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{{Mod Information Table
|Platform=[[Rome: Total War: Barbarian Invasion]]
|title=Amazon: Total War
|Mod Type=Overhaul
|compatibility= [[Barbarian Invasion]] v1.6
|Era=450BC-14AD, or 270BC-350AD
|type=Mythic, Anthropological
|Mod Leader=[https://www.twcenter.net/forums/member.php?u=57808 Parthian Shot]
|members=[http://www.twcenter.net/forums/member.php?u=28134 Subrosa Florens],<br>[http://www.twcenter.net/forums/member.php?u=57808 Parthian Shot]
|Release Status=8.0 series
|release=[http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?t=495265 Amazon: Total War V6.0c, aka Amazon: Total War - Reignited 2.0c]<br>[http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?t=262881 Amazon: Total War V3.0c]
|Forum=[https://www.twcenter.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?1199-Amazon-Total-War Here]
|description=Amazon:Total War 3.0c (released in 2009) is about female warriors from legends and formed into four factions. <br> Amazon:Total War - Reignited (aka Amazon:Total War 6.0, released in 2011) is about ancient matriarchal societies with female warriors as their protectors
Amazon: Total War, also known as Amazons: Total War, is a comprehensive modification for [[Rome Total War: Barbarian Invasion]] that focuses on ancient matriarchal equestrian society.
Because the ancient horses are mostly 12 hands high (48" or 120cm), this facet affords women unfair advantages as cavalry soldiers due to their lighter body weight and more petite frame. The mod is about how small but mobile forces with stand-off weapon capabilities can defeat large conventional field armies even on the battlefields of antiquity. According to its leader, the mod is based on anthropological theses and the latest archaeological data about the Amazons with new tactics and features.
Actual Screen Shot in reduced resolution from Amazon:Total War - Reginited
== History ==
= Introduction =
Parthian Shot had been working on an Amazon-centric Sarmatian Limigantes mod since November 2005. In the Summer of 2011, SubRosa Florens and Ares7667, both have stopped working on their respective Amazon Total War mods and releases, gave her their permission to continue the Amazon TW mod efforts. Their combined three mods were amalgamated to form the new Amazon: Total War from version 5 onwards. After Version 5, new versions-Version 6 (Amazon:Total War - Reignited), Version 7 (Amazons: Total War -Recalesced) and Version 8(Amazons: Total War - Refulgent) were released at various points. Download options for all versions of the mod are maintained by the Developers. Version 7 was listed as among the top 100 most popular mods on ModDB towards the end of March 2013, with Version 8 repeating the feat in April-May that year. The peak thus far has been May 29th, when it was the most popular mod, with over 1,400 downloads on that date.
'''From Parthian Shot, on Amazon:Total War - Reignited, aka Amazon:Total War 6.0c'''
A more detailed history may be found [https://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?p=12528170#post12528170 here].
The wiki page for the earlier version of the mod can be found [[Amazon: Total War (v.1.0-3.0c)|here]].
This is a sequel to Subrosa's Amazon TW 3.0c mod. This mod is more of a tribute to ancient matriarchal societies.  
== Description ==
Amazon Total War mod starts on 270BC and since 5.0 series onwards, the mod has been using 4 turns per year and ends in 350AD.  
The following are the differences of Reignited mod vs the 3.0c mod which are outlined below
Also since 5.0 release, it focuses Amazons as non-belligerent, peace-loving, and peace-making matriarchal theocrats in possession of some very destructive weapons. Because to the non-theocrats, the information and the cipher to decode this ancient weapon technology is thought to be long lost, the player's faction can not obtain such weapons by building higher level cultural buildings alone. The player must try to discover the lost Amazon Stelae and its communication cipher to be able to recruit some very nasty advanced technology units. A side effect of each successful discovery is to compel one of the Amazon factions' social elite to flock to the player's faction, and thereby destroys that Amazon faction.  
- The Reignited mod is less fantasy based, more relied on archeology and interpretations of current anthropological theories.
- The Reignited mod is more about women cavalry, as most ancient horses are mostly 12 hands tall (about 48 inches), women have distinct advantages as cavalry soldiers.
- The four Amazon factions have been renamed to reflect the lesser fantasy nature of the mod. With the fourth faction relocated to the eastern shore of Azov Sea.
- A serious attempt at establishing a direct relationship between the unit's equipment (animation skin, aka texture) and its cost of recruiting and upkeep.
- fabrics and garments are expensive and time consuming to mass produce, so whereever possible, light or non-elite units are using animal pelts or otherwise wear very little clothing.
- chain mail armors are extremely expensive and labor intensive to make.
  So the textures have shown most chain mail armor suits removed or reduced,
  Instead most chain mails are worn as linkage or joining pieces between two major armor components.
- iron armored units are more expensive to maintain, iron rust away rather quickly, and must be meticulously maintained, whereas the copper alloy armors are lessly in cost of maintenance.
  Fact is, some copper alloy are 90% as hard as the most advanced modern day steel, so there is very little incentive for factions switch to all iron armor.
  Only swords, spearhead, arrow tips are made of iron.
- The Egyptians are more Ptolemaic-like, so the generals are shown to be Greeks, the characters are still Egyptian in appearance as it is customary for the Ptolemaic court to retain dual cultural identities.
- more missile weapons are added,
  . carriage ballista
  . large composite bow
  . giant composite bow
  . giant double composite bow
  . double bow
  . mano-ballista, or man-portable ballista
  . Pole Sling
- more type of missiles are added
  . iron cased lead shot
  . sacred fire weapon
  . javelin-like arrows for giant composite bow
- The mod is more about how a small but highly mobile force with stand-off missile capabilies can destroy a vast enemy force.
- All Amazon characters, diplomat, and agents are now women.
- with very few exceptions, most Amazon elite units are equestrian, not on foot.
- most Amazon units are less Hellenized, and more Phrygian or Central Asian in armors and appearance.
- most Amazon units are more light haired with colored eyes, as they are the progenitors of many modern European people.
- The Amazon armors and helmets are less Hellenized, but more Phrygian and "Caucasian" (or Central Asian at the classical period).
- With Granto and Claigula Caesar's help, the RSII battlefield map is incorporated into the game, together with many 512x512 skins, this gives the 6.0 mod an almost M2TW appeal.
So in the '''Amazon:Total War - Reignited''', there are criterion of five considerations, some called them '''Parthian Shot's Five Laws'''.
*Law #1. '''Community infrastructure, Unit cost and unit texture must be tied together to show direct relationships.'''
    The game can no longer recruit full chain mail armored unit of 160 warriors from a tiny community of 700 with only a metal smith in town,
*Law #2. '''Chain mails are expensive and time consuming to manufacture, and where possible, use of chain mails should be minimize to limb armor, or used as linkage between two plate armor piece.'''
    Only factions with highly developed industrial complex can field units with full chain mail suits.
*Law #3. '''Units with iron armors and armor accessories are given higher recruiting as well as upkeeping costs.'''
*Law #4. '''Units with full garment are given higher cost for recruiting and upkeeping, as clothings are expensive and time consuming to fabricate.'''
    Line unit or light unit should either have animal skin or animal pelts as clothing, or have as little clothing as possible.
    only aristocratic units or patrician units should have full 'uniform's.
*Law #5. '''Line Units should have frontal full armors only, with their backs more exposed or more vulnerable.'''
    This is based on archeological observation as well as extrapolated anthropological theories that units with less protected backs
    are less likely to turn tails and run away from a fight.
    It also reduces the cost of equipping such a combat unit.
The campaign also focus on military planner's view in an unbiased way. That is, due to the restrictive size of ancient war mounts (very few special breeding programs like the Akhal-teke horses aside, 99.99% horses being only 12 hands high, or 120 cm tall). So either by force or by intuition, most of the military planners would recognize the value of women as cavalry soldiers, due to their more petite body frame and comparatively less body weight. Therefore these planners are willing to recruit female soldiers for their own faction. In the Amazon Total War mod, even the Romans, who are practical but historically very gender biased people, can recruit Amazon Auxilia units due to Amazon Auxilia's capability (and their low recruitment as well as low up-keep costs).
