Constitution of the Total War Centre
- Preamble
- Section 1 - The Executive
- Section 2 - The Legislature
- Section 3 - Member Ranks
- Section 4 - The Judiciary
- Section 5 - Additional Provisions
This document exists to define the roles of the bodies that run and govern this site and community. The guiding principle of the site is to be that barring technical or fiscal obstacles, any considered mandate from the appropriate legislative body of contributing members will be implemented by the administrators.
This document is not absolutely authoritative. It is a compilation of the Curia, written and approved by the Citizens, which may become outdated or contain oversights. Furthermore, this document may be suspended by the administration by the procedure outlined herein.
Section 1 of this document and the procedure for a vote of No Confidence lie outside the remit of the Curia to modify or amend, unless such amendment is commenced and wholly authorised by the executive. The only exception to this is where an amendment changes the name of an Officer
Section 1 - The Executive
The Executive is composed of the Council Officers, Senior Staff Officers and Staff Officers who run the Site.
Article 1 - The Council
The Council is the overarching governing body of the site. It is composed of Permanent Officers and Non Permanent Officers representing the needs of the Executive at any given time. All Council Officers fulfil normal day-to-day duties and all should discuss and co-ordinate their policies inside the Council.
Permanent Officers
There shall be 5 Permanent Officers on the Council
- The Site Owner
- Chief Moderator - Serves as Head of the Moderation Branch
- Chief of Content - Serves as Head of the Content Branch
- Chief Technician - Serves as Head of the Technical Branch
- Speaker of the House - Represents the Curia on the Council
The three Branch Chiefs shall lead their branch, and be the principal officer responsible for policy within the three branches. It shall normally be presumed that they shall be selected from within their branch.
The appointment of each branch chief is decided by the Council but must be ratified by the Staff of the branch they are being appointed too.
The Speaker of the House is elected by the Curia, as per the procedure in Section 2 Article 2, from among those members ranked as Patricians, and will serve a term of six months.
Non Permanent Officers
An undefined number of non permanent Council Officer may be appointed by the Council as and when necessary. Normally these Council Officers shall be drawn from the Staff ranks, but other members of the site may be invited in.
Every Council Officer, in addition to any other ratification and appointments procedure must be ratified by the Curia immediately after appointment, by the process in Section 2 Article 2. An appointed Council Officer who fails the ratification vote is returned to his previous position.
Article 2 - The Moderation Branch
The Moderation Branch is responsible for maintaining order within the Site Forum and enforcement of the Terms of Service. Staff Officers of this branch are the only members of Staff invested with general moderating powers.
Senior Staff Officers - Strategos
The Strategos are Senior Moderators, led by the Chief of Branch, in charge of moderation within the Forum. They will all have Global Moderation powers, and some may have additional administrative powers depending upon their duties.
Senior Moderators are appointed by existing Senior Moderators from among the Staff Officers of this branch. Each appointment must also be ratified by the Curia in accordance with Section 2 Article 2.
Staff Officers - Tribounos
The Staff Moderators form the front line moderation force on the Forum. They are drawn from the Citizens and appointed and fired by the Senior Moderators, but each appointment must be ratified by the Curia as per the procedure in Section 2 Article 2. A Staff Moderator who fails his ratification is removed from his position.
The total number of Staff Moderators, along with individual assignments and powers are set by the Senior Moderators.
Article 3 - The Content Branch
The Content Branch oversees content produced on the main page of the site and the work of the official publications of the Site
- The Helios
- The Eagle Standard
- The TWC Wiki
- General Sun's Tent
- The TWC Podcast
- The Scriptorium
The Chief of Branch shall have general organizational and administrative control of all content areas of the site
Senior Staff Officers Editors
Each official publication shall have an Editor appointed by the Chief of Branch, with the exception of the TWC Wiki. Editors must be Citizens of the Forum. They shall have overall responsibility for running their publication and ensuring that content produced for their publication does not breach the Terms of Service.
The Editor of the TWC Wiki shall be appointed as a Curial Officer, not a Senior Staff Officer, see Section 3 Article 5 below.
