Silver Shield Legionaries (RTW Unit)
The Seleucid talent for adopting good ideas is given solidity in the shape of these Legionaries - copies of the Roman originals!
The Seleucid talent for adopting good ideas is given solidity in the shape of these Legionaries who are direct copies of the Roman originals! The Legionary Silver Shields (or argyraspids) are equipped and fight in exactly the same fashion as Roman troops, using throwing spears (the pila, singular pilum) to pepper an enemy before closing to fight with short swords. The armour they wear and the tactics that they use are also modelled closely on the Roman originals too, including use of the tortoise (or testudo) formation to approach enemy fortifications while under fire.\n\nThe Silver Shields are very good troops indeed, and can be relied on in most battle situations.
With the same stats as Legionary Cohorts, except slightly less morale these are a great addition to your battle line and help make the Seleucids one of the best factions. Use them in conjunction with Silver Shield Pikemen to compensate for the phalanx's low mobility. They are allergic to armour piercing attacks such as what the Egyptians and their many Axemen use. They can form testudo. They are disciplined.