'''From SubRosa Florens, on Amazon:Total War'''
Another factor is to recognize women soldiers as the alternative to the "normal" military recruitment, especially when the potential sources of male recruits are drying up, the decision to recruit (or not to recruit) the female soldiers units can become the choice of preserving a faction or let it die. The background for the 7.0's Far Eastern Celt faction is certainly a prime example of such scenario. Having been defeated and nearly annihilated by the Huns in 273BC, Far Eastern Celt have migrated to a new home, almost completely deprived of their menfolks. So in order to survive, they must enlist women to fight.
ATW adds four new Amazon factions to the game: Amazonia, the Valkyrja, the Bean Sidhe, and the Gorgons. These belong to a new culture, that of the Amazons, with new units, generals, retinue members, and traits just for them. My inspiration for this was the Amazons of legend, and I have tried to keep everything in the mod in the spirit of those legends. So just as legend has it, the Amazons are outstanding archers and horsewomen. They also fight in the standard greek hoplite style, as well as having some troops using the sagaris, an axe that was a signature weapon of the Amazons (and where calling a woman an "old battle-axe" comes from). As the Amazons were not known to be sailors of any repute after the destruction of the Libyan Amazons a thousand years before the mod begins, I have limited them to recruiting biremes and triremes.
=== Technical Details ===
As the Amazons were reputed to be the progenitors of the Sarmatian people, I have also created a new Sarmatian faction, occupying their ancestral homelands between the Don and Volga rivers. I have tried to emulate their close ties by making Amazonia and Scythia begin the game as Allies. While the Valkyrja and the Sarmatians begin as allies as well. I have also made Sarmatian mercenaries recruitable in Amazonia, as well as Amazon mercs recruitable across the steppes.
Amazon Total War (5.0-8.0) is a partial conversion for Rome Total War/Barbarian Invasion version 1.6 only. It only runs on BI 1.6 because of the horde feature. It uses the mod:switch option, so it will not interfere with any of your original game files. Be sure you apply it to a clean install of RTW, as you may experience CTD's when entering battles if not.
While all Generals are female, the spies, assassins, and diplomats remain male by design. These men would be specially recruited from the Amazons courtesan class of men, or from men in foreign lands. The reason being that in the world outside of Amazonia men can move far more easily through society than women can. Due to the constraints of the game's hard coding, they will all have female names however.
=== Difference of Amazon Total War Mods ===
But Amazons and are not all that is different in ATW. The original game map has been modified by the inclusion of 34 new territories. Most of them are located in North Africa, the Steppe, and the mountains of Armenia. Scythia has been moved to its more historically accurate starting position in the Crimea and lower Ukraine. It has also undergone a large change in its unit roster, now having many more infantry units of better quality than before. This reflects the effects of their having become partially sedentary at the time the game begins.
'''From Parthian Shot, on Amazon:Total War 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, and 8.0 series'''
Every Barbarian faction now has a 4th tier of development. All factions now have a Law temple. There are many new units, including Onagers for all Barbarians. Maiden Axes have been added to Britannia and Gaul. Chosen Slingers added to Britannia, Carthage, and Iberia. Dacia now has Chosen Falxmen. Gaul and Germania have regular Archer Warbands. Mercenary Cretan Archers and Rhodian Slingers are now recruitable by the Hellenic factions from their home islands. Scutarii are now recruitable by Carthage. Elephants and Noble Cavalry have been added to Numidia, Noble Cavalry to Iberian, and Heavy Cavalry have been added to the Greek Cities. Thrace has had a dramatic make-over as well, gaining new units such as Thracian Peltasts, Thracian Infantry, and Thracian Nobles, new temples such as to Sabazios and Kotys, and more.
These releases are sequels to Subrosa's Amazon TW 3.0c mod. The mods are more of tributes to ancient matriarchal societies derived from these from Parthian Shot's Anthropological studies, rather than fantasy based on legend as in 3.0 and before.  
In addition I have tweaked the stats of many units, such as increasing the range and damage of all Slingers, reducing the attack of Warhounds, and increasing the attack and defense of Iberian Infantry and Equites, and increased the defense of Naked Fanatics. Many factions have had their unit recruitment trees altered, with most temple units now being recruitable from a regular barracks instead.
The following are the differences listed in detail of new 5.0-8.0 mods vs the 3.0c mod which are outlined below
* - From 8.2 onwards, the years are spanned from 450BCE with a utility available to play 270BC version.
* - From 8.2 onwards, more battle wagons were made available to simulate heavy, medium, and light "tanks" in the ancient world.
* - The 5.0-8.0 mod series are more about women cavalry, as most ancient horses are mostly 12 hands tall (about 48 inches), women have distinct advantages as cavalry soldiers.
* - The 5.0-8.0 mod series are less fantasy based, relying more on archaeology finding and interpretations of latest anthropological theories.
* - The 7.0-8.0 mod series introduced Panzer like heavy units including Horde Wagon, War Wagon, Linked Armor-Clad Cavalry, and so on. These units differed from the Vanilla or other RTW mods' chariots, in that they are meant to emulate WWII Panzer unit tactics, only specialized cavalry or infantry (the anti-tank capable) units can destroy the Panzer units with relative ease, and only the pike and spear units can halt the charges of such Panzer units though doing so at a high cost.
* - The 5.0-8.0 mod series retained 3.0's four Amazon factions and renamed them to reflect the less fantasy nature of the mod. With the fourth faction relocated to the eastern shore of Azov Sea.
* - A serious attempt at establishing a direct relationship between the unit's equipment (animation skin, aka texture), as well as its capabilities, and its cost of recruiting and upkeep. This is also known as Balanced Unit Modeling (or B.U.M.), sometimes also collectively referred with some other criteria below as Parthian Shot's Laws.
* - fabrics and garments are expensive and time consuming to mass produce, so wherever possible, light or non-elite units are using animal pelts or otherwise wear very little clothing.
* - chain mail armors are extremely expensive and labor intensive to make.
::  So the textures have shown most chain mail armor suits removed or reduced,
::  Instead most chain mails are worn as linkage or joining pieces between two major armor components.
* - iron armored units are more expensive to maintain than copper alloys, iron rust away rather quickly, and must be meticulously kept (oiled and rust-polished).
::  Fact is, some copper alloy are 90% as hard as the most advanced modern day steel, so there is very little incentive for factions who are lacking iron resources to switch to all iron armor.
::  Therefore, for these factions only swords, spearhead, arrow tips are made of iron.
* - The Egyptians are more Ptolemaic-like, so the generals are shown to be Greeks, the characters are still Egyptian in appearance as it is customary for the Ptolemaic court to retain dual cultural identities.
* - in 5.0-8.0 series, all Amazon agents are female, in 3.0 and prior they are male.
* - starting 7.0 series, wagon fighting units are added, while this does not simulate the wagon fort of Jan Žižka or the Taborites, it does attempt to show wagon warfare as if they are the ancient version of WWII German Panzer units.
* - from 7.0 series onwards, the campaign map is now extended from British Isles all the way to Indus Valley and Eurasia.
* - In 7.0 series, a new Far Eastern Celt faction is added, this is based on the latest archaeology findings and anthropological theses, never before shown on any video games.
* - From 7.0 series, area denial weapons are added to simulate the effects of minefield. The Roman Tribulus (aka Caltrop) can be deployed by field engineer unit.
::  This is not a simple stake in front of a fighting unit as in the Empire Total War
::  but allows the player to lay the "minefield" independent of the fighting units prior to battle.
* - from late 6.0 series, Amazon agent can be sent into the enemy territory and raise an army deep behind the enemy line.
* - from late 6.0 series, high resolution battlefield landscape with customized RSII battle environment by Granto is used. From 7.0 series, these animations are optimized for speed and using smaller footprint.
* - from 6.0 series, stand-off missile weapons are added,
::  . carriage ballista
::  . large composite bow
