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Computer security on the forum

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The twcenter.net forum is one of the safest forums on the internet, due to its low level of javascript-dependence, and the fact that it does not have embedded googletagmanager or googleapis, and the fact that it does not mandate TLS-1.3. Only the forum's file-upload function poses a danger in that regard.

However, there is another threat, which can afflict almost all forums on the internet, and that is embedded Flash videos, usually from YouTube. The TWcenter forum's administrators do not currently prohibit embedded Flash videos, so it is up to the users to defend their own computers from them.

First, you must understand the nature of the threat:
The company called Adobe, which makes the Flash player, works closely with the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), for the purpose of making Flash videos capable of hacking-into people's computers. That ability is then used not only by the NSA itself, but also by the other U.S. intelligence agencies, as well as by intelligence agencies in various allied governments. Also, intelligence agencies in many non-allied governments have recognized the usefulness of Flash videos for hacking. Various criminal hacking groups have likewise recognized the usefulness of Flash videos for hacking.

The NSA has inserted literally dozens of different vulnerabilities into Flash which can be used to hack-into a person's computer. The reason for having so many of them is so that, if a private hacker discovers one of more of them, and those vulnerabilities are subsequently patched, then the NSA and its allies woud still have other vulnerabilities to exploit. However, the non-allied hackers, both governmental and private, have discovered most, if not all, of the vulnerabilities, so the NSA inserts new vulnerabilities into Flash. Thus, with every "security update" to Flash, some vulnerabilities are eliminated while other, new vulnerabilities are deliberately created, to try to stay one-step-ahead of the non-allied hackers. However, the non-allied hackers are now well-aware of the fact that the NSA is doing that, so they know to look at the "security updates" themselves to find the new vulnerabilities.

Therefore, all computer-using humans on Earth, including the users of TWcenter, shoud destroy their Adobe Flash player programs, and refrain from posting any embedded Flash videos, for the sake of the people who have not yet done so. If you want to create and post electronic videos of some kind, then make them in one of the safe formats .mpg or .wmv.

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