Content Staff Officers
Staff Officers of the Content Branch are contributors and writers of the various publications and articles on the front page. They may be drawn from any rank, and are hired and fired by the Editor of the publication for which they contribute.
Article 4 - Technical Branch
The Technical Branch deals with the infrastructure of the site. They handle all administrative issues, maintain the forum software and ensure the security and reasonable running of the site overall.
Chief Technician
The Chief of Branch has overall control of all staff within this department. He decides the appropriate access levels for all Staff Officers of this branch and makes final decisions on issues relating to software. A principle concern of this Officer is the security of the site, and as such, has the right to remove administration and moderation privileges from any member and Staff Officer, though it is expected he will consult with the other Council members when doing so.
Staff Officers - Technical Staff
These Technical Staff aid the Chief of branch in the maintenance and secure running of the site. They are hired and fired by the Chief of Branch and have levels of administrative access dependent upon the jobs detailed to them.
Article 5 - Former Staff Officers
Upon retirement or resignation from an Officer position, all Moderators are awarded the honorary rank of Senatorii. All other Council Officers and Staff Officers are awarded the honorary rank of Officer Emeritus. These ranks are awarded automatically if time served as a Senior Moderator equals or exceeds 12 weeks. If the period in office is less than 12 weeks, these ranks can be awarded if The Council unanimously agrees. They are considered the same as honorary ranks awarded under Section 3.
All Moderators, Council Officers and Staff Officers are awarded a medal appropriate to the branch they have served in, in accordance with Section 5 of this document, if time served as an officer equals or exceeds 12 weeks.
The awarding of these ranks and medals is honorary and accords no additional rights or privileges except with regard to Senatorii as detailed in Section 4. The awarding of these ranks is the gift of the Council to retiring Staff Officers and may not be removed by the Curia.
The awarding of these ranks and awards to Staff Officers who are removed from their position following a vote of No Confidence, or are otherwise fired is at the discretion of the Council provided the 12 week service provision is also met.
Article 6 - Council Veto
Any Council Officers can veto any act or decision on TWC. However this veto is considered provisional until approved by a majority of Council Officers. This approval should be obtained as soon as possible.
Article 7 - Emergency Powers
In the event of a situation threatening or compromising the security, integrity or existence of the Site, a majority of the Council is empowered to suspend the operation of this document for a period of seventy-two hours. If necessary, and if the situation continues, the Council, acting unanimously, may, after seventy-two hours has expired, prolong the suspension for a further seventy-two hours, for a total suspension period of one hundred and forty four hours or six days.
For this to have affect, the Speaker of the House, or a Council Officers acting for him shall post an announcement in all Curia Forums stating the suspension of the constitutions and the reasons for doing so. When suspended, the work of all Curia Committees, including the Consilium de Civitates, is also suspended. Time under suspension does not count towards various time limits specified within this document.
Section 2 - The Legislature
The Executive shall create within the Forum a place for all Citizens of the Site to discuss and propose Decisions that affect the governing of the Site and Site Policy, and also to amend this document. This place shall be known as the Curia and shall be a place for an exchange of ideas. As the Curia is considered the heartland of the Citizens right to influence their community, infractions of Forum Rules and the Terms of Service made in this forum are considered to be doubly serious.
Article 1 - Curia
The Curia is broken into distinct sections.
- Curia - For general discussion of governance matters. Polls are not permitted within the Curia main.
- Prothalamos - An area specifically for the proposal and discussion of legislation and decisions. Polls are not permitted within the Prothalamos
- Curia Votes - An area strictly used only for voting on matters that bind the Curia
- The Tabularium - A record chamber and archive.
- Consilium de Civitates - A special council chamber visible only to those elected members of the council as defined in Article 5
Additional areas may be added at the discretion of the Citizens following an appropriate Decision being passed.
Article 2 - Election Procedure
When the Curia is required to elect an Officer or Rank, or ratify an appoint, the following process shall be applied.
Ratification VotesWhen a member has been duly appointed as a Staff Officer, and where required, ratified by his branch, the Speaker of the House shall post a poll in the Curia Votes forum. The Speaker shall state which position the member has been appointed to, and that they have been ratified by their colleagues if appropriate. The vote shall last for one week, and the member shall be ratified if they receive a simple majority majority of non abstaining votes.