::  . giant composite bow
::  . giant double composite bow
::  . double bow
::  . mano-ballista, or man-portable ballista
::  . Pole Sling
* - more type of missiles are incorporated into the game
::  . iron cased lead shot
::  . sacred fire weapon
::  . javelin-like arrows for giant composite bow
* - most Amazon units are more light haired with colored eyes, as they are depicted as the progenitors of many modern day European people.
* - Since the Amazons are portraying proto-Europeans before their migration to Europe. The Amazon armors and helmets are less Hellenized, but more Phrygian and "Caucasian" (or Central Asian for the classical period) in appearance.
* - Since Amazon Total War 6.0, there are capabilities (technology and unit recruitment) which can not be built, but must be obtained through Quest. Think of it as Marian Reform in RTW, but the reform is not triggered by year or what building is completed, but by whether a quest is completed or not. Amazons factions as well as pseudo-Amazon factions all have quests they have to fulfill in order to attain higher cultural strata.
The game's corruption triggers have been changed so as not to kick in until your treasury reaches 100,000 and 150,000 denarii respectively. So you do not have to worry as much about making too much money. Also Barbarian players should note that Taverns and Bardic Circles no longer trigger a slew of negative traits, so it is safe to leave your Generals in a city with one.
== Features ==
Every faction has a Legendary Artifact associated with it. Each is unique, and had can only be possessed by a member of its parent faction. These artifacts are represented in the game as retinue members, and give their holders very significant bonuses. If lost through character death there is a random chance they will reappear later in the game.
The 8.0 series allows player to switch campaign mode, so the mod is capable of four different campaign mode with 20 factions. From 8.3 onwards, it also has utility to allow players to either play the original nudity version (aka the Anthropology Mod), or with minimized nudity (aka Family Friendly Mod). The games plots are the same, and players can interchange and continue their saved game in either version. The family friendly version is still beta-tested, so warning is still posted to ask the players to play at their own risk.
= Description =
*1. in addition, it allows faction to recruit mercenary unit including heavy weapons/war-machines.
Amazon Total War is a partial conversion for Rome Total war version 1.5 or Barbarian Invasion version 1.6. There are separate versions of the game for each executable. It uses the mod:switch option, so it will not interfere with any of your original game files. Be sure you apply it to a clean install of RTW, as you may experience ctd's when entering battles if not.
*2. Rebel and renegade are beefed up with heavy units as well so the players never know what army they might run into.
*3. added greek mobile artillery unit called Palintonon. The units shoots canisters of stone or lead block, so has more area capability but less range.
*4. New modular biometric animation approach to make models more live-like without huge rendering overhead.
*5. Generals are now awarded with titles when conquering or occupying a critical region, before, only the Amazon factions has this capability.
Below is description for Amazon Total War - Reignited mod, aka Amazon Total War 6.0
The 7.0 series allows player to explore many modern military concepts on the battlefields of antiquity. Such as mobility and stand-off capability, area denial minefields, guerrilla warfare, thermite munitions, wagon warfare (similar to tank battles), and long range mobile artillery. The 5.0 and 6.0 series focus exclusively on women cavalry's mobile warfare and stand-off weapons. The 3.0 and prior releases focus on Amazons from legend and myth.
1.Women as Better Cavalry Warrior in Ancient Time
Features added in Amazons Total War - Recalesced, aka Amazon Total War 7.0 Series
In the ancient time, majority of horses of the times are 12hands tall (or about 48inches, or 4feet). In truth, these horses are really just up-sized ponies.  
*1. Area Denial "Minefield" weapons added.
So the equestrians who are more petite in size and less in weight have the advantage both in speed and in endurance on the battlefield. And since modern saddles and stirrups aren't being invented yet, cavalry-to-cavalry fighting is more of melee than heavy close-in combat. With the Roman saddle as a minor exception, a cavalry trooper figting on the horseback has no stable platform to swing their swords or axes. And without the stirrup, any lancers who hang on too long on that spear thrust against the opponent, is going to get himself or herself unseated off the horse. These factors allow women to be more than the equal of men as far as cavalry combat goes. Then there is the questions about the stand-off weapon, after all, most men have longer arms than women, so shouldn't their javelins hit harder and their arrows go further ? Well, it just so happened that, there are series of ancient weapons, which enable more petite horse archers to shoot their missile further and harder hitting still. And it is this mod's attempt to combined all the facets from above and to explore these possibilities.
*2. Wagon fighting units added.
*3. Linked Armor-Clad Cavalry added, this is the dominating cavalry formation in Eurasia for centuries, now depicted in a video game for the first time.
*4. New campaign map extended to Eurasia.
*5. New Far East Celt faction added, based on latest archaeology data and anthropological extrapolation.
And if successful, it goes to demonstrate about how a small mobile force with stand-off capabilities can defeat a much larger force.
Features added in Amazon Total War - Reignited, aka Amazon Total War 6.0 Series
2.Balanced Unit Modeling
*1. Women fighting units for many factions
*2. Quests for Amazon factions as well as Armenia, Carthage and the Sarmatians.
*3. 512x512 texture for many units, this makes the appearance sharper than some new games's models.
*4. Many Barbarian and all Amazon factions have higher tier buildings.
*5. Naval fleet have much higher movement points than the original RTW/BI games, and this does not involved the buggy export_char.txt's starting_action_points modifications. This is much more realistic than BI or many mods.
*6. spy can make money while in the enemy territory.
*7. Integrated 4 turns per year script.
*8. new missiles types, such as the thermite grenade munition, iron encased lead shot.
*9. new stand-off weapons, double bow, mano-ballista, pole-sling, giant composite bow, and others.
*10. cost balance on iron armored units vs. bronze armored units.
*11. New Amazon chariot and wagon-cart artillery.
*12. more realistic armor skins using the BUM concept.
*13. light units either has little or no cloth, or uses animal pelts for clothing.
*14. almost all line units wears frontal armors only, and their protection points as well as cost reflect that too.
*15. From Release 6.0J, the diplomat can recruit army behind the enemy line, assumed there is a significant presence of diplomat's faction's supporter or people in that region.
Amazon:Total War-Reignited (aka ATW 6.0) introduces the concept of Balanced Unit Modeling, or BUM. In BUM, attempt is made to establish direct relationship between the appearance of the texture (or skin) and the infrastructure of the community. It then establishes the relationship between the equipment/personnel and the unit's fighting ability.
Features added in Amazon Total War 5.0 Series
*1. Thermite Ballista Weapons integrated from pre-5.0.
*2. Amazon advanced units integrated from pre-5.0.
The classical case is asking questions like, If a unit raised in a region is shown with texture/skin outfitted with full suits of chainmail armor, what is the infrastructure in that province to provide such support within the amount of the time given to fabricate equipment for such a unit. If a single full suit of chain mail takes 10,000 man hours of skilled metalsmith work to complete, and the region only has one single metalsmith, then 160 warrior in the unit would take 1,600,000 man hours of metalsmith time to complete the armor aspect of the equiping the unit. Then it is not realistic to allow such unit to be raised in the region, and on the unit's fighting capability chart, chain mail should not be entered as part of the unit's capability.
=== Parthian Shot's Laws ===
And when two units on the unit roster are shown to have similar equipments, but the elite unit has twice the hitting power of its weapon or twice the range of the non-elite unit on the chart (EDU). Question is then asked, Why ? In Amazon:Total War-Reignited mod, for example, an elite guard unit has 70% of range increase and twice the hitting power, because they shoot enlarged composite bows with double strings and two set of bow-limbs called the double-draw-bow, and their hitting power is doubled because their missile is not arrow, but rather, iron-casing filled with lead.
Since the release of Amazon Total War 5.0, there are criterion of considerations, sometimes referred to as '''Parthian Shot's Laws'''.
