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Talk:Medieval II: Total War - Modding Index

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Article Status Commentary

Relevant links from old M2TW forum list now included - see below for excluded ones and reasons (asterixed items still need checking for possible re-inclusion):

Not included from forum list:


Docudemon files released originals seem to be missing again ******
Cinematic Editor: Tutorial dead link to tutorial
Patch 1.2 Docudemons dead download


How to change shared.txt and strat.txt seems to be for early patch, and pre strings.bin converter
Basic faction conversion instructions were on pictures - now missing - probably covered in others check at end ****************
J@mes' Kingdoms Scripts somehow seemed to have put the text in pics - which are missing!
How-to: make battle_models.MODELDB more readable - early thing formatted .modeldb now available
How to Edit Settlements info is wrong - refer to wiki .worldpkgdesc page instead
Adding existing units into other factions in battle_models.modeldb made easy this actually looks hugely complicated - check at end for other methods ****************
Changing The English General Battle Model not a useful way of trying to do this - doesn't explain anything just swaps England v Norman
How to play as the Aztecs in Campaign mode not useful
M2TW AI Modification: An Interactive Essay linked direct to the heaven games thread instead
Traits, Triggers&Monitors just a link to the org tut's used them instead
How to make a berserker unit (tut) lovely, except it crashes when they enter battle (not useable in M2TW)
Tutorial: Kingdoms Strat Models needed text was in images - images missing!
Total Conversion Mods Some things to try very little info - covered better elsewhere
(Almost) Complete Guide to Adding a Unit doesn't include anything about what to do about model, check if covered elsewhere ********************

Archaon’s Scripting Commands Research and Guides Individual links added instead - the db.xml one not included file missing
EDUHelper tool with no download
Roman names gens/surnames actual tool missing
Settlement Coordinates list missing - tool included separately on list
BareBones EDU attached files needed & missing
MUG: Modding Unit Guideline contains list of permitted users! *******************

Excel Traitgenerator missing download
Easy script for medieval II missing download
BMTWTS - Unit Editor Plugin missing download
boboav's Build Maker1.0 missing download
Random Trait Generator missing download
Quick & Dirty Mass Unit Size changer missing download
Brandon EDU tool for Kingdoms not a tool just a request for one
battle_models.modeldb Validation/Beautifying/Compacting Tool link to thing that isn't there
Building and Unit Validator that's not there either
Trait Editor actual editor gone missing (from org post link)
EDSUV Lister and EDU Lister included each separately
Historic Event Creator missing download
Easy EDU Editor missing download
Excel Editing missing attachment
Workbook that creates any mod's unit list missing attachment
export_descr_buildings_enums name generator missing download

Basic through Intermediate Practical Application Modeling Course X all info in dead links
Creating a Helmet X dead links to videos
A Guide to Cursors X dead link to doc
How to make Faction Symbols ala StephanX not enough info without the pics
Unit Info Card in photoshop X not enough info without pics / dl
Event Picture Tutorial X not enough info without the pics
UV mappingX????? not really comprehensible but put in if nothing else on KE's tool *********************
Assigning Textures to Models X not without the pics & only a general milkshape instruction
How to make Better normal maps X not enough info without pics
Strat Models by [J@mes X no use without the code/pics
J@mes's guide to Milkshape X not without the pics & only a general milkshape instructions
How to change faction symbol with paint.netX not without pics
How to: Add Alpha Channel and Make .tga for units with GIMP X not without pics
Unit Cards X???? has steps but missing pics - see what else there is at end **********************
How to assign model as officer banner-bearer with MS3D X think too confusing without pics - check at end ***********************
Create Realistic Texture Illumunation and Shading in PhotoshopX generic photoshop instructions - no pics
Easy Way of Creating Blank Texture X generic photoshop instruction - doesn't seem useful
How to paint units X doesn't make sense without pics

IWTE Tutorials:
How to have custom settlements on battlemap using settlement plans 99.99% sure none of this works, Mak.
Custom settlements - IWTE Red Devil posted updated version which is included in list

