Consilium de Civitate
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Jump to navigationJump to searchThe Consilium de Civitate is a body of 16 Patricians and the Hexagon Council. They are responsible for promoting and demoting members to the rank of Citizen and Patrician, and performing various other Curial tasks. The 16 Patrician seats are elected by the Curia every three months, subject to veto by the staff. The Senior Staff seats are reserved and never voted upon, and are automatically given to new Senior Staff members.
Syntagma Text
Consilium de Civitate
The Consilium de Civitate (CdeC) manages the granting and removal of the ranks of Civitate, Artifex and Patrician through votes as per the "Patronization" and "Citizens' Behavior" sections of the Syntagma. The CdeC may also function as an advisory body to the staff of TWC in matters concerning the Curia and its Citizens.
The Consilium de Civitate is primarily an elected body of Patricians. The full membership of the CdeC comprises of:
16 elected Patricians, who may discuss and vote on all matters within the CdeC forums. Senior Staff, who may discuss all matters within the CdeC forums, but have no normal vote. The Syntagma Curator, who may take part in all CdeC discussions, and has the deciding vote in cases of a tie, but otherwise has no normal vote. The Curator has veto powers over any CdeC decision and may fire any elected member of the CdeC for non-attendance.
Elected members of the Consilium de Civitate must actively participate in discussions and votes, Senior Staff participation is optional.
CdeC members are elected as per the Curial Elections section of the Syntagma - with the added requirement that candidates hold the basic rank of Patrician and have no Staff warnings at the time of election.
Each elected CdeC member has a term of three months starting from their date of election. When their term expires, new elections will be held for membership to the CdeC.
If a member of the CdeC resigns during their term, or if during elections less than 16 eligible Patricians apply in the candidates thread, the 'spare' positions may be filled by staff of any rank (with normal voting rights) until appropriate Patricians can be found to stand for election.