Halie Satanus
Halie Satanus is currently an Administrator of the Total War Center forums.
Since joining TWC I have been working on a modification of the Barbarian Invasion expansion called 'End of Days', It's an alternative history mod set around the rise of the Satanic nation of Magog, Work was slow but steady for a long time but since I was joined by Makanyane we have made unbelievable progress, we hope to release within the next month.
I've been apart of forum politics now and then including.....hmm actually I'm not going to say, That's politics for ya.
I currently have two clients Makanyane and Metellus but hope to add to the list soon, so if your a non citizen and reading this drop me a PM, I'll review your posts and tell you what i think, no promises though.
Hs....: ;)
Don't flame don't troll. Or I might have to pay you a visit.