Election VotesWhen a Curial Election is required, the Curator shall open a qualification thread in the Curia and the Speaker of the House shall post an announcement in any relevant forum. Applicants for the vacant position must post their reasons for wishing to hold the position and any relevant qualifications in the qualification thread. Any comments, debates or off topic posting shall be deleted. The thread shall remain open for no longer than one week.
The Council may veto applicants, and should more than six members apply for any position, may shortlist six members to stand for the election. Once applications are complete, the Curator shall open a poll in the Curia Votes. The vote shall last for one week, and the member who receives the plurality of votes shall be elected.
Where more than one of the same position is vacant, the procedure is the same, and the members with the highest votes are elected. In the case of ties, a run off vote is held between the tied members lasting 3 days.
Where the vacant position is that of Curator, the Speaker of the House shall undertake the Curator's duties in relation to the vote.
Votes of No ConfidenceAt any time, any Citizens of this site may initiate a vote of "No Confidence" in any Officer of the Council or any elected Officer for neglect of duty or abuse of authority by posting their case within the Curia. Frivolous use of this procedure may result in disciplinary proceedings. In all cases, a vote of "No Confidence" is exempt from veto, however the vote is non binding except in the case of staff officers. The debate and vote on a motion of "No Confidence" shall follow the same procedure as that of a bill as per Article 3 below, but shall be conducted in the Curia Main, and not the Prothalamos.
Article 3 - Legislative Procedure
Any Citizens may table a bill for discussion by posting a thread in the Prothalamos. This citizen will remain the sole proposer for this thread. Bills can take two forms:
- Amendments - A proposal to alter the text of the Constitution. Amendments can alter or remove existing text and add entirely new text.
- Decisions - A proposal for the creation of an official Decision of the Curia on a topic relevant to the functioning of TWC. The Curia has authority to direct the Officers of TWC in this way on any topic of which the primary say has been delegated from the Officers, who shall take such Curia Decisions under strong advisement. The Speaker of the House shall determine if proposed Decisions fall within the jurisdiction of the Curia.
Each version of the bill requires named support from two Patricians and two Citizens. The final draft of the bill must be debated for at least three days in the Prothalamos before the proposer can request the bill be moved to vote. When a bill is moved to vote, the debate thread is left open, and the Curator shall post the newest draft of the bill, the name of the Proposer, the Bill's 3 named supporters, and a link to the debate, as a new poll in the Curia Votes forum. All bills shall be voted on for one week. Subsequent posts in this thread, are limited to notification of having voted. Messages lobbying to vote for or against, including via Signatures and Avatars, are prohibited except in the original debate thread. All bills shall pass on the basis of a two-thirds majority of non abstaining votes in favour. If any bill fails a vote, no re-vote on a substantially similar bill will be permitted within twenty-eight days.
All citizens are honour bound to not view the results of Curia Votes until they have themselves voted, unless necessary for the execution of any other duty to the site.
Upon passing a vote:
The Curator shall post the text of all passed amendments in a stickied "Amendments" thread in the Tabularium and numbered consecutively in the order they pass. The poll is closed, moved to the Tabularium, and renamed to reflect the whether it passed or failed, and the numbers of votes. The sticked "Constitution" thread in the Curia is then edited to reflect the changes made by passed amendments. When a Section or Article is added or removed, all subsequent Sections and Articles are renumbered by the Curator appropriately.
The Curator shall post the text of all passed Decisions in a sticked "Decisions" thread in the Tabularium and consecutively in the order they pass. The poll is closed, moved to the Tabularium, and renamed to reflect the whether it passed or failed, and the numbers of votes.
All Amendments and Decisions are considered to have immediate effect and no retroactive effect unless specifically stated otherwise.
Minor Formative Changes
The Curator shall have the power to amend the text of the Constitution and any Curial Decision for the sole purpose of correcting any spelling and grammatical errors that are found within the documents. The details of any such changes must be recorded in the amendments thread of the Tabularium.
