Jom joined TWC back in June 2007, having completed Medieval II Total War and looking for some modifications to play during the long summer before he went to university. Once he got what he wanted, Jom promptly left TWC and faded back into the vague haze outside the forum referred to by those in the know as "real life"
The Comeback
When Empire was released, Jom once again made a few forays onto the board posting about how awful the game was and generally bitching along with everyone else about the piss-poor siege A.I. His job having been completed and the bile subsequently vented, he faded back once more.
The Golden Age of Jom
As before, TWC once again came back into Jom's life thanks to the release of a new game, namely Napoleon. Like a fine wine, Jom had matured in the years since first joining the board and decided to make a few posts in the Political Mudpit as he had spotted a thread about Halal meat being served in KFC and some rather poorly-constructed arguments being thrown about. Rolling up his sleeves and baring his not-insubstantial rhetorical muscles, he waded into the Mudpit and never looked back.
Three weeks later his efforts were rewarded by promotion to the rank of Citizen.
The Saga Continues
What lies on the horizon for Jom? Fame? Glory? A one night stand and a prolonged battle with herpes? Only time will tell...