John I Tzimisces
Formerly known as "eXc|Imperator", John I Tzimisces has been a member of the site since November 08, 2004, has been a Civitate since September 29th 2005, and is a notable member of TWC's moderately sized but generally well spoken Armenian community. Under the Curial law in late 2005, he was granted Patrician rank 2 months after receiving Civitate status, on December 29th 2005.
Within the next month he was approached by his patron, Seleukos, on the issue of putting his name forward to run for staff, and was appointed Cohortes Praetoria January 16th 2006. Shortly thereafter, on the 27th of January 2006, he was confirmed as a Quaestor, as at the time, there had been a few resignations in staff, holes to fill, and his performance was deemed good enough.