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Personal Help and Advice

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This is where members seeking counsel from the TWC community can speak out about their personal issues.

The section also houses a subforum for dealing specifically with relationship issues (essentially the woes of heterosexual males) and for fitness advice. There are also some useful and insightful stickied threads, such as Military Advice or College Advice.

PH+A is somewhat controversial - many disagree over its uses, and whether it is truly constructive. Typical arguments put forward here are that those giving out advice are often unqualified, and that there is no way of judging sincerity or good-intentions with any given piece of advice. Another is that those who give advice often assume radical or aggressive viewpoints in order to bolster their image and self-image. Or yet again, those who post many threads in the PH+A might be seen as attention-seekers or individuals who are unwilling to be receptive to advice given to them, no matter how constructive it is.

On the other side, there are many who would be prepared to argue in favour of the section - that it has in fact helped them in the past, directly or indirectly. There are a great deal of experienced or otherwise clear-thinking and supportive members who frequent the PH+A and make it a job to attempt to respond with insight, sincerity and good-manners at all times. Members such as Nazgûl Killer and Nutsack would be good examples here.

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