Joined the site in May 2011
I am native of New Orleans, Louisiana (USA). Currently living in Shanghai, China. International Social Studies teacher
I come to TWC to share my love and passion for TW Games. The first TW game I owned was Shogun. I feel in love with series then. I currently own Empire and Napoleon. Prior to these two games, I also owned Medieval TW.
Roles and Interest at TW Center
IMPERIAL SPLENDOUR- TEAM LEADER as PROJECT MANAGER. (I am DB Editor/ Historian. The goal of IMPERIAL SPLENDOUR is to create a mod that recreates as accurate as possible the 18th century. Each faction will be a unique faction with its own unique building tree, units and behavior.
RELEASE MOD: Pike's Tactical Commander A Battle enhancement mod for Imperial Splendour
LIBRARIAN I am formally a Librarian on TWC. (2012- 2013)
VAULT STAFF The MODDING VAULT is an archive and repository for all modding materials. I have been a member since 2013.
Creator and member of Historical Research Society. In the process of creating a comprehensive resource repository called the ARCHIVUM The Archivum is for the storing of historical resources which includes web- links, nooks, journals, documentaries, etc... The Archivum is intended to be use by historical researchers, modders and writers of AARs. If you are interested, Please join