Should any such change be challenged by any Patrician, they may request that the Speaker of the House review the change and uphold or discard it. Further challenge may be put to a Curia Vote to veto the change via the procedure in Article 3.
Article 4 - Curial Committees
At any time, a member of the Council can establish a Curial Committee to investigate and discuss an issue. These temporary committees are to last one month, and after one month, are subject to ratification and extension by the Curia.
To form a committee, the Speaker of the House will create a thread in the Curia asking for applicants. When the Council decides it has enough applicants, it will choose however many it deems fit, and create a subforum in the Curia for the Committee. The temporary committee can be dissolved at the discretion of the Council. It can also add and remove members when it sees fit. Each committee shall also contain a Council Officer as Chairman and the Speaker of the House.
After thirty days, the Speaker can create a vote for a one or two month extension, following the vote procedure in Article 3 above.
After a Decision is made by a temporary committee, it shall be posted in the Prothalamos for three days, prior to implementation. If three or more Patricians state an objection, implementation will be postponed. It will be at the discretion of the Curator, Committee, and Committee Chairman whether to take the proposal back to the committee for revision (the objecting Patricians are therefore expected to take part in the revision discussion), or continue the discussion in the Prothalamos until there are no more than two objections.
Article 5 - Consilium de Civitates
The Consilium de Civitates manages the granting and removal of all Curia Ranks by voting. The Consilium de Civitates may also function as an advisory body to the staff of TWC in matters concerning the Curia and its Citizens.
The elected members of the CdeC are all Patricians. The full membership comprises of:
- Twelve elected Patricians, who may discuss and vote on all matters within the Consilium de Civitates Forum
- Council Officers, who may discuss all matters within the Consilium de Civitates Forum, but have no vote.
- The Curator, who may take part in all Consilium de Civitates discussions, and has the deciding vote only in the case of a tie. The Curator has veto powers over any Consilium de Civitates decision.
Elected members of the Consilium de Civitates and the Curator must actively participate in discussions and votes, Council Officers participation is optional.
Consilium de Civitates members are elected as per Article 2 of this Section - with the added requirement that candidates hold the basic rank of Patrician and have no Staff warnings at the time of election. Each elected Consilium de Civitates member has a term of three months starting from their date of election. When their term expires, new elections will be held for membership to the Consilium de Civitates.
If a member of the Consilium de Civitates resigns during their term, or if during elections less than twelve eligible Patricians apply in the candidates thread, the vacant positions may be filled by a volunteering Staff Officer with at least Citizens rank until appropriate Patricians can be found to stand for election.
Removal from Office
A Consilium de Civitates member may resign from office, or can be removed from office by a majority vote of the elected councillors, such a vote being triggered by any of the following:
- A successful vote of no confidence by the Curia
- Incurring a warning level of one
- Incurring 2 cautions in the space of 3 months
- Being subject to proceedings laid out in Section 4 Article 1
- Prolonged inactivity, as decided by a simple majority vote in the Consilium de Civitates
Section 3 - Member Ranks and Curia Officers
All member of the Forums can be divided into the following Ranks. Each Rank confers on the holders a specific set of rights and privileges unavailable to other Ranks unless explicitly stated. An individual may hold only one account of the rank Citizen or higher
There are two broad categories of Ranks, Normal Ranks and Honorary Ranks. A member, in addition to his normal Rank, may also hold any number of honorary Ranks, as well as an Officer's position. In this case he may choose which Rank he is displayed under. Regardless of the Rank listed next to his name, he retains all the rights and privileges associated with all his ranks.
Article 1 - Normal Ranks
The Rank of Peregrinus is conferred automatically with registration to the TWC Forums. It confers posting rights in the General Fora. Any Peregrinus has the right to ask questions and suggest changes in the "Questions and Suggestions" Forum.
Contributing members of TWC have the opportunity to become a Citizens of the Forum as per Article 3 below. Once a member becomes a Citizens, they can then choose between 3 different badges. Artifex, designed for those who are modders, Civitates, designed for those who have contributed to the debating side of the Site, whether in TW or CC, and Citizens, for those who associate with both.