*Law #1. '''Community infrastructure and unit cost against unit texture and unit capability must show a direct relationship.'''
3. In Amazon Total War 6.0, there are capabilities (technology and unit recruitment) which can not be built, but must be discovered. Each Amazon factions, along with Carthage and Sarmatians, are allowed "quests" so the capabilities can be awarded to them once the quest is fulfilled. Think of it as Marian Reform in RTW, but the reform is not triggered by year or what building is completed, but by whether the quest is completed or not.
::   Case in point, the game can no longer recruit full chain mail armored unit of 160 warriors from a tiny community of 700 with only a metal smith in town.
*Law #2. '''Chain mails are expensive and time consuming to manufacture, and where possible, use of chain mails should be minimize to limb armor, or used as linkage between two plate armor piece.'''
= Features =
::    Only factions with highly developed industrial complex or slave industry can field units with full chain mail suits.
*Law #3. '''Units with iron armors and armor accessories are given higher recruiting as well as upkeep costs.'''
For Amazon Total War - Reignited
*Law #4. '''Units with full garment are given higher cost for recruiting and upkeep, as clothings are expensive and time consuming to fabricate.'''
::    Line unit or light unit should either have animal skin or animal pelts as clothing, or have as little clothing as possible.  
1. Women fighting units for many factions
::    only aristocratic units or patrician units should have full 'uniform's.
*Law #5. '''Line Units should have frontal full armors only, with their backs more exposed or more vulnerable.'''
2. Quests for Amazon factions as well as Carthage and the Sarmatians.
::    This is based on archaeological observation as well as extrapolated anthropological theories that units with less protected backs are less likely to turn tails and run away from a fight.  
::   It also reduces the cost of equipping such a combat unit.
3. 512x512 texture for many units, this makes the appearance sharper than some new games's models.
*Law #6. '''Low cost unit does not equate to light unit. Light unit can not be fast and easy to hide without proper gear. '''
::    For a unit to traverse through a variety of battlefield terrains, they must have proper footwear. If they can hide in long grass, then likely they have knee pad or knee protection. Proper footwear to allow them to negotiate terrain and this should be accounted into cost for recruiting.
4. Many Barbarian and all Amazon factions have higher tier buildings.
*Law #7. '''Sword is expensive to forge and it should not be used as secondary arm for every low cost unit and their cousins.'''
::    For low cost units, the secondary weapon has been or should be switched from sword to dagger, ax, short halberd, and so on.
5. Naval fleet have much higher movement points than the original RTW/BI games, and this does not involved the buggy export_char.txt's starting_action_points modifications. This is much more realistic than BI or many mods.
6. spy can make money while in the enemy territory.
7. Integrated 4 turns per year script.
8. new missiles types
9. new stand-off weapons
10. cost balance on iron armored units vs. bronze armored units.
11. New Amazon chariot and wagon-cart artillery.
12. more realistic armor skins using the BUM concept.
13. light units either has little or no cloth, or uses animal pelts for clothing.
14. almost all line units wears frontal armors only, and their protection points as well as cost reflect that too.
= The Team =
In the Summer of 2011, SubRosa Florens and Ares7667, both have stopped working on the Amazon Total War mods and releases, have given Parthian Shot their permission to continue the Amazon TW mod. The new mods created by Parthian Shot are referred to as Amazon:Total War - Reignited, or Amazon:Total War 6.0.
Amazon:Total War - Reignited
*[http://www.twcenter.net/forums/member.php?u=57808 Parthain Shot]
*parthian shot's partner, not a member of twcenter
*andrey, who is a team member specialized in .cas trouble shooting and augmentation, from release 1.04e and onwards.
*Thanks to Terikel Grayhair, Edorix, and Spartan198 for all the publishing help
*Special Thanks KLA for his kind permission to use his Amazon models, even though his terrific work was not able to be used in the current mod because it ran out of modeling slots.
*Special Thanks Quaztalcoatl for the use of his Amazon .cas files for the re-skinned Amazon units used in the Re-ignited mod.
*Special Thanks to Trajan for the use his .cas files from AR_S_Late_Roman_Army_Mod_V_3.0
*Special Thanks to OC Grenadier for the use of the Amazon Axe cas file for re-skinned Amazon heavy units.
*The Thracian Peltast is a re-skinned animation from Andronicus
= The Team, 3.0c and prior =
Amazon:Total War
*[http://www.twcenter.net/forums/member.php?u=28134 Subrosa Florens]
*Special thanks to Mark Centurion
*Special thanks to GreenViggen
*Special thanks to Palantir/Dol Gulder/Master of None
*Special thanks to Andalus
*Special thanks to luke_liddle
*Special thanks to Punic Total War
*Special thanks to Riczu
*Special thanks to neo_deus
*Special thanks to Pinarius
*Special thanks to Medusa0
*Special thanks to Halie Satanus
*Special thanks to Signifer One
*Special thanks to Divus
*Special thanks to SrJamesTyrrel
*Special thanks to Primo
*Special thanks to Private Clark
= History =
Amazon: Total War - Reignited
===Version 1.03 Beta ===
    * Removed legacy reference to Geothe units inherited from Bean Sidhe.
    * New Amazon Militia Warband .cas and skin.
    * ammo-store for pyro equipped non-elite units are reduced.
    * unit cost for pyro equipped units are adjusted.
    * unit size for non-elite pyro-units has also been reduced.
    * the peasant/militia units will no longer frighten the enemy.
    * changing the strategic outlook for the Geothe faction.
    * corrected the ATW 3.0C script error where the AI factions are supposed to receive additional fund at the game start but didn't.
    * add changes to units cards for Geothe Virgin Archer and Armenian Noble Maiden.
    * add feature where spy is generating money from the enemy.
    * Pyro Units' Unit cards now have a fire symbol on the upper right hand of the card to indicate its capability.
===Version 1.02 Beta ===
    * bug fix and changes in Release 1.02 Beta:
    * Settlement Detail view in 3D is now checked to be working for all factions, it was CTD in 1.01 in many factions.
    * All Quests are now checked working, all Amazon factions have two quests, except the Geothe.
      the first will "Summon" the high tech Amazons and destroy Geothe faction (unless you are playing Geothe)
      the second will "Summon" all Amazons, and therefore destroy all other Amazon factions except your own.
    * Each Quest will result in treasure, technology, and high tech troop.
    * The AI has no Amazon Quests, so other Amazon factions will not be able to destroy the player's faction by the "Summon"s.
    * infrastructure building (metal smith, sewer, and road) will now take longer to build.
      And the temple, the barracks, are more viewed as the front-end to the infrastructure, so they take less time to complete.
    * Libyan Amazon has different lesser general animation.
    * missing annotations have been added, as reported by Amadee.
===Version 1.01 Beta ===
    * Bug fix to prevent CTDs when female spy are on display
    * Integrated four season turn per year script
    * Each Amazon faction has either a peril to overcome or a quest to achieve.
    * Advanced units are recruitable once the Amazon quest is completed.
    * re-edited the read-me file to correctly describe the installation process.
    * allowed all Amazon factions to share high tech units, each faction now has their own skins.
    * Egyptians are now Ptolemaic with Greek generals, with both Greek and Egyptian units,
    * their character cards still use Egyptian names+pictures as it was customary for the Ptolemaic to retain dual cultural identities.
    * Arrows stores for the archers are made fewer unless the factions have access to timber rich regions + lath technology to make straight arrow shafts.
    * enforced the Parthian Shot's Law #1 to make as many units' texture to conform to their unit cost as well as community infrastrucure.
    * enforced the Parthian Shot's Law #2 to make most units' chain mail as linkage or limb armors only. Only very highly developed factions can field full chain mail units.
    * enforced the Parthian Shot's Law #3 to make iron accessories more scarce. Factions with few iron resources only use iron for spearhead, arrow tips, swords blade, helmets, and so on.
    * units using iron armors are given higher recruiting as well as upkeep cost. Since iron implements are prone to rust, and requires diferent furnace technology.
    * enforced the Parthian Shot's Law #4 to make full garments available to elite untis only,
      many line units or light units have animal-skin or animal pelts as clothing, or has as little clothing as possible.
    * enforced the Parthian Shot's Law #5 to make line unit's armor frontal only, with their back more exposed or vulnerable,