Update! - Animated Bowstring, War Wagon and Decapitations Animations Pack links removed by Moderation for copyright reasons
Head references only a link - link is dead
Lü Bu's resources nothing there
Modeling Course 101 all links dead
Hunter Makoy's 2d Stencils missing attachment
Brushes and Tutorials (Skinning) links don't go to articles
the Armory no links no pics
Basic Cloth Patterns dead attachments
Community donation from the WotN teamdownload to both sets are dead
Akthross anims released no current download - this might be findable **********
templates nothing there
Face collection:European,African,Far Eastern no link no pics
The Theodosian Walls [Model] dead attachment
Coat of Arms Library both links dead
Free texture source dead link
Chinese armour drafts from several eras (Link, in Chinese) dead link

3DS Max animation export/import tool missing

GOAT version 1_1, bug fix release already linked from main GOAT and GOAL page
Milkshape ms3d Importer/Exporter for 3ds Max and Gmax v 1.1 included instead
Open dds file put nVidia link in direct
DXTBmp 4.00.96-texture converter external tool - not there anymore

Faction-Specific Music - by Space_Ed - images missing X too hard to understand without pics - included in ElMonstero's guide

Landbridges-Unblockable but sailable not understandable without the missing pics
Navigateable Rivers not understandable without the missing pics
Creating Land Mass not understandable without the missing pics
Campaign Mapping With Gimp not understandable without the missing pics
Adding Characters and armies with Geo-mod missing pics - left out on assumption this is covered properly in gig's manual
How-To: Satellite/Map to Great map_ground_types/Map not understandable without the missing pics
Expanding The Campaign Map missing pics - check later if covered***************
Mapping for dummies (complete tutorial) - Thanks to GrnEyedDvl just link to the class which is already in
Creating a base campaign map link and attachment dead
Very Easy Way of Smooth Coastlines not understandable without the missing pics
How To Add a New Climate Zone same as included better Tutorial - still crashes on battle map

Basic Map by Ataegina link gone - pics gone
You Need Good Map??Here!! dead links
Base map missing attachment
Blank Campaign Map missing attachment
Map of Ireland & Isle of Man dead download
Decent Biome Map gone missing
Working Basic Europe Map gone missing
Map Region Colors a list without a point, any colour can be used

BrandonM's descr_strat editor - Beta Release .001 missing a link
BMTWTS - Region Editor Plugin no download
Odd Pixel Mapping Assistant Tool no download
Mapping Tool (online mapper) no dl or link

Creating a World - Mod Install for Steam obsolete used Starting Steam Mods the easy Way instead
How to merge 2 mods - exceptionally unlikely to work without causing severe problems...
How to restore the status of a save this isn't what it says it is - it's an adjustment to the campaign starting positions which is better covered elsewhere
New face of Faction Icon not useful without the missing pics
Chapter-1. Unpacking Medieval 2 Total War covered elsewhere
Chapter-2. using mod switcher just link to .com thread that doesn't have that info now

Missing Portraits of Pagan Priests for Teutonic Campaign. missing download
Ultimate Docudemons 1.0 newer version with working link available
Mod Hosting dead site
City List its an unfinished list of vanilla locations only
Online Edition the whatever it is, is missing
MODIEVAL: Mugshots Midgetmod II. The 144 customised Generals .tga Resource Compendium + Ancillary Bonus V no download
Rad's Textures/Art no download

Mod folder installer dead dl
MTW2 unpack tool 1.01 Update missing dl
M2TW syntax highlighting for UltraEdit32 dead dl
Mod Development Tools dead link
BrandonM's Total War Toolsetlink to page with dead dl link
BMTWTS - Download and Details that's the page with the dead dl link
tools from RTW/BI sounds like these didn't work for M2
Unit Damage, Defense and Armour Calculator tool missing
Infracta Launcher + Tools dead dl link at end of chain
Mod Launcher (steam compatible) dead dl
Faction Launcher not there
Auto-Completion and colour highlighting for Notepad++ file gone

Guide: Espionage (causing cities to revolt) out of scope
Guide: Bribing and how to do itout of scope

Removed from list as author says it doesn't work properly: