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Imperial Splendour

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Imperial Splendour Is a Mod for Empire Total War. Imperial Splendour attempts to create the best Empire: Total War experience possible without destroying the essence of the game, with an eye towards expanding and enriching the experience, while adding to the game's realism whenever possible. Our main work has been to complete the former IS 2.1.4 release so as to update it and enable you to get the best Empire Total War experience. We are currently on version IS 2.2.1b. The greatest innovation in that release of Imperial Splendour is the evolution of the uniforms, separating the Grand Campaign into three periods (Early, Middle, Late). Each period allows you a different roster so as to be the most historically accurate. The uniform changes by stages and by revolution, so as to be consistent to correspond with major conflicts of the 18th century. A second aspect of Imperial Splendour is to offer a unique game- play experience with each faction.

Imperial Splendour
Platform Empire: Total War
Mod Type Overhaul
Era18th Century
Mod Leader wangrin & PikeStance
Release Status Version 2.2.1b

and Rise of the Republic

Forum / Thread Here


General Information

As you probably know Imperial Splendour is back with a new team for the next final release Imperial Splendour 3.0.

The mod currently is version 2.2.1b with a special release of a late campaign called the Rise of the Republic. The IS team does not have too many members so the work is advancing slowly. As a result, we will release small parts gradually to the final release of version III.

As you know the 18th century is a time of dramatic advancement in the way in which battles were fought; equipment and uniforms use, formations utlized, organization and overall strategies. IS III will be the culmination of this.

The 18th century is divided in three parts, one early, one middle, one late, and for each of these stages the uniforms and equipment will be different. Each time period will have specific uniforms and equipment. The evolution of units will be the consequence of your research in the tech tree, which is a total redesigned specific to each major faction and culturally the same for minor factions (Bavaria ans Saxony). Each factions Technology tree will be historically based and accurate.

The three stages will provide a unique game play experience in the number of units available. The early period will have a limited array of units available. However, through technological development reforms will allow the player to enter the "middle" period. In the "middle" period the armies diversity will increase as well as the ability to recruit foreign mercenaries. Moreover, the types of units will increase too; light troops, more mobile units, and also heavy units. In the late period; there will be less "new" units, but the units in the late period will be a better quality.


Faction Diversification


It is the main aspect of Imperial Splendour to offer unique game-play for each faction. We are limited with the number of factions we can use. As we lack the ability in the game engine to create true new factions, we have to use those already existing in game (but not necessarily used).

Please visit the Faction Discussion Forumto read about each factions unique qualities.


The philosophy of IS Team is to create a mod that is historically accurate while still maintaining the essence of the game-play. This means that we will not create "clone" armies using "generic" units. On the other hand, we will not add "every historical unit". When working on faction units roster, we try to keep faction's particularism, but grouping units into "types" such as "French line infantry fusiliers", "French line infantry grenadiers". On the other hand, we keep particularism such as "French line infantry petits vieux fusiliers", "French line infantry vieux fusiliers", "Gendarmerie de France" (heavy cavalry), etc.

Military Aspects

Combat Mechanics

Combat mechanics is continuously reworked through each new release leading up to v3.0. The purpose is developed a balance between historical accuracy and realism with practicality of the game- play.

The battle field is only 2000x2000 in Empire: Total War. A musket, a rifle or any light fire weapon should not have a range greater than 150; early era musket should be around 70, middle era musket should be around 85 and late musket should be around 100. Also, Light infantry weapons could have a 25% greater range, a better accuracy but a slower reloading rate.

Historically, a trained unit could fire up to 6 shots per minute, but definitively less during a battle due to stress. 2 to 3 shots per minute is considered to be rate under combat conditions. Carbine took longer to load, but something in the 60s is probably too much (60s is, as far as I know, then maximum reloading time that can be use in db tables).

The Hussars will not use pistol. They should use carbine and sword as it is not possible for them to use more than 2 weapons.

Working on fire weapon and projectiles is a bit complex and it will require continued testing for each parameter. These can modify in within the unit's characteristics such as core_marksmanship or core_loading_skill but you can also modify projectile's parameters too, such as :

  • effective range : the "target area" you can see in game
  • muzzle velocity : effect on impact, maybe on the real projectile range too
  • marksmanship_bonus :
  • spread
  • damage :
  • penetration :
  • null, armor piercing , effective_range_based, low, medium, high
  • collision radius : the projectile "solid" size, bigger is the collision radius, greater is your chance to hit a target.
  • base_reload_time
  • base_misfire_chance

In addition to changes to the projectile tables, morale & fatigue tables will be altered to create a more realistic feel to battles. Troop movements will be reduce. This will make the battles deceptively more challenging. Using careful tactic would be a necessity if you hope to be successful on the battlefield.

With each new release, your feedback would be invaluable in finalizing the mechanic.

Naval Combat

Imperial Splendour contains a reworked Naval System. We're trying to provide a more realistic experience, but not overly boring and time-consuming. We are making the following alterations.

  • Stronger Hulls - Ships of the line usually don't sink
  • Realistic Maneuverability - Ships don't have a brake. They can not turn 90° on the spot. Ship maneuverability has been changed, while keeping large differences between the different ship sizes
  • Useful Ammunition - Each shot-type shall have its uses, yet not be overpowered. Round shot is the most accurate, yet only really effective against hull and cannons.
  • Chain shot hurts the sails, but is very inaccurate. Grape shot decimates the crew, but can only be used at short range
  • Fitting Morale - In order to make sure ships not sink so easily, they must surrender before they sink. Morale has been fitted to this.


Recruitment system

IS Team is redesigning the recruitment system which will be based on regions. This means that the number of different units in building recruitment queue is limited. On the other hand, the unit recruitment queue for general will be unusable. The recruitment system is similar to the one that Steph developed for Master of Europe

I.S recruitment system

Campaign Units

Campaign - National Units

As done in MoE, national units are available only in homeland region and only for the faction which they historically belong to.National unit will also be cloned per homeland regions :

  • French Line Infantry {France}
  • French Line Infantry {Alsace}

Campaign - Occupation/Allied Units

Occupation units are created by cloning national units, except guard and elite ones and giving slightly lower stats (moral ?) than their national counterparts.

As done in MoE, occupation units are available only in homeland region and only for all faction except faction to which homeland belong. Occupation unit will also be cloned per homeland regions :

  • Allied French Line Infantry {France}
  • Allied French Line Infantry {Alsace}

Campaign - AoR Units

The main difference with national and occupation units is that AoR unit are not "regionalized". They are available through a regional area (one to several regions) and only have a global recruitment limit. Like National Units, limit will be fixed to 1/2 of max historical availability. They represent mercenary or foreign volunteers.

AoR units can be : "national" units (only available to the faction they historically belong to) such as foreign volunteers ; regional/natives units (available for all faction occupying the region).

Example :

  • French Swiss line infantry : available only for France but AoR extended to west Europa (France, Spain, Italy, Germany) and limited to 5 units (approximatively 10 historically) ;
  • French German Line infantry : available only for France but AoR extended to parts of west and central Europa (France, Alsace, Germany) an limited to 8 (approximatively 16 historically) ;
  • Allied Bengali sepoys : available for all factions owning northern India and limited to ? units.

This system will gradually be adopted for naval recruitment.

Custom Battle Units

Custom battle units will correspond to the faction's historical naval roster and divide by periods (early/middle/late). Campaign Units

1. Region based naval recruitment

Like land units, recruitment will be "regionalized".

Region could be separate in 4 types :

  • Naval building level 0 : can only build small ships (brig, etc.) ;
  • Naval building level 1 : can build small ships and merchant vessels ;
  • Naval building level 2 : can build up to medium military vessels (frigate) ;
  • Naval building level 3 : can build all type of ships, up to the most complex ones.

