Trait/Ancillary Attributes (RTW)
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Attributes are the benefits that can be received when a trait or ancillary (retinue) is acquired by a character. The following is the list of attributes available for use with traits and ancillaries in Rome: Total War and its two expansions.
- MovementPoints
- Command
- Loyalty
- TroopMorale
- Influence
- Management
- Fertility
- PersonalSecurity
- PublicSecurity
- Negotiation
- Subterfuge
- HitPoints
- Attack
- Defence
- Ambush
- Law
- SiegeAttack
- SiegeDefence
- Unrest
- Construction
- LineOfSight
- Trading
- Squalor
- BribeResistance
- Bribery
- TrainingAgents
- Farming
- Mining
- SiegeEngineering
- NightBattle
- NavalCommand
- InfantryCommand
- CavalryCommand
- Combat_V_Roman
- Combat_V_Greek
- Combat_V_Slave
- Combat_V_Carthaginian
- Combat_V_Eastern
- Combat_V_Barbarian
- Combat_V_Egyptian
- Combat_V_Nomad
- Combat_V_Hun
- TaxCollection
- PopularStanding
- SenateStanding
- LocalPopularity
- Electability
- Looting
- TrainingAnimalUnits
- BodyguardValour
- BattleSurgery
- TrainingUnits
- SlaveTrading
- Health
- GrainTrading
- FootInTheDoor (unknown benefit)
- Not all of the attributes listed above are usable in both RTW and BI, at least without some modification of the game files
- Combat_V_faction_name is not a valid attribute
- Combat_V_culture_name does not support gaining negative points in a trigger