button>' +'<button onClick="hideXEBPopup()">Cancel</button>'; curPopup.setInnerHTML(mt); return true; } function XEBInsertImage() { f=document.XEBPopupImageForm; hideXEBPopup(); var code='[[Image:'; code+=f.imgFile.value; code+='|'+f.imgType.value; code+='|'+f.imgLocation.value; code+='|'+f.imgSize.value; code+='|'+f.imgCaption.value; code+=']]'; insertTags('','', code); extendSummary('image'); return false; } function XEBPopupFormattedText(e) { m=new GetPos(e||event); curPopup=new XEBPopup("image",m.x,m.y); curPopup.width=300; mt='<form name="XEBPopupImageForm">' +'<table style="background: transparent;">' +'<tr><td>Bold:<\/td><td><input type="checkbox" name="textBold"><\/td>' +'<td>Superscript:<\/td><td><input type="checkbox" name="textSuperscript"><\/td><\/tr>' +'<tr><td>Italic:<\/td><td><input type="checkbox" name="textItalic"><\/td>' +'<td>Subscript:<\/td><td><input type="checkbox" name="textSubscript"><\/td><\/tr>' +'<tr><td>Strike:<\/td><td><input type="checkbox" name="textStrike"><\/td>' +'<td> <\/td><\/tr>' +'</table>' +'Size:<SELECT NAME="textSize">' +'<OPTION VALUE="small">small' +'<OPTION VALUE="normal">[Normal]' +'<OPTION VALUE="big">big' +'</SELECT><br><table style="background:transparent;"><tr><td>Colour:<\/td><td>' +'<table width="100px">' +'<tr><td colspan="4">None<\/td></tr>' +'<tr><td bgcolor="aqua"> <\/td><td bgcolor="gray"> <\/td>' +'<td bgcolor="olive"> <\/td><td bgcolor="navy"> <\/td><\/tr>' +'<tr><td bgcolor="black"> <\/td><td bgcolor="green"> <\/td>' +'<td bgcolor="purple"> <\/td><td bgcolor="teal"> <\/td><\/tr>' +'<tr><td bgcolor="blue"> <\/td><td bgcolor="lime"> <\/td>' +'<td bgcolor="red"> <\/td><td bgcolor="white"> <\/td><\/tr>' +'<tr><td bgcolor="fuchsia"> <\/td><td bgcolor="maroon"> <\/td>' +'<td bgcolor="silver"> <\/td><td bgcolor="yellow"> <\/td><\/tr>' +'</table><\/td><\/tr>' +'<\/form>' +'Sample:' +'<span id="sampleText">Text</span>"' +'<p><button onClick="javascript:XEBInsertFormattedText()">Insert</button>' +'<button onClick="hideXEBPopup()">Cancel</button>'; curPopup.setInnerHTML(mt); return true; } function XEBUpdateSampleText() { f=document.XEBPopupImageForm; } //==================== function XEBMenuMouseOut(e) { var targ; if (!e) var e = window.event; if ( targ =; else if (e.srcElement) targ = e.srcElement;'black'; } function XEBMenuMouseOver(e) { var targ; if (!e) var e = window.event; if ( targ =; else if (e.srcElement) targ = e.srcElement;'red'; } //======================================================================= // Other functions //======================================================================= function XEBgetElementsByClassName(parent,clsName,htmltag){ var arr = new Array(); var elems = parent.getElementsByTagName(htmltag); for ( var cls, i = 0; ( elem = elems[i] ); i++ ){ if ( elem.className == clsName ){ arr[arr.length] = elem; } } return arr; } function extendSummary(newText) { if(!XEBExtendEditSummary)return; s=document.editform.elements['wpSummary'].value; s+=(s=='')?newText:' +'+newText; document.editform.elements['wpSummary'].value=s; } function bug(msg) { if(wgUserName=='MarkS')alert(msg); } /** Collapsible tables ********************************************************* * * Description: Allows tables to be collapsed, showing only the header. See * [[Wikipedia:NavFrame]]. * Maintainer on Wikipedia: [[User:R. Koot]] */ var autoCollapse = 2; var collapseCaption = "hide"; var expandCaption = "show"; function hasClass( element, className ) { var Classes = element.className.split( " " ); for ( var i = 0; i < Classes.length; i++ ) { if ( Classes[i] == className ) { return ( true ); } } return ( false ); } function collapseTable( tableIndex ) { var Button = document.getElementById( "collapseButton" + tableIndex ); var Table = document.getElementById( "collapsibleTable" + tableIndex ); if ( !Table || !Button ) { return false; } var Rows = Table.getElementsByTagName( "tr" ); if ( == collapseCaption ) { for ( var i = 1; i < Rows.length; i++ ) { Rows[i].style.display = "none"; } = expandCaption; } else { for ( var i = 1; i < Rows.length; i++ ) { Rows[i].style.display = Rows[0].style.display; } = collapseCaption; } } function createCollapseButtons() { var tableIndex = 0; var NavigationBoxes = new Object(); var Tables = document.getElementsByTagName( "table" ); for ( var i = 0; i < Tables.length; i++ ) { if ( hasClass( Tables[i], "collapsible" ) ) { NavigationBoxes[ tableIndex ] = Tables[i]; Tables[i].setAttribute( "id", "collapsibleTable" + tableIndex ); var Button = document.createElement( "span" ); var ButtonLink = document.createElement( "a" ); var ButtonText = document.createTextNode( collapseCaption ); = "right"; = "right"; = "normal"; = "right"; = "6em"; ButtonLink.setAttribute( "id", "collapseButton" + tableIndex ); ButtonLink.setAttribute( "href", "javascript:collapseTable(" + tableIndex + ");" ); ButtonLink.appendChild( ButtonText ); Button.appendChild( document.createTextNode( "[" ) ); Button.appendChild( ButtonLink ); Button.appendChild( document.createTextNode( "]" ) ); var Header = Tables[i].getElementsByTagName( "tr" )[0].getElementsByTagName( "th" )[0]; /* only add button and increment count if there is a header row to work with */ if (Header) { Header.insertBefore( Button, Header.childNodes[0] ); tableIndex++; } } } for ( var i = 0; i < tableIndex; i++ ) { if ( hasClass( NavigationBoxes[i], "collapsed" ) || ( tableIndex >= autoCollapse && hasClass( NavigationBoxes[i], "autocollapse" ) ) ) { collapseTable( i ); } } } addOnloadHook( createCollapseButtons ); //</pre>