Only region with historical "naval building level 3" should be able to build the most complex vessels.

This means they have an historical naval tradition.

Those regions are, at least : England, France, Spain, Cuba, United Province, Denmark, Sweden, Ingria (only way to allow Russia to build big vessels), Naples & Sicily, Rumelia (?).

Recruitment limit will be fixed per region.

Units will be separate in National Units and Local Units (equivalent to occupation units).

2. Naval National Units

Naval National Units will be available only in homeland region and only for the faction which they historically belong to.

Recruitment will be fixed per region.

Example : Spanish can build :

  • Spanish 80 guns first rate {Cuba} in Cuba if they have a naval base ;
  • Spanish 80 guns first rate {Spain} in Spain if they have a naval base.

3. Naval Occupation Units

Naval occupation units will be available only in homeland region and only for all faction except faction to which homeland belong.

This is particularly important for factions unable to build ships, such as Bavaria or Saxony.

If such faction occupy a sea region, they will be able to build local ships, relying on local "naval tradition". Example : Austria can build vaisseau de 80 canons {France} if they occupy France

Non-Military Gameplay Aspects

AI, Economy, Unrest and Research fall in this category.

About economy, The IS team will explore several possibilities improve the game- play. To help reduce the way the AI "spawns" armies is to limit unit number available to recruitment and use a high recruitment. Furthermore, building chains will be modify to add more economic and repression effects. It is the hope of the IS team that will create a more consistent AI, and therefore, a more challenging experience.

The Team

Mod Leader: Wangrin

Project Manager: PikeStance


  • Don504 : DB_table editor (db), 2D artist , Historian (North America)
  • Flikitos : Previous Leader, 2D and 3D artist, ESF Editor, DB-table Editor
  • JaM : Mechanic Battle and Campaign Designer, DB-table Editor, Historian
  • PikeStance : Project Manager, Battle and campaign mechanic designer, DB-table editor, Historian
  • Quintus Hortensius Hortalus : DB-table Editor, 2D and 3D artist (Tech tree and building chains)
  • Wangrin : Leader of the mod, 3D Editor, (the best) Historian.
  • Herr Doctor : Historian and 2D artist (Flags)Element B
  • TuranianGhazi : 2D and 3D artistElement C

Previous IS' team members

  • Ahiga : Lead Creative Designer
  • Dazo :
  • Dogmeat : FX, mod-architectureFortes : Co-creator of the mod IS III version
  • Flaviuss : 2D and 3D artist
  • gomer_pyle : Artworks and mapping
  • Kenniston5 : Technology Trees, startpos editorElement B
  • Lazy Knight : Script lua programmer, and DB-EditorElement C
  • MegasAlexandros : 2D and 3D artistElement B
  • Okmin : Co-creator of the IS III versionElement C

Special Thanks to Other Contributors

  • 162eRI : Historian (Flags)
  • Danova/Ornamentum: Hungarian Hussars, Albanian Warriors (Bashi Bazouks), French Colonial Marines, Spanish Carabineros, Hungarian Grenadiers, Trabant Guard, Spanish Marines
  • Erasmuss777: Danish
  • ErikBerg : Historian (Sweden)
  • HellFell: Russians, Spanish
  • Jarnomiedema: Dutch
  • Naxzul666 : Videographer
  • Shokh: Thanks for your Great Installer!
  • Sir Caesar: Moroccans, Persians Barbary Pirates, Hajduks, Hungarian Line, Grenzers, British Rangers, KTKG units
  • Spanky: Proper Militia (used for our levy line grade troops & Minutemen)
  • Ottoman Total Realism Team: Cairo Janissaries & Sekban Janissaries
  • ToonTotalWar Team: ToonTotalWar (Creator), gary, kave-In, Officerpuppy, Newman55f9, MorganH, Major, tiyafeh, carricanta, nigelnire: 2nd Catalonians & British Royal American Line

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