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V.O.C. Cavalry (ETW Unit)

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Revision as of 11:28, 8 January 2013 by Adamat (talk | contribs)
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V.O.C. Cavalry (ETW Unit)
VOC Cav.png
Class Cavalry
Unit Size 60
Weaponry Swords
Melee Attack
Ranged Attack
Charge Bonus
Region India
Recruitment Cost 950
Upkeep Cost 280
Turns to Build
Unit Limit
Building Requirements
  • Barracks
  • Military Governor's Barracks
  • Technology Requirements N/A
  • Can hide in woodland
  • Resistant to heat fatigue
  • Diamond formation
  • Wedge formation
  • VOC CavThumb.pngRecruited to fight in India, company cavalry are mercenaries fighting for the great trading companies.


    The officers and men in these units are Europeans, not locals, even though these regiments are raised in India. They are supposedly more reliable than native levies when defending European interests.

    Company cavalry are equipped in European rather than Indian fashion; they fight as light, sabre-armed cavalry. Their tasks include acting as scouts, screening the main body of an army, and pursuing fleeing enemies – taking a sabre to someone already running away is likely to keep him running! It is not their main job to break enemy units or to fight other cavalry.

    By 1700, the great European trading companies were so huge they could afford armies of their own, separate from the national army. The British East India Company, the Dutch “Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie” (VOC) and the French “La Compagnie française des Indes orientales” all had armies, fleets and forts in India and the far east. The Dutch felt it profitable to have one fifth of their employees in uniform, and the other companies were not far behind.


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