Eastern Infantry (RTW Unit)
Eastern infantry are easily recruited militia-spearmen, who are good for defence against less able opponents.
Eastern infantry are easily recruited militia-spearmen, who are good for defence against less able opponents. They are drawn from among the peasantry and urban poor, given minimal training and sent into battle. They are, however, given large shields. Individually, they are not outstanding warriors, but as a group they have their uses in holding off light cavalry; even medium and heavier troops will be unwilling to charge into a forest of spear points.
Eastern Infantry are some of the weakest infantry in RTW. Their horrible attack and very low morale make them useless even for anti cavalry tasks. Their only redeeming features is that they get a +8 against cavalry and there are 240 of them so their numbers gives them a little bit of longevity. If you must use them, use them for anti cavalry duties only and keep them well away form their infantry. They make tolerable fodder for arrows as well.