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Revision as of 04:55, 19 April 2017 by PikeStance (talk | contribs) (ELECTED POSITIONS)
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TWC Profile Page


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He is a native of New Orleans, Louisiana (USA) who is currently living in Changchun, China (Northeast of China) as a secondary social studies teacher at the International school. PikeStance has been a teacher for 12+ years with 8 years teaching overseas. He previously taught in Beijing, Shanghai, Dubai and Abidjan.

He joined TWC in May 2011 to share his love and passion for TW Games. Apart from TW games, He also enjoys playing other strategy games like, Risk, Settlers of Catan, Diplomacy, and Go. He is an active player on the KGS server as Pike) Additionally, He has also played the famous Conquest of the Empire, Fortress America, and Axis and Allies (The first release versions). Miniature war-gaming is also a passion of his playing mostly Napoleonic Wars and the American Civil War).

He owns the following Total War games; Medieval II, Empire, Napoleon, Shogun II, Rome II, and Attila.

He also owns the following Paradox game; Victoria 2, Europa Universalis IV, City Skylines, Stellaris, and Hearts of Iron IV

PikeStance is involved in the following projects

  • Modding Projects (Imperial Splendour/ Personal
  • TWC Genealogy Project
  • Historical Society and Repository Project
  • Blog Project
  • Visual Arts project
  • Wiki Project



Joined the site in May 2011


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Patron of

_Tataros_, Magister Militum Flavius Aetius, Alwyn, Lord Oda Nobunaga, Massive_attack, Hayabusa Sushi, Darios, Destin Faroda, z3n, Tenerife Boy, Bran Mac Born, M(at)x1mus, Zipzopdippidybopbop, izzi, VadAntS


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Wiki Content Staff:

  • 2017 - Present

Modding Awards Committee:

  • 2014- 2017


Vault Staff:

  • 2013- 2017 (In Hiatus)

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  • 2012- 2013


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Magistrate: 1 Term

  • Sept.-Dec. 2016


Censor: 3 Terms

  • Jan.- Apr 2015
  • Nov. 2015- Feb. 2016
  • May- Aug. 2016

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Curator: 1 Term

  • June- Aug. 2015

Modding Project


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I am primarily interested in modding Campaign and Battle AI behavior. In additional I also mod economic factors as well as making changes that are more historically accurate. My primary modding is in the DB tables with some minor modification with the startpos. It is my personal goal to learn to mod scrupting Lua as well.

Through my modding activities connected with the Imperial Splendour mod, I will occasionally develop aspects of the game for the community at large to use. This page is design to allow easy access to all of the mods have released.

Member of the MODDB Community


IMPERIAL SPLENDOUR- TEAM LEADER as PROJECT MANAGER. (He is an DB Editor/ Historian). The goal of IMPERIAL SPLENDOUR is to create a mod that recreates as accurate as possible the 18th century. Each faction will be a unique faction with its own unique building tree, units and behavior.

Release Submods

Pike's Tactical Commander

  • A Battle enhancement mod for Imperial Splendour

CAI Overhaul Beta Testing

  • Our goal at Imperial Splendour isn't just to create a unique game play experience for the player, but to create a unique game play behavior for the AI as well
  • PRIMARY: We are working on creating unique modification for AI behavior. This entails significant modification of AI behavior and personality.
  • SECONDARY: To improve the economic realism of the game as well as creating more realistic large scale battles.

Rise of the Republic Battle Enhancement for v2.2.1b

  • This is an enhancement of the effects that is seen in the Rise of the Republic. Better smoke and firing effects and no tracers.

No Projectile Trails Submod

  • This is for Both 2.2.1b and Rise of the Republic. All of the "annoying white streaks are gone. Your only clue of a bad shot is when the bullets hit the ground!

No Rain Mod

  • It removes rain from the battle map

Vanilla Mods

Orange Crush

Are you tired of the Orange Horde destroying your game with unhistorical behavior? Do you wish it would act as it did in the 18th century? I believe I have a solution for you. From the trial lab of Imperial Splendour, I give you the Orange Crush!