    * Added more missile types as well as missile weapons to justify long range stand-off capability and fire power, including armor piercing thermite weapon.
    * Added Elephantine units to Sarmatians as well as all Amazon factions, it is fully available when their culture have become highly developed.  
Amazon: Total War
===Version 3.0c===
    * Bug fix to prevent CTDs when viewing cities while playing the Romans
===Version 3.0b===
    * Bug fix to prevent CTDs when viewing cities while playing Bean Sidhe, Iberian, Gauls, and Independant Celts.
    * Fixed wrong version of Barbarian Infantry units starting the campaign in Isurium.
    * Tweaked morale of all units.
    * Changed model and skin of Iberian Captain to the Carthaginian one.
===Version 3.0===
    * Added new Amazon Bean Sidhe faction.
    * Converted Briton faction into the Independent Celts.
    * Created land-bridges between Ireland and Scotland, Iberia and North Africa, Thrace and Asia Minor, Sicily and Italy, and Britain and the Continent.
    * Added more territories to British Isles, and renamed all existing ones there.
    * Paved roads to the Barbarian and Eastern cultures.
    * Added Stonehenge and Hesperides Wonders.
    * Increased morale of all units to make battles last longer.
    * Implemented Pinarius' Horse mod.
    * Integrated Riczu's ships and blockade icon.
    * Added high resolution campaign map textures.
    * Tweaked ship stats to make naval combat more decisive.
    * New units - Thracian Heavy Pikeman, Rebel Barbarian Slingers, Latin Mercenaries, Mercenary Barbarian Axemen, Mercenary Barbarian Swordsmen, Roman Amazon Auxilia, Roman Amazon Auxilia Archers, Rebel Amazon Militia Cavalry, Rebel Amazon Peasants.
    * New reskins of many units, including a new Amazon General, Bull Warriors (Devotio), Carthaginian Generals, Iberian Scutarii, Macedon Standard Bearer, et al.
    * New unit cards for all mounted Amazon units and many others.
    * Made all slingers armour piercing.
    * Added more units to the city views of your settlements.
    * End of support for RTW executable.
===Version 2.5c (BI & RTW)===
    * Fixed ctd when starting a battle with Female Gladiators.
===Version2.5b (BI & RTW)===
    * Fixed ctd when playing a battle using Eastern foot archers.
===Version 2.5 (BI)===
    * Many bug fixes, including one of Amazonian Chariots causing a ctd.
    * Used Signifer One's Animation pack to change all hoplite and similar troops to overhand attacks, removed their secondary weapons, and gave them shield wall rather than phalanx formation. Also used the animation pack to implement new animations for all archers and horse archers.
    * Added Temple of Demeter to Amazonia and the Valkyrja.
    * Changed name of Neo Themiskyra to Vanahemir and moved it to a new location, adding a new territory to the old location and giving it to the Valkyrja.
    * Created separate EDU entries for the Valkyrja units, giving them all snow bonuses and sand penalties, as well as allowing for tweaking of the unit descriptions of both Valkyrja and Amazonian units.
    * Added Mercenary Amazon Axewomen and Rebel Militia Axewomen to northern steppe region.
    * Renamed internal name of Roman faction to Slavs, removing the Senate tab and allowing for emergent hordes.
    * Added new territory of Gautar to Scandinavia.
    * Made farms destroyable.
    * Renamed Porrolissum to Sarmizgetusa and moved it adjacent to the mountains.
===Version 2.5 (RTW)===
    * Many bug fixes, including one of Amazonian Chariots causing a ctd.
    * Used Signifer One's Animation pack to implement new animations for all archers and horse archers.
    * Added Temple of Demeter to Amazonia and the Valkyrja.
    * Changed name of Neo Themiskyra to Vanahemir and moved it to a new location, adding a new territory to the old location and giving it to the Valkyrja.
    * Created separate EDU entries for the Valkyrja units, giving them all snow bonuses and sand penalties, as well as allowing for tweaking of the unit descriptions of both Valkyrja and Amazonian units.
    * Added Mercenary Amazon Axewomen and Rebel Militia Axewomen to northern steppe region.
    * Renamed internal name of Roman faction to Slavs, removing the Senate tab and allowing for emergent hordes.
    * Added new territory of Gautar to Scandinavia.
    * Made farms destroyable.
    * Renamed Porrolissum to Sarmizgetusa and moved it adjacent to the mountains.
===Version 2.4 (BI & RTW) -===
    * Edited Campaign Script to reduce the population bonus to AI controlled cities.
    * Edited the map to prevent pirates from spawning in Lake Tritonis.
    * Numerous bug fixes, including new Macedon banner not appearing over empty cities, advanced amazon walls not appearing correctly on the battle map, sprites not working for many units, Gorgon camel units being recruited where they should not be available, and Gorgon Companions not being recruitable from royal stable, and bug of Iberian General using Briton General skin.
    * New strat map captain models for nearly all factions.
    * New unit cards for Amazon Companions.
    * Made Generals recruitable.
    * New Amazonia renamed to The Valkyrja, added Berserkers, Horse Archers, Amazon Warband, Amazon Skirmishers, Militia Axewomen, and Amazon Spearwomen to their roster. Removed their Temple of Ares and replaced it with Temple of Freja.
    * Condensed EDU and DMB again.
    * New load screen overlays courtesy of Divus.
    * Added Nubian Spearmen Mercenaries.
    * Made Barbarian Archers female and gave Briton Light Chariots a female crew.
    * Added more Amazon names.
    * Created Female Gladiators for the Romans and Rebels.
    * Created new skins for Cretan Archers and Rhodian Slingers and made them a regularly recruitable unit in the Aegean by the Greek culture.
    * Partially implemented Signifer One's Animation Pack (for some of the archers).
===Version 2.3b (BI)===
    * Reduced the number of units in the starting Gorgon Horde.
    * Slight increase to starting armies of North African factions.
    * Reduced population bonuses given to AI cities at the beginning of the campaign.
    * Increased stats of Numidian Cavalry.
===Version 2.3 (RTW)===
    * Added Virgin Horse Archers to Scythia.
    * Added Noble Women to Sarmatia.
    * Added a Standard Bearer for the Sarmatians.
    * Made copy-cat Legionaries only recruitable after the Marian Reforms.
===Version 2.3 (BI)===
    * Made the Gorgons, Germans, Gaul, Scythia, Sarmatia, and Parthia Horde factions, with the Gorgons beginning the game as such.
    * Added Virgin Horse Archers to Scythia.
    * Added Noble Women to Sarmatia.
    * Added a Standard Bearer for the Sarmatians.
    * Made copy-cat Legionaries only recruitable after the Marian Reforms.
===Version 2.2b (RTW only)===
    * Fixed bug of night battles not working.
===Version 2.2 (RTW and BI)===
    * Created separate versions for the RTW and BI executables.
    * Condensed the code in Export_Descr_Unit.txt and Descr_Model_Battle.txt.
    * New Thracian Late General Bodyguard.
    * Fixed bug with Amazon Companion sword being visible along with lance.
    * Created Hypaspist unit for Macedon, as well as Athenian Marines and Sacred Band for the Greek Cities.
    * Gave the Seleucids two more starting Generals, and also the temple of Zeus.
    * New faction symbols for Macedon and Numidia.
    * Changed shield textures of Greek Armoured Hoplites, Carthaginian Sacred Band, and Macedonian Foot Companions.
    * Made Temple of Woden a Law temple rather than violence one.
    * Gave the Britons a Temple of Lugh (Law)
    * Added campaign descriptions and starting maps for all factions that were still lacking them.
===Version 2.1b===
    * Fixed Sarmatian captain banner in battle odds scroll.
    * Fixed bug with unit's special abilities appearing twice in unit info scroll.
    * Fixed but with wrong factions being able to acquire new Gorgon ancillaries.
    * Fixed possible bug in previous zip file's campaign folders not working.
===Version 2.1===
    * Enabled play with BI executable.
    * Enabled night battles when using RTW executable.
    * Removed city of Nepte, and created new territory of Theneste for the Gorgons.
    * Tweaked Campaign Script and Gorgon starting treasury.
    * Added special building to help AI Gorgons.
    * Added Amazon buildings to the battle map of cities.
    * Major revision to Thrace, removing temple of Ares and adding ones to Kotys, Sabazios, and Bendis. Removed Falxmen from their roster, added Thracian Peltasts, Thracian Infantry, and Thracian Noble Cavalry. Also changed skin and stats of Bastarnae. Renamed Campus Getae to Odessos and moved it closer to the sea.
    * Changed Dacian version of Bendis to mirror the Thracian one (huntress rather than farming).
    * Included several news icons to use with the shorctut.
===Version 2.0 - Beta Release===
    * Added the Gorgon faction.
    * Changed Greek Cities, Macedon, and Seleucid Early General Bodyguard to the Heavy Cavalry skin, and the Late Bodyguard to the Companion skin.
    * The Greek Cities can now recruit Heavy Cavalry.
    * New unit cards for new non-Amazon units.
    * Increased public order bonus of Temples_of_Fun.
