Sacred Band (RTW unit)
The Sacred Band is the elite infantry of any Carthaginian army and can be relied upon to do their duty to the end.
The Sacred Band is the elite infantry of any Carthaginian army and can be relied upon to do their duty to the end. They are equipped and organized in the same fashion as Greek hoplites, with long spears, large shields, breastplates and helmets, and they can use phalanx tactics. This is a style of warmaking that has proved its worth over the centuries.
They are drawn from the social elite of Carthage, men of noble and wealthy birth and their loyalty is exemplary. The original purpose of the Sacred Band was to act as an officer corps for the Carthaginian army and an elite force, and to put Carthage above any local loyalties. Opponents have learned that these men are formidable in battle, a linchpin for the entire Carthaginian army!
Sacred Bands are the last infantry recruited by Carthage. Sacred Bands are most potent on the battlefield and have higher morale than any other Carthaginian infantry unit. They are the strongest Hoplite unit besides the Spartans; they have a tremendous defense and can hold off anything for a long time. They will destroy all cavalry as well as almost any infantry from the front, and missiles will do almost no damage to them. They are vulnerable on the flanks but unlike most Phalanx units they are decent at using their swords.
Although similar in appearance and abilities to the Greek Armored Hoplites, Carthaginian Sacred Bands have a noticeably higher statistical ability, mostly in attack and morale. As a result, these units are more expensive and take two turns to recruit. They also require a large city and a Awesome Temple of Baal, a Temple most enemy cities will not have, further limiting their general accessibility to the faction of Carthage.