To qualify for Citizen, a member must have at least fifty posts, been a registered member for one month, and have no warnings within the last three months.
All Citizens have the rights associated with Peregrinus, but in addition may post within the Curia, subject to the procedures in Section 2; may post with the Symposium and may patronise other members as per Article 3
Patricians are those Citizens who have continued to excell in their position within the forum by contributing to a greater extent than their citizenship requires.
A Citizens may be nominated to this rank by another Patrician in accordance with Article 4 below. Patricianship is awarded by the Curia for significant contribution to TWC (Appendix A). None of these contributions provide automatic promotion, but instead allow for nomination. The nominee must also have been a Citizen for at least one month and have no warnings at the time of their election.
A Patrician has all the rights of a Citizen, and in addition eligible to be considered for higher office. Patricians are also required sponsors of Bills.
Article 2 - Honourary Ranks
To qualify as an Opifex, the nominee must have served the Total War Centre or Total War Community with exceptional input to any of the boards or mods in any capacity other than that of a Staff Officer. A member of any Rank is eligible to become an Opifex, but must also meet the criteria to become a Citizen. His nomination must also be seconded by an elected member of the Consilium de Civitates.
Qualifying nominees shall have their nomination posted in the Prothalamos and will be moved to vote as per the procedure in Section 2 Article 3. Once moved to they shall be voted upon for a period of one week and require a two-third majority of non-abstaining votes to achieve the Rank. If the nominee was not already a Citizens, this Rank shall also be conferred upon them if they pass. A nominee who fails to pass his vote is not eligible to re-nominated until three months have passed.
To achieve apotheosis and Curia vote, the nominee must be supported by three fourths of non abstaining elected members of the Consilium de Civitates. The nominee must have served as a Council Officer (or previous equivalents), made a clear and distinquished contribution to the community and provided exceptional service to TWC in their capacity as an administrator. They cannot be nominated within three months of resigning their Officer Position.
Any Citizens can nominate a former Council Officer and does so by PMing a Consilium de Civitates member. The Consilium de Civitates will contact the nominee and ask if he or she will accept the nomination. If the nominee should decline, or fails to respond within one month, no further action need be taken and the nomination declared null and void.
If the nominee should accept, the Consilium de Civitates will create a thread within the Consilium de Civitates Forum to investigate the legitimacy of the nominee’s accolades. The Consilium de Civitates has the right to request any and all relevant material from the Staff Officers to ascertain this, with the approval of the Council. The Consilium de Civitates will discuss the nominee and his qualifications for at least a week before the vote is held.
Should the nominee receive the support of three fourths of non abstaining Consilium de Civitates members, the Curator shall create a discussion in the Prothalamos lasting at least three days and then move the nomination to vote as per the procedure in Section 2 Article 3. The vote shall last one week and the nominee shall require a two-third majority of non-abstaining votes to become Divus. A nominee who fails the vote is not eligible to be nominated again for a six month period.
Article 3 - Patronisation
Any Citizens holding their rank for three months can patronise a Peregrinus for citizenship subject to the requirements in Article 1 above. The process of patronisation is as follows.
- 1. The patron confirms the candidate meets the requirements, OR a candidate meeting the requirements contacts a Citizens asking for patronage.
- 2. The nominee sends the patron a PM explaining his duties and privileges as a Citizen, and his contributions to the community. The patron forwards this paragraph, along with his own, outlining why he nominated this member, to a Consilium de Civitates member.
- 3. The Consilium de Civitates member opens a thread in the Consilium de Civitates Forum and the proposed nominee is discussed and voted upon.
- 4. If the nominee achieves sixty per cent of the non-abstaining votes, he becomes a Citizen.
- 5. The Speaker of the House promotes the member to Citizen, with a Citizen badge, and contacts him as to whether he would like to remain a Citizen, or further self define as a Artifex or Civitate.
If a nominee fails his vote, he is not eligible to be considered again for one month. Members of the Consilium de Civitates must abstain from voting on members they patronise. All Consilium de Civitates votes must be concluded within seven days of the thread being opened in the Consilium de Civitates.
Article 4 - Promotion of Patricians
A Citizen is nominated by an existing Patrician, who PMs a Consilium de Civitates member to commence the nomination procedure. Points 3 and 4 of Article 3 are then followed.
Article 5 - Curial Officers
A Curia Officer is a Citizens who has been given a mandate to administer a project or institution at TWC. It shall only apply to chairpersons or project leaders/managers, and not general or day-today staff of the project. Curia Officers shall be given by the Council appropriate local moderator privileges to carry out their duties
A Curia Officer shall be elected by the procedure in Section 2 Article 2, with the addition that the Curator shall post the mandate for the job in the Qualifications thread.
A Curia Officer shall hold his office for a period of three months from the day they are elected. In the event an office is vacant, its duties shall be assumed by the Curator until an officer is elected. If the office of Curator is vacant, the duties shall be assumed by the Speaker of the House.
If, in the judgement of the Council, an Officer has neglected their duties or abused his position, the Speaker may dismiss the Officer, and ask the Curator to arrange new elections.
Permanent Officers
The following are permanent Curial Officers:
- The Curator - responsible for the day to day administration of the Curia, including but not limited to any tasks outlined in this document and any duties he may be given in the Curia by the Speaker of the House. Only Patricians may hold this Office.
- Modding Registrar - The Registrar shall be responsible for maintaining the Modding Registry, answering questions about the registry and resolving disputes between members concerning the registry in a fair and impartial manner.
- The TWC Wiki Editor - Answering to the Chief of Content, is in charge of overseeing the Wiki Project.
- Modder Liaison Officer - Elected to improve communications between the "Total War" forums of TWC and the Curia. The Modder Liaison oversees a thread pinned in the "Total War" and "Modding Community" Forums linked to by closed, pinned threads in the relevant locations. This thread will be for all questions, suggestions and complaints from members on the "Total War" forums. The Officer will post a summary in the Curia of each matter raised in the thread each month. The Officer will also post Curia developments that are relevant to the Total War community within the relevant forums.
Further Permanent Officers may be created by amendment. Any member of Citizens rank may apply unless otherwise stated.
Non Permanent Officers
Non Permanent Curia Officers may be created to oversee specific short term Curia Projects not covered by Curia Committees. They may be created by a Curia Decision and cease to exist upon the completion of the project.
Section 4 - The Judiciary
Article 1 - Citizens Behavior
The suspension and removal of a Normal Rank is handled by the Consilium de Civitates via the following disciplinary process. No Citizen may be subject to more than one process for a single offence.
Referral from Member
Any member of TWC may report a Citizens to a member of the Consilium de Civitates for behavior unbecoming of a Citizens. The accuser is asked to present a written charge to the Consilium de Civitates, who will then ask the accused to produce a defence within seventy two hours. The accused can be shown the charge, but not the name of the accuser. The Consilium de Civitates then has a further seventy two hours to investigate. After the investigation the Consilium de Civitates will hold a vote to decide whether the accused should lose his highest Normal Rank. This action requires seventy five per cent of non abstaining votes.
If the first vote fails, a second vote is automatically held to determine whether the accuser should have their rank suspended for two months for reckless use of this procedure. This second vote operates in the same manner as the first but lasts only twenty four hours.
Referral for Staff Warning
If any Citizens receives a staff warning from an Officer of the Moderation Branch their case will be referred to the Consilium de Civitates by the Chief of Branch or the Speaker of the House, who will open a vote and post all relevant user notes of the accused. The accused is allowed no defence. The vote concludes within four days. The options are
- Dismiss the Case
- Take Further Action
- Abstain
If the CdeC vote is to take further action, a second poll is opened for four days. The options are:
- Censure
- Suspension of rank for 1 week
- Suspension of rank for 1 month
- Suspension of rank for 2 months
- Permanent Removal of Rank
- Abstain
A simple majority of non abstaining members is required for the vote to pass.
If the warning that formed the basis of this referral is subsequently overturned by the Tribunal, the Citizen’s Rank is restored
Normal Rank may not be removed except by the procedure outlined in this Article. Honorary rank may not be removed by this procedure. Senatorii may only be removed by the Council at their discretion. Divus and Opifex may only be removed by a Decision of the Curia.
