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Justinian's Message

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- main article: Total War Center History

I apologise for this hijacking of the front page. But hey, it's already been done before, and perhaps we should have listened then.

I'm Justinian. I was a staff member at TWC from September 15, 2005 to January 16th, 2007. If you do the math that's 1 year, 4 months and 1 day. In that period I was admin, from March 1st 2006 to - again - January 16th. And in that time, I, along with fellow Hex members and dedicated staffers like Belisarius, imb39 (or El Cid), Asterix, Tacticalwithdrawal, Seneca, Fabolous, Simetrical, Aristocrat, Evariste, Gigagaia, Lusted . . . and further back, members like Soren, did our best for years to make TWC into the forum it was yesterday. A forum full of intellectual discussion, content, with thousands of members, more hits than all the other TWC fansites, and the #1 spot among Total War fansites.

For those years we were staff, we served the TWC community. We have lives, families, school or jobs, but we sacrificed a little bit of that every day to help TWC grow, make it bigger, better, stronger. We did everything we did, not for our own interests (what is more worthless than a little badge on a site in a corner of the Net?), but for the sake of the community. We put in hundreds, if not thousands, of hours to improve TWC. We made some bad decisions and many good ones. In the end, we were the longest-serving, steadiest, calmest, and most reliable group of staff TWC has ever seen, and we stuck together through thick and thin, bonds of brotherhood between people who have never met in real life, held together by a cable and "a series of tubes".

We were thanked for this work by being demoted without warning by ON, whose sole purpose is to grind TWC down into a uniform lump of clay, identical to all the others they have molded and mashed to their pathetic ideal. TWC remains the only ON site to have over 10,000 members - from TWC to the next largest is a massive drop in members, posts, and community. And yet ON, in their infinite wisdom, have decided it is best to destroy the very fabric of the site, rip it, tear it, burn it, and replace it with something alien, idiotic and all together worthless.

We move on to greener pastures. We hope TWC will continue and survive, and we hope we can return there some day and find it like it was, or at least in a state where we can help make it like it was.

                        Ex-Admin of TWC
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