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Revision as of 03:11, 9 May 2008 by Andy5 (talk | contribs)
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A spy is an agent character that may be trained in settlements that have the required structures. Spies cannot take part in battles, or negotiate with other characters. Their purpose is to reveal:

1. What lies within another faction's settlement.
2. The make-up of another faction's army on the map.
3. Any hidden armies laying in ambush on the map.
4. Monitor the movement of military forces in another faction's territory
5. Counter spying - staying in friendly settlements to expose espionage and assassination attempts.


1. Moving spies next to a settlement or army will often give the required information. Clicking on a settlement or army will increase the risk of the spy being discovered and perhaps slain.
2. Spies that enter a settlement that has the plague, may contract the disease and can carry that with them to another settlement or army. This can be considered 'germ warfare' to affect your enemies.
3. Moving to, or keeping a spy in your own settlements can improve public order and help to reveal enemy agents. When teamed up with an assassin in a settlement, there is a higher probability enemy spies and assassins will be caught and executed.
4. Spies can also attach themselves to armies in order to protect them or board ships. A spy attached to an army can increase the line of sight of that army depending on the spy's subterfuge level
5. Spies can be used to increase unrest in other factions settlements, possibly tipping the town into revolt
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