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Invasio Barbarorum: Ultimus Romanorum

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Revision as of 12:56, 12 August 2010 by Hesus de bodemloze (talk | contribs) (The Team)
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Template:Mod overview


A new improvement to Rio's IBFD, VLTIMVS ROMANORVM is focused heavily on the Western Roman Empire and the period leading up to the Famous Battle of Chalons. Built for the Alex.exe platform, it includes many new features that are currently not availible to other IB mods. The Expected release date is late 2011.


Originally proposed in March, 2010 by the user Magister Militum FlaviusAetius, INVASIO BARBARORVM : VLTIMVS ROMANORVM quickly began to gain popularity, although no real progress on the game was made until late July, 2010. Still in the developmental stages, it has recieved much feedback in terms of popularity and criticism. Originally built for IB v 1.6, the team decided to switch over to the more versatile Alex v. 1.9 platform. Highly anticipated by many members, the release date for IBUR is currently set to late 2011, al though a beta is expected to be released by the end of 2010. The mod focuses heavily on Flavius Aetius, and the campaigns of aAttila in the mid 5th century. It begins in 429 AD, and is set to end in early 461 AD. It includes many new features for RTW Alex such as playable naval battles and the shieldwall ability. It also includes custom general unit models for Aetius and his entourage, Attila, and Theodoric. New units such as a custom general's bodyguard, Navis Iusoria, and others will also be implemented.


Working on the original mod.

The Team

The Team includes the Mod leader and original Founder, Magister Militum FlaviusAetius (originally named Magistri Militum FlaviusAetius). New members were quickly added, the first of which were beta testers that include, aenima, juvenus, and others. Soon char joined as a 2D artist, and hannibalcaesar as a scripter and coder. hannibalcaesar was latered offered the position of co-leader by MMFA. Remlap and Lu Bu (originally Karlo'st) quickly became the 2 3D askinners and modellers, and now lionheart, virilluster, and Aurelianus Silvanius Tacitus have joined as the head researchers. The team is unusually large, but manages to function well.

The Team :

Magister Militum FlaviusAetius


Lü Bu







Imperial Eagle

Aurelianus Silvanius Tacitus



The Spartan Warlord




VLTIMVS ROMANORVM was founded by Riothamus and Magister Militum FlaviusAetius in late march, 2010. By late april, the mod had a huge group of supporters and Ideas were flowing in. Originally some alternate history items were going to be offered in a downloadable patch, but this Idea was scrapped. By Late June some progress was beginning, but it was very slow. When Remlap joined the team in late July, there some hope that the mod would be sucessful was restored. The availible previews and information show that the mod is now rapidly developing into a new IB prodigy.



Included Mods


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