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Protestant (ETW Religion)

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Revision as of 00:33, 13 May 2009 by Bavi-jan (talk | contribs) (Protestantism)
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Protestantism is a religion shared by some factions and countries in Empire Total War. Sweden, Prussian kingdom, United Provinces and Great Britain are major protestant, playable factions in the game. Denmark and Hanover are also protestant nations, although minor. Protestant nations are often allied because of the Catholic threats from powerful factions like Spain and France , which do not like protestant nations at all. Great Britain is definitely the most powerful, protestant faction in the beginning of the game.

Protestantism is mainly the religion of western and northern parts of Europe in the begining of the game. Protestan factions do however own colonies and protectorates which they spread the Protestant belief to. An example of this is the British protectorates in America that are Protestants.

Like the other religions in Empire Total War, protestant nations can spawn religious agents who can turn the inhabitants of a region to protestants. This can for example be done to make religious unrest in an enemy's region, or to convert inhabitans of a newly captured region to protestants who are easily satisfied by churchs.

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