Indian Boy90
Forum names: indian_boy90 [aka indian boy]
Real Name: Abhishek
Date of Birth: 04/12/90 [dd/mm/yy]
Nationality: Indian
Roles in the TW modding world:
1) Modeller for Broken Crescent mod ; 2) Historical Researcher for Broken Crescent [researching the Indian history, ancs, traits etc. in particular] ; 3) Coding for Broken Crescent [well, i've just coded some ancs and traits for the Indian faction.] ; 4) Angered supporter and jabber for the Wrath of the Norsemen MOD. Trying to push that MOD into gear.
Bio: w00t w00t! im teh indian boi! w00t w00t! On a more serious note, i'm an aspiring character artist who wants to get into the game art industry. My only piece [other than assets for the BC mod] is this
extras: I'm on facebook, hi5 and myspace if [for some strange reason] u feel the need to add me!