Screeching Women (RTW Unit)
German screeching women think nothing of participating in a battle, wailing encouragement to their own men as they fight, and screaming defiance at the enemy to unnerve them.
German screeching women think nothing of participating in a battle, wailing encouragement to their own men as they fight, and screaming defiance at the enemy to unnerve them. It’s not uncommon for women to accompany armies on campaign, but few actually take to the battlefield. Germanic warriors are inordinately proud, so the prospect of facing the scorn of their women is more than many care to think about. While they wield their hatchets with gusto, their true value is in the unnerving effects they have on enemies - the foul ululations of these women can strike fear into the strongest of hearts! They are best positioned safely behind friendly infantry where, like dark and demented cheerleaders, they can avoid combat while creating their particular brand of intimidation.
Screeching women are very useful units despite what you might think. They aren’t that good in a fight; they will kill quite a few as they have a good attack and charge, but their nonexistent defence means they will drop in melee in no time. Their real worth comes in their Screeching special ability. This ability makes them stop and start screaming their heads off, which is a lot of fun to watch and listen to, it also raises the morale of nearby troops and lowers that of enemies. The morale bonus is quite substantial and can really prevent units from routing. It’s a good idea to station them right behind the fight out of harm’s way and let them scream their heads off to keep the men fighting. Only melee with them if they really need to, since when they stop yelling the morale bonus disappears and they die very quickly in melee.