Navajo Scout Warriors (ETW Unit)
These warriors have honed their archery and horsemanship over years of raiding.
As a result, these men are horse archers almost without peer, well able to use any ground to full effect. Even superior firepower may be of little use against them, as they have the speed to attack and then pull back out of range before it can be brought to bear.
Raiding has always been an important, even natural, part of the Navajo economy. This made many enemies for the Navajo among other tribes as well as European settlers.
After many years of Navajo raids, counter-raids and treaties, the United States government demanded the surrender of the Navajo. It was the adoption of a scorched-earth policy that starved the Navaho out of their homelands. In January 1864, many Navajos started what became known as the Long Walk, a journey to Fort Sumner. The overcrowded reservation contained ten thousand people inhabiting an area meant for five thousand. Four hundred of those were Mescalero Apaches, rivals of the Navajo. The Navajos were eventually allowed to return home, in 1868, finally completing their Long Walk.
Navajo Scout Warriors are a unique unit available only to the Pueblo nations in the Warpath Campaign. They are a missile Cavalry unit, fielding bows and tomahawks. Due to this they can output an impressive fire rate to to the quick reload speed bows have. This means that they can unleash a few volleys upon the enemy before they have a chance to reform and open fire. By this time the Navajo Scout Warriors can ride away to a safe distance. They can also handle themselves well in melee and if supported by other units, will likely defeat enemy line in combat. However they should not be used on a frontal attack on an enemy Line Infantry, as a volley could be devastating.