This mod changes the way Maratha behavior based on historical facts. The Vanilla game did very little to differentiate one faction from another. As a result, Maratha would behave like a European colonial faction. Its focus as been restored to recapturing "India" from the Mughal Empire. My purpose was not to prevent the possibility of the Maratha from capturing most of "India," but to inhibit its growth to allow European powers to arrive. Also, it prevents Maratha from "exploring" outside of "India" and prevents Maratha from sending predatory armies outside their historical interest.

This is the Beta version of the mod, so they may still be some issues. Please report any problems in this thread.

African Slave trade Mod

First, The Imperial Splendour Development team would like to thank argonian68 for his tutorial for adding the slave trade. You can see his tutorial here. My goal is to create the best Empire: Total War experience possible without destroying the essence of the game, with an eye towards expanding and enriching the experience, while adding to the game's realism and historical accuracy whenever possible. (Imperial Splendour)

Historical Context There was a huge demand in Europe for sugar, tobacco, and coffee. Initially, Native Americans and indentured servants were used. However, Native Americans either became ill or ran away easily. Most indentured servants didn’t survive their indentured contract and it didn’t take long for the harsh conditions to reach Europe. A new labor source needed to be found. It was. Africa!

The Slave Trade from 16th to the mid- 19th century, about 12.5 million slaves had been shipped from Africa, and 10.7 million had arrived in the Americas. The volume of slaves carried off from Africa reached 30,000 per year in the 1690s and 85,000 per year in the 18th century.

The main destinations were the Caribbean colonies and Brazil, as European nations built up economically slave-dependent colonies in the New World. Slightly more than 3% of the enslaved people exported from Africa were traded between 1450 and 1600, and 16% in the 17th century. It is estimated that more than half of the entire slave trade took place during the 18th century, with the British, Portuguese and French being the main carriers of nine out of ten slaves abducted from Africa.

Geographical Context As you can note from the two maps (Slave trade map & ETW trade Nodes) there is a clear correlation between the location of the nodes and the location the slaves were acquired. Mod Content The Mod changes the image of ivory tucks to choice of three slavery images. It also changes the text from "ivory" to "Slaves," "Ship(s) of Slaves" when you mouse over the images. THERE WILL BE THREE CHOICES AVAILABLE TO CHOOSE FROM;

Sea Power Mod

OBJECTIVE The objective is to create a more authentic and historical gameplay.

HISTORICAL CONTEXT Europeans powers already had 1st rated ships (Ships of the Line) at the start of the 18th century.

MOD CONTENT - It allows for the construction of Ship of the Line ships at game start. - In order to allow balance the Naval technology will be change to allow more advantages in fire power, accuracy, speed, and maneuverability. - There will also be a limit set for the number of ships that can be built consistent with historical records. - The cost of the Ship of the Line vessels will be increase to had a premium for protecting them. - Ship of the Line vessels are restricted to European powers & the United States.

No More Winters Mod

MOD CONTENT The MOD visually removes the season of winter. Consequently, battle will also not have any snow on the ground. The "season of winter" still exist in the game files. The mod loads the summer world image instead of the winter image. Since the game still recognizes the season of winter, you still will have the probability of snow during battles. If you like rain or snow, this mod will not change that. In fact, the mod does not alter that specific game file. So, if you currently have a climate mod, this mod will not conflict at all.

It is also possible to change the text from Winter to whatever you want. Personally I would switch Summer to Fall or Autumn and Winter to Spring. However, this would be imperfect if you do more than 2 turns per year. Whatever you choose it will be imperfect unless you come up with something out of the box. For this reason I am no rush to create a "text" file alteration.

IMPLICATIONS You are now free to implement as many turns per season as you would like without dealing with the "zebra effect" of the seasons. Up until now, the best soloution had been to have three turns per year to have two summers and then one winter. However, this means each turn is 4 months long. If you do not like the fact it takes you 8 months to go from Madrid to Lisbon, then this may be the MOD for you.

HISTORICAL CONTEXT The vast majority of battle were not fought in Winter. The weapons were not conducive to winter campaigns. Moreover, the game does not have climate attrition. You will lose little historical significance by removing winters in the game play.






Creator and member of Historical Research Society. In the process of creating a comprehensive resource repository called the ARCHIVUM


The Archivum is for the storing of historical resources which includes web- links, nooks, journals, documentaries, etc... The Archivum is intended to be use by historical researchers, modders and writers of AARs. If you are interested, Please join


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