Heavy Spearmen (RTW Unit)
Heavy spearmen can be the backbone of an Eastern army and are well able to take on many opponents.
Heavy spearmen can be the backbone of an Eastern army and are well able to take on many opponents. Their war gear includes long spears, chainmail and round shields.They can withstand attacks by most cavalry, and the training they have received allows them to form phalanx and carry an attack to an enemy infantry line. Against skirmishers and other missile troops, however, they require some support.These men are recruited from the native population, not from among the Greek stratum of society that exists in all the Successor states, so they do not have the discipline of the 'hoplite ethos' in their training. They are still, however, worthwhile troops.
Heavy Spearmen are a oddity in an eastern faction. Unlike most infantry of the region, Heavy Spearmen are well armored, highly trained and have fairly solid morale. They can form phalanx and with their heavy armor and high defense can be a real thorn in an enemies side. It is quite possible to form a capable infantry army with a line of these spearmen and some archers, even if it won't quite match a post Marian Legion. They also come in handy for sieges.
They are about as good as Greek Hoplites, with one extra armour. They require a higher barracks than Hoplites but when one consideres how vastly superior Armenian Cavalry is compared to Greek cavalry, that is not unfair at all.