Prince of Macedon
A popular (on youtube) RTW player, and was the host of many popular RTW online tournaments. Under the patronage of Hader.
Figting style
Prince of Macedon often plays as Macedon at low money games this keeps the game fair and archers are still effektive unlike high money games.
His troops selection:
Royal pikemen:a hoplite unit that has the same number of troops as falangites 240 men. Royal pikemen are better protected than Silver shields or Bronze shields and Pharaos Guard. A very soldid anvil.
Companion cavalry: Elite horsemen with good armour and a very good charge. These men exell at flank and rear attacks!
with proper flanking companions and not all cav unit selected at 1 enemy unit head on these men can kill anything.
Archers:very cheap they may lack the punch of cretans but they leave more rom for upgrades after all it is the melee that decides the battle.
Great distraction that keeps enemy archers busy while attacking with melee troops.