Article 2 - Tribunal
To defend the rights of Members, and to ensure fair and just punishment towards those who violate the laws of TWC, a Tribunal shall be established
The purpose of the Tribunal is to provide those members of TWC who have been punished in the past by the Moderation Branch a place to request the reversal of their punishment. This is in no way a guarantee that the punishment will be removed, but every case presented will be reviewed by a panel of three judges.
Members may create a thread in the Tribunal Forum, The Judges will study the case details, and may request any additional information on the member from the Senior Moderators. The Judges will then post the majority decision. The Judges are not tasked to decide the appropriateness or validity of a Forum Rule of Term of Service, and may only rule on whether the Term was correctly enforced and the punishment suitable for the offence.
Article 3 - Judges
To serve on the Tribunal, a panel of three Judges is chosen by Hex. The judges can include any member from Hex, save the CoM, as he is is part of the appeals process. The candidates are not limited to Hex members and can include Senatorii
Section 5 - Additional Provisions
Article 1 -Symposium
All Citizens of TWC have access to the Symposium forum. This forum exists as a general meeting place for both old and new Citizens of the Total War Centre Forums. Within the Symposium, rules are generally more relaxed so as to allow for more concentrated debates to take place. Breach of the Terms of Service shall still be dealt with accordingly in this forum.
Article 2 - Community Medals
A “Medal” can be awarded to any member who has in some way contributed and achieved something which was of benefit to the wider community. Medals are controlled and run by the Curia. The qualifications and procedure by which each medal is awarded to a user can vary according to the wishes of the Curia. In order for a medal to be created it must acquire the majority in accordance with the Legislation section of the Constitution. Every Curia approved medal is to be listed in the appropriate section below along with its Qualifications.
Senatorial Robe
In order for a member to qualify they must have served as a member of the Consilium de Civitates for at least two terms within one year. The Senatorial robe is awarded instantly when a member of Consilium de Civitates completes his second term.
Philosophers Robe
Members of any rank are awarded this medal by means of a Consilium de Civitates vote and simple majority for outstanding contributions to the common community. The member must be nominated and a case brought forward in the Prothalamos like any other proposal.
Moderators Mace
The award is divided into three classes. The Bronze Mace is awarded to any member who has served as an official Staff Moderator for over three months. The Silver Mace is awarded to any moderator who has been promoted to “Senior Moderator”and served for 3 months or Served as “Staff Moderator” for 6 months. The “Golden Moderators Mace” is awarded to any Moderator who is deemed to have provided the site with exceptional service for over 1 Year in areas of Moderation and Moderation Policy, Senior Moderator who is deemed to have provided the site with exceptional service for over 6 months in areas of Moderation and Moderation Policy and any Chief of Moderation who has served for 3 months. All the Mace awards are awarded by the Administrative Council.
Scribes Quill
The award is divided into three classes. The Bronze Quill is awarded to any member who has served as an official “Content Staff Member” and has produced over four publications. The Silver Quill is awarded to any “Content Staff Member” who has been promoted to “Content Editor” and served for 3 months or Served as “Content Staff Member” and produced over 12 publications. The “Golden Quill” is awarded to any “Head of Content” who is deemed to have provided the site with exceptional service for over 6 months in areas of Content, any Editor who is deemed to have performed exceptional service to the Content Branch for over 6 months or any Content Staff Officer who has served over 1 year in their position, while meeting the criteria for the silver medal.. The Gold award is awarded by the “Administrative Council” whereas the Silver and Bronze are awarded by the “Head of Content”
Technicians Screwdriver
Gold Silver and Bronze screwdrivers awarded for over a years, 6-12 months, and 3-6 months service respectively as a Staff Technician - see Section 1 Article 5
Wiki Contributor
Any member of the Total War Center forums may be nominated by the TWC Wiki Editor to receive the "Wiki Contributor" medal from the Parliamentum. Nomination shall be based on significant levels of contribution to the TWC Wiki project, the exact amount left to the discretion of the Wiki Editor.
