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Pyrrhic Victory Total War

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Pyrrhic Victory Total War
Platform Rome: Total War
Mod Type Total Conversion
EraAntiquity (Roman Republic)
Mod Leader Epirote
Release Status v2.0
Forum / Thread Here

Pyrrhus: King of Epirus is a mod for Rome: Total War v 1.2.


The mod uses the Vanilla timeframe and makes some small modifications as well as including aspects of some other mods and skins by various authors.

Release Date: June 25th, 2005

Note: The mod author was suspended due to COPPA laws, so support for this mod is unavailable.

Team and Credit

Mod Author: Epirote

The mod includes aspects of various other mods:

Mundus Magna

Extended Greek Mod

Numidian Skins by Laca

Hellenic Skins by meh_cd

Gallic Skins by webbird

External Links

Release Thread: Here (Version: Pyrrhic Victory Total War)

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