Libyan Spearmen (RTW unit)
Libyan spearmen are best when defending against cavalry, but can hold a battle line for a while when required.
Libyan spearmen are best when defending against cavalry, but can hold a battle line for a while when required. They are recruited from among the lower orders of Carthaginian society, and given basic training in how to handle their spears and war gear. They are better equipped than, say, militia, as they have light leather armor as well as shields and helmets. Their training also makes them effective in battle, as they are unlikely to cut and run in the same way as a militia unit.
Libyan Spearmen are good Carthaginian counter-cavalry units and decent anvil battle-line troops. When they fight against cavalry, Libyan Spearmen receive an attack bonus of 8, bringing the total to 13. There is no bonus against infantry, giving these units a relatively low attack and therefore less able to beat infantry. However, because of their decent defense they can hold out against most infantry for awhile, and while they might not kill many of them they buy time for other troops to come in to assist. This fact makes them a much better battleline than Iberian Infantry, although they will never match a unit like the Greek Hoplites, and will be ground down by Swordsmen if the assistance never comes.
Libyan Spearmen are inexpensive considering their accessibility to Carthage. There is only a 160 denarii recruitment cost difference between Iberian Infantry and Libyan Spearmen. These units are also less expensive than units such as Hastati, Warbands, or Hoplites that can be recruited much sooner in the game.