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Chief Librarian

Badges/Roles:Citizen, Librarian, Content Staff, Content Director, Local Moderator, Moderator
Patron of:leo.civil.uefs, ElvenKind, Stylix

About StealthFox

StealthFox registered on November 10, 2010. He is currently a member of Hexagon Council, representing Content, and local moderator for the Third Age Total War hosted mod forum. He also holds the rank of citizen.

Ranks And Awards

Current Ranks

Rank Description
Citizen radadir.png Citizen is a special rank given as a reward by the CdeC to those members who make a significant contribution to the Forum.
Librarian radadir2.png A Librarian is responsible for running the Scriptorium on TWC.
Content director.png A Content Director is the supervisor rank for the Content Staff's respective branches such as Content Staff (Writers and Wiki Staff), Librarians, and Content Artists.
Administrator radadir.png An Administrator serves the main body which performs the day to day administering of the Total War Center and its forums.


Award Type Reason
Quillbigemerald.png Scribe's Quill Awarded for service in Content staff.
University professor large.png TWC University Professor Awarded for teaching a TWC University course.
Macebigbronze.png Moderator's Mace Awarded for service as moderator.

Total War Games Owned

Box Art Type
256px-Medieval Total War.jpg Medieval: Total War
MTWVIBA.jpg Medieval: Total War Viking Invasion
Romebox.jpg Rome: Total War
M2TWBA.jpg Medieval 2: Total War
M2TWKBA.jpg Medieval 2: Total War Kingdoms
The TWC Wiki This article is about a member of TWC. Members are usually responsible for updating their own pages as they wish, therefore the information shown may not be up-to-date.
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