Firelock Armed Citizenry (ETW Unit)
Firelock Armed Citizenry are an armed mob type in Empire: Total War.
Firelock Armed Citizenry are free mobs provided to the defender of a region capital while attempting to repel invaders. Their number is dependent on the public order and wealth of the region. Firelock Armed Citizenry are notoriously poor at shooting, possess very limited ammo, and are even worse in a melee, but they are certainly better than nothing and completely expendable in the sense that they have no upkeep or training cost whatsoever.
The amount of armed citizenry available also depends on the number of regiments already in the region capital. If a region capital is capable of supplying five mobs of armed citizenry, but the army deployed there already has 19 regiments, then only one mob will be provided; the cap of twenty regiments per army still applies.