Nominated members shall have their nomination posted in the Camera Proponentum and will be moved to vote as per the procedure in Section 2 Article 3. Once moved to they shall be voted upon for a period of one week and require a simple majority of non-abstaining votes to achieve the "Wiki Contributor" Medal. Nominees who fail their vote may be proposed again after a period of three months.
Modders Hammer
This medal is awarded to any member of the Modding community who is contributing to any Modding Project which is available on Total War Center. Any member can nominate a modder by sending a Private message to a member of the CdC. The medal will be awarded after the candidate has achieved a simple majority of non-abstaining votes.
Cicero’s Crest
This medal is awarded to any Citizen who has provided exceptional input into areas directly relating to the Curia. Any member who is nominated needs the support of three Citizens and must send an application to the CdC. The candidate will be awarded the medal is he achieves a 2/3 majority of non abstaining CdC votes.
Scholars Medal
The award is divided into three classes. The Bronze Scholars Medal is awarded to a librarian who has served three or more months inside the Scriptorium. The Silver Scholars Medal is awarded for over nine months of service. The Golden Scholars Medal is awarded to a Content Editor of the Scriptorium for exceptional service to the Content Branch for over 6 months. The Gold award is awarded by the “Administrative Council” whereas the Silver and Bronze are awarded by the “Head of Content”.
Graduates Diploma
In order for a member to qualify they must have successfully completed a course within the Total War Center University, as determined by the course Professor. The award is divided into three classes. The Bachelor's Degree is awarded to those students which have successfully completed one course. The Master's Degree is awarded to those students who have completed two courses. The Doctorate is awarded to those students who have completed three or more courses.
Professors Robe
In order for a member to qualify they must have successfully instructed at least one course within the Total War University, as determined by the University Chancellor.
Modder Awards
This category of medals is awarded to every member who wins an award in the TWC Modder Awards. The medal will have a year number on it to show when it was awarded. The Medal should also link to the relevant Awards thread. The precise medal is awarded based on the precise nature of the Modder Award won. The specific medals will be created by those in charge of the awards at the time and implemented by the Technical staff.
Member Awards
This category of medals is awarded to every member who wins an award in the TWC Member Awards. The medals will have a year number on it to show when it was awarded. The Medal should also link to the relevant Awards thread. The precise medal is awarded based on the precise nature of the Member Award won. The specific medals will be created by those in charge of the awards at the time and implemented by the Technical staff.
Article 3 - Triumphs
Golden Laurel Crown
Any citizen can propose another citizen for the honour of having a triumph provided he has the support of 10 other citizens. The individual nominated must accept the offer and the case must then be submitted for ratification by the CdC. A simple majority of non abstaining CdC members is required for the event to be held. Once a Citizen is awarded a triumph a thread is opened in the Curia by the Speaker of the house awarding the crown. The thread will remain open for a minimum of one week. Not more then two Triumphs may be held a month, one member may be awarded more then one triumph in his/her lifetime.
Golden Modding Laurel
Any Modding team which a part of the community may be awarded the honour. The honour is awarded by either the Council or a simple majority of non abstaining CdC voters. Any member can nominate a mod for the award and if awarded a thread will be opened in the Curia honouring the mod and its team. From that Pont onward the modding team is allowed to use the honour in advertising and may be awarded gifts such as interviews and exposure. A modding triumph is also to be announced on the front page.
Appendix A - Qualifiers for Patrician Rank
1. Local Moderator
- 1. Technical Help Center
- 2. The Basement
- 3. The Mod Workshop
- 4. Coliseum
- 5. Foreign Language Discussion
2. Staff Officer
3. Member of a Curial Committee
4. Curial Officer
5. Total War Contributions
- 1. Modding Tutorials
- 2. Modding Tools
- 3. Open Source Modifications
- 1. Articles on History, Religion, Politics, Science, Art, etc.
- 2. Gaming Reviews in the Circus Maximus
- 3. Hosting Contests in the Coliseum
- 4. Significant contributions to the Suggestion Forum
- 1. Repeated contributions of content such as articles, strategies and other general helpful information
8. Any other contribution
As Defined by the Council and CdeC, meriting consideration for Patricianship