From TWC Wiki
Revision as of 17:00, 8 April 2009 by PowerWizard (talk | contribs)
After years of lurking, PowerWizard joined TWC on March 24, 2008. Based on the ideas of Tweety, he founded and managed the After Action Report (AAR) Competitions and the Tale of the Week tournament, united almost all AAR subfora and Total War related community games subfora into a main index forum. He served as a librarian for a short time, submitted a few articles to the Eagle Standard. PowerWizard became a citizen in October under the patronage of Gaius Baltar, and won the 'Fastest Rising Newbie' award in the same year. He patronized the following chaps: davide.cool, Jingle_Bombs, sinople, Hesus de bodemloze, Ketzerfreund.