Byzantine Guard Archers (M2TW Unit)
Byzantium Guard Archers are well trained missile troops equipped with composite bow, sword, mail and a shield.
Byzantine guard troops are financed by the Emperor himself and unlike many Byzantine units consist purely of Greek troops. Skilled in the use of the composite bow, these troops issue a challenge to all Byzantium's enemies at range. Also equipped with a sword and wearing mail, the Guard Archers can withstand more combat than many other missile units.
Byzantine Guard Archers are the best non-cavalry missile unit available to the Byzantine Empire. They are superior to the other missile units available to the Byzantine Empire in both melee and missile stats. They have the special ability of fire arrows, allowing them to unleash a volley of fiery hell upon the enemy. They are also protected by mail armour, meaning they have at least some resistance to missiles. While not designed for melee, Byzantine Guard archers are competent in it, unless against heavy infantry or cavalry of any sorts.