    * Added many new territories to Africa, and moved the Saharan ones to be closer to Lake Tritonis.
    * Gave Greek_Cities the settlement of Triton on Lake Tritonis, as well as Athens, while removing Thermon. Also changed their family tree.
    * Moved Numidia to north-west Africa.
    * Added Numidian Noble Cavalry and Numidian Elephants.
    * Added Iberian Noble Cavalry.
    * Tweaked skins of Amazon Hoplite, Amazon Militia Cavalry, Amazon Heavy Cavalry, and Amazon Cavalry.
===Version 1.9b===
    * New loading screens
    * Tweaked skins of Sarmatian Virgin Cavalry, Briton Maiden Axes, Gaul Maiden Axes, and Gaul Archers.
===Version 1.9===
    * Created new permanent skins for all Amazon units.
    * Added Mercenary Spear Warband.
    * New Spartan Hoplite skin that is still under development.
    * Added some easter eggs. Added Defeat movie for Amazonia.
    * Added Enaree ancillary to Scythia and Sarmatia, and Semnotatoi ancillary to Greek Cities and Macedon.
    * Added territory of Singidunum to Dacia.
===Version 1.8===
    * Fixed over-population issue of steppe settlements.
    * Changed victory conditions for all factions.
    * Added Lake Tritonis.
    * Added new settlements of Gelonos, Androphagi, and Singidunum.
    * Created pathways though the heavy woods around Neo Themiskyra, and reduced size of Pripet Marshes.
    * Moved Hanging Gardens closer to Seleucia.
    * Replaced most videos for Amazonia, New Amazonia, Gorgons, and Sarmatians.
    * Added sprites for New Amazonian units.
===Version 1.7c===
    * Added temples to Sarmatia.
    * Changed name of Carthaginian Chosen Slingers to Poeni Slingers.
    * Tweaked farming levels of Barbarian territories.
    * Tweaked stats of Amazon Archers and Agema Archers.
===Version 1.7b===
    * Made Amazon General voices female.
===Version 1.7===
    * Reduced Rome to a single faction.
    * Created two new factions - New Amazonia and the Sarmatians.
    * Added many new regions to the plains and Zagros mountains, and renamed some of the existing ones.
    * Increased the base farming level of many Barbarian settlements.
    * Increased Defense stats of Woad Warriors and Naked Fanatics.
    * Consolidated much of the Amazon texture and model code.
    * Gave a law bonus to academies and stone walls.
===Version 1.6b===
    * Fixed a bug where the Night Raider axe was not appearing in melee combat.
    * New loading screens.
===Version 1.6===
    * Removed Roman and Amazon pre-battle speeches.
    * Added 4th tier of construction for the Barbarian culture.
    * Removed temple_of_horse_pantheon.
    * Added Onagers to all Barbarian factions at tier 4.
    * Replaced Carthage's Libyan Spearmen with Scutarii.
    * Made Mercenary Balearic Slingers recruitable by Carthage and Iberia in Palma.
    * Improved defense of Iberian Infantry.
    * Made Mercenary Cretan Archers and Mercenary Rhodian Slingers recruitable by the Greek culture in Kydonia and Rhodes respectively.
    * Added Archer Warbands to Gaul and Germania.
    * Added Chosen Slingers to Briton, Iberia, and Carthage.
    * Increased range and damage of all Slinger units.
    * Added Maiden Axes to Gaul and Briton, and made their Chosen Swordsmen a more powerful 4th tier unit.
    * Reduced damage of Warhounds.
    * Added Chosen Falxmen to Dacia and Thrace.
    * New Amazon Peasant, and many new Amazon unit cards.
    * Changed treasury corruption triggers to 100k & 200k.
===Version 1.5===
    * Fixed CTD when a non-amazon faction clicked on an Amazon city.
===Version 1.4===
    * Minor fixes to descriptions.
    * New .cas and .tga files for the lesser general bodyguard.
    * New temporary Peasant model and skin (previous one was causing CTDs).
    * .dds sprites implemented.
    * Added the Data\Fonts folder, as some users were having a crash related to forming the correct font.
    * Trade Caravan building removed from Amazonia.
===Version 1.3===
    * New splash screen.
    * New Loading Screens.
    * More tweaking of ancillaries, including removing the Amazon Decorated Hero.
    * Fixed bug with eastern heavy cavalry description.
    * Created new model and texture files for amazon heavy cavalry and merc amazon hoplites (they still look the same in-game though).
    * Fixed pop-up text for Command, Influence, and Management attributes.
    * Fixed a few diplomatic messages.
    * Removed the Data\UI\Amazon\Plugins & Data\UI\Amazon\Construction folders as they are not used.
    * Bug with city cards not displaying properly partially fixed.
    * Amazon Generals now have their sword visible.
    * Sprites implemented.
    * Many new unit cards.
===Version 1.2===
    * Fixed some grammatical errors in the traits.
    * Renamed region of Pontus to Amazonia.
    * Altered the splash screen.
    * Some minor tweaking of ancillaries.
===Version 1.1===
    * Tweaked some unit stats, removed one of the starting Agema Archers from Amazonia.
===Version 1.0===
== The Team ==
===Amazon: Total War 5.0-8.0===
*[https://www.twcenter.net/forums/member.php?u=57808 Parthian Shot]-Mod Leader
*Pea, parthian shot's partner, weapon research specialist, Animation Lead
*[https://www.twcenter.net/forums/member.php?u=182052 Celestial Shuttle Buddy], re-balance coordinator, script, text, and textures, since 6.0K. 
*[https://www.twcenter.net/forums/member.php?196924-bibi-g Bibi], Test Coordinator, since 6.0B.
*Animator #1
*Animator #2
*System Test Volunteer #1, Jenn
*System Test Volunteer #2, [https://www.twcenter.net/forums/member.php?202642-er_smith er_smith]
*Chinese Translation Volunteer, Becky Lani
*[https://www.twcenter.net/forums/member.php?u=19085 allypup], campaign tester 7.0 Beta
*[https://www.twcenter.net/forums/member.php?182842-Anfindol anfindol], campaign tester 7.0D
*[https://www.twcenter.net/forums/member.php?u=141270 Kaiser Christoph XVIII], campaign tester 7.0 Beta
*[https://www.twcenter.net/forums/member.php?u=166210 naftykid], campaign tester 7.0 Beta
*[https://www.twcenter.net/forums/member.php?u=133994 Totalwar14], campaign tester7.0 Beta
*[https://www.twcenter.net/forums/member.php?149098-wheeliepaul WheeliePaul], campaign tester from 7.0D, unit card creator from 8.0A
*[https://www.twcenter.net/forums/member.php?86972-Dragour Draghour], campaign tester from 8.0, proof reader from 8.0A, co-sponsor from 8.0A.
*[https://www.twcenter.net/forums/member.php?u=94575 andrey], .cas trouble shooting and augmentation from release 5.04e to 6.0b.
    * Initial Release.
====Special Thanks====
*[https://www.twcenter.net/forums/member.php?96527-GRANTO GRANTO] for his help to create custom RSII battle environment
*[https://www.twcenter.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=89 The Fourth Age: Total War Team] for their gracious permission to use the multi-horse animation as well as their wagon animation.
*Terikel Grayhair, [https://www.twcenter.net/forums/member.php?65609-Edorix Edorix], and [https://www.twcenter.net/forums/member.php?36062-Spartan198 Spartan198] for all the publishing help
*[https://www.twcenter.net/forums/member.php?10212-King-Louise-Assurbanipal King Louise Assurbanipal] for his kind permission to use his Amazon models, even though his terrific work was not able to be used in the current mod because it ran out of modeling slots.
*Quaztalcoatl for the use of the Amazon .cas files for the re-skinned Amazon units used since the Re-ignited mod.
*[https://www.twcenter.net/forums/member.php?1200-Trajan Trajan] for the use his .cas files from AR_S_Late_Roman_Army_Mod_V_3.0
*OC Grenadier for the use of the Amazon Axe cas file for re-skinned Amazon heavy units.
*[https://www.twcenter.net/forums/member.php?44170-Andronicus Andronicus] for his re-skinned Thracian Peltast animation.
*Sapped8 for his help to facilitate build-in Chinese font display and his help to Rebecca Lani
*the 左贤王 team for providing Chinese Calligraphy Display utility.
==Visual Material==
==Visual Material==
Image: amazon01.jpg|
Image: Upload960x600.jpg|Amazon: Total War Gameplay
Image: amazon02.jpg|
Image: Jyazii noble maiden.jpg|Jyazii Noble Maiden from 5.0-7.0
Image: amazon03.jpg|
Image: amazon04.jpg|
Image: amazon05.jpg|
Image: amazon06.jpg|
Image: amazon07.jpg|
Image: amazonmap.jpg|
= Included Mods =  
==External Links==
[http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?t=292532 Alternate images for the Generals in ATW]
*[http://rtw.heavengames.com/cgi-bin/forums/display.cgi?action=t&fn=33 Amazon: Total War on HeavenGames]
*[http://www.moddb.com/mods/amazons-total-war-refulgent Amazons: Total War on ModDB]
*[http://forums.totalwar.org/vb/forumdisplay.php?420-Amazon-Total-War Amazons: Total War at the Org]
*[http://exilian.co.uk/forum/index.php?board=132.0 Amazons: Total War at Exilian]
*[https://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?593018-Video-Amazon-Total-War-7-0-(trailer) Version 7 Trailer]
*[https://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?673020-Video-Amazon-Total-War-8-0D Early 8.0 Series Trailer]
*[http://www.moddb.com/mods/amazons-total-war-refulgent/videos/18-viewers-only-80s-amazon-light-units#imagebox Later 8.0 Series Video]
[[Category:RTW Mods (Released)]]
[[Category:RTW Mods (Released)]]
[[Category:Amazon: Total War]]

