Building Animations - M2TW
Building animations are used in M2TW battle-map buildings to represent gates opening and closing, walls being progressively destroyed, and towers and gates being damaged.
Useage Overview
Wall objects have a varying number of groups, normally depending on the size of wall. Town pallisade wall objects only have 4 groups, typical castle wall objects have 6 groups. Animations are used to show the transition between one group and the next, so for a 4 group wall object you would have 3 transitions. If animations are not used the view in game simply switches suddenly from one damage state group to the next.
Arrow Tower objects should be a 2 group object with a damaged and undamaged state. Animations are used to show the transition. Tall and complex tower objects in the game that can not be specifically targetted by artillery may also use an animation as above. If an animation is not used the view in game simply switches suddenly from one damage state group to the next.
The only building animations that are essential are the gate animation sets, when the gate 'opens' it uses an 'Open' animation to show the opening process, it stays at the end of that animation until troops clear the area, then uses a 'Close' animation to return to the starting position. Unlike the other transitions this is not a switch from one object-group to another, the temporarily open state is solely shown by the animation, if an animation is not used troops trying to use the gate will get stuck. This is a peculiarity of gates - for other building items the structure collisions do not actually stop troops.