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Decisive Battles

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Decisive Battles was a television show on the History Channel that depicted historic battles. It ran for thirteen episodes in mid-2004. The show used the pre-release engine from Rome: Total War to present 3-D versions of the battles. The show was hosted by Matthew Settle, who usually travelled to the sites of the battle. It was produced during 2003 and aired in 2004. Reruns of the show air on the History International channel.


No. Title Main battle covered Airdate (2004)
1 Cannae Battle of Cannae 216 BCE July 23
2 Gaugamela Battle of Gaugamela 331 BCE July 30
3 Marathon Battle of Marathon 490 BCE August 6
4 Thermopylae Battle of Thermopylae 480 BCE August 13
5 Spartacus Third Servile War 73 BCE August 20
6 Attila the Hun Battle of Chalons 451 CE August 27
7 Crassus: Rich Man, Poor Man Battle of Carrhae 53 BCE September 3
8 The Gothic Invasion of Rome Battle of Adrianople / Sack of Rome 378/410 CE September 10
9 Hail Caesar! Battle of Pharsalus 48 BCE September 24
10 Birth of the Roman Empire Battle of Cynoscephalae 197 BCE October 1
11 Boudicca: Warrior Queen, AD 61 Battle of Watling Street 61 CE October 8
12 Ramses II Battle of Kadesh 1274 BCE October 15
13 Herman the German Battle of the Teutoburg Forest 9 CE October 22

See also

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