Latest revision as of 01:42, 19 February 2021

Amazon: Total War (v5.0+)
Platform Rome: Total War: Barbarian Invasion
Mod Type Overhaul
Era450BC-14AD, or 270BC-350AD
Mod Leader Parthian Shot
Release Status 8.0 series
Forum / Thread Here

Amazon: Total War, also known as Amazons: Total War, is a comprehensive modification for Rome Total War: Barbarian Invasion that focuses on ancient matriarchal equestrian society. Because the ancient horses are mostly 12 hands high (48" or 120cm), this facet affords women unfair advantages as cavalry soldiers due to their lighter body weight and more petite frame. The mod is about how small but mobile forces with stand-off weapon capabilities can defeat large conventional field armies even on the battlefields of antiquity. According to its leader, the mod is based on anthropological theses and the latest archaeological data about the Amazons with new tactics and features.


Parthian Shot had been working on an Amazon-centric Sarmatian Limigantes mod since November 2005. In the Summer of 2011, SubRosa Florens and Ares7667, both have stopped working on their respective Amazon Total War mods and releases, gave her their permission to continue the Amazon TW mod efforts. Their combined three mods were amalgamated to form the new Amazon: Total War from version 5 onwards. After Version 5, new versions-Version 6 (Amazon:Total War - Reignited), Version 7 (Amazons: Total War -Recalesced) and Version 8(Amazons: Total War - Refulgent) were released at various points. Download options for all versions of the mod are maintained by the Developers. Version 7 was listed as among the top 100 most popular mods on ModDB towards the end of March 2013, with Version 8 repeating the feat in April-May that year. The peak thus far has been May 29th, when it was the most popular mod, with over 1,400 downloads on that date.

A more detailed history may be found here. The wiki page for the earlier version of the mod can be found here.


Amazon Total War mod starts on 270BC and since 5.0 series onwards, the mod has been using 4 turns per year and ends in 350AD.

Also since 5.0 release, it focuses Amazons as non-belligerent, peace-loving, and peace-making matriarchal theocrats in possession of some very destructive weapons. Because to the non-theocrats, the information and the cipher to decode this ancient weapon technology is thought to be long lost, the player's faction can not obtain such weapons by building higher level cultural buildings alone. The player must try to discover the lost Amazon Stelae and its communication cipher to be able to recruit some very nasty advanced technology units. A side effect of each successful discovery is to compel one of the Amazon factions' social elite to flock to the player's faction, and thereby destroys that Amazon faction.

The campaign also focus on military planner's view in an unbiased way. That is, due to the restrictive size of ancient war mounts (very few special breeding programs like the Akhal-teke horses aside, 99.99% horses being only 12 hands high, or 120 cm tall). So either by force or by intuition, most of the military planners would recognize the value of women as cavalry soldiers, due to their more petite body frame and comparatively less body weight. Therefore these planners are willing to recruit female soldiers for their own faction. In the Amazon Total War mod, even the Romans, who are practical but historically very gender biased people, can recruit Amazon Auxilia units due to Amazon Auxilia's capability (and their low recruitment as well as low up-keep costs).

Another factor is to recognize women soldiers as the alternative to the "normal" military recruitment, especially when the potential sources of male recruits are drying up, the decision to recruit (or not to recruit) the female soldiers units can become the choice of preserving a faction or let it die. The background for the 7.0's Far Eastern Celt faction is certainly a prime example of such scenario. Having been defeated and nearly annihilated by the Huns in 273BC, Far Eastern Celt have migrated to a new home, almost completely deprived of their menfolks. So in order to survive, they must enlist women to fight.

Technical Details

Amazon Total War (5.0-8.0) is a partial conversion for Rome Total War/Barbarian Invasion version 1.6 only. It only runs on BI 1.6 because of the horde feature. It uses the mod:switch option, so it will not interfere with any of your original game files. Be sure you apply it to a clean install of RTW, as you may experience CTD's when entering battles if not.

Difference of Amazon Total War Mods

From Parthian Shot, on Amazon:Total War 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, and 8.0 series

These releases are sequels to Subrosa's Amazon TW 3.0c mod. The mods are more of tributes to ancient matriarchal societies derived from these from Parthian Shot's Anthropological studies, rather than fantasy based on legend as in 3.0 and before.

The following are the differences listed in detail of new 5.0-8.0 mods vs the 3.0c mod which are outlined below

  • - From 8.2 onwards, the years are spanned from 450BCE with a utility available to play 270BC version.
  • - From 8.2 onwards, more battle wagons were made available to simulate heavy, medium, and light "tanks" in the ancient world.
  • - The 5.0-8.0 mod series are more about women cavalry, as most ancient horses are mostly 12 hands tall (about 48 inches), women have distinct advantages as cavalry soldiers.
  • - The 5.0-8.0 mod series are less fantasy based, relying more on archaeology finding and interpretations of latest anthropological theories.
  • - The 7.0-8.0 mod series introduced Panzer like heavy units including Horde Wagon, War Wagon, Linked Armor-Clad Cavalry, and so on. These units differed from the Vanilla or other RTW mods' chariots, in that they are meant to emulate WWII Panzer unit tactics, only specialized cavalry or infantry (the anti-tank capable) units can destroy the Panzer units with relative ease, and only the pike and spear units can halt the charges of such Panzer units though doing so at a high cost.
  • - The 5.0-8.0 mod series retained 3.0's four Amazon factions and renamed them to reflect the less fantasy nature of the mod. With the fourth faction relocated to the eastern shore of Azov Sea.
  • - A serious attempt at establishing a direct relationship between the unit's equipment (animation skin, aka texture), as well as its capabilities, and its cost of recruiting and upkeep. This is also known as Balanced Unit Modeling (or B.U.M.), sometimes also collectively referred with some other criteria below as Parthian Shot's Laws.
  • - fabrics and garments are expensive and time consuming to mass produce, so wherever possible, light or non-elite units are using animal pelts or otherwise wear very little clothing.
  • - chain mail armors are extremely expensive and labor intensive to make.
So the textures have shown most chain mail armor suits removed or reduced,
Instead most chain mails are worn as linkage or joining pieces between two major armor components.
  • - iron armored units are more expensive to maintain than copper alloys, iron rust away rather quickly, and must be meticulously kept (oiled and rust-polished).
Fact is, some copper alloy are 90% as hard as the most advanced modern day steel, so there is very little incentive for factions who are lacking iron resources to switch to all iron armor.
Therefore, for these factions only swords, spearhead, arrow tips are made of iron.
  • - The Egyptians are more Ptolemaic-like, so the generals are shown to be Greeks, the characters are still Egyptian in appearance as it is customary for the Ptolemaic court to retain dual cultural identities.
  • - in 5.0-8.0 series, all Amazon agents are female, in 3.0 and prior they are male.
  • - starting 7.0 series, wagon fighting units are added, while this does not simulate the wagon fort of Jan Žižka or the Taborites, it does attempt to show wagon warfare as if they are the ancient version of WWII German Panzer units.
  • - from 7.0 series onwards, the campaign map is now extended from British Isles all the way to Indus Valley and Eurasia.
  • - In 7.0 series, a new Far Eastern Celt faction is added, this is based on the latest archaeology findings and anthropological theses, never before shown on any video games.
  • - From 7.0 series, area denial weapons are added to simulate the effects of minefield. The Roman Tribulus (aka Caltrop) can be deployed by field engineer unit.
This is not a simple stake in front of a fighting unit as in the Empire Total War
but allows the player to lay the "minefield" independent of the fighting units prior to battle.
  • - from late 6.0 series, Amazon agent can be sent into the enemy territory and raise an army deep behind the enemy line.
  • - from late 6.0 series, high resolution battlefield landscape with customized RSII battle environment by Granto is used. From 7.0 series, these animations are optimized for speed and using smaller footprint.
  • - from 6.0 series, stand-off missile weapons are added,
. carriage ballista
. large composite bow
. giant composite bow
. giant double composite bow
. double bow
. mano-ballista, or man-portable ballista
. Pole Sling
  • - more type of missiles are incorporated into the game
. iron cased lead shot
. sacred fire weapon
. javelin-like arrows for giant composite bow
  • - most Amazon units are more light haired with colored eyes, as they are depicted as the progenitors of many modern day European people.
  • - Since the Amazons are portraying proto-Europeans before their migration to Europe. The Amazon armors and helmets are less Hellenized, but more Phrygian and "Caucasian" (or Central Asian for the classical period) in appearance.
  • - Since Amazon Total War 6.0, there are capabilities (technology and unit recruitment) which can not be built, but must be obtained through Quest. Think of it as Marian Reform in RTW, but the reform is not triggered by year or what building is completed, but by whether a quest is completed or not. Amazons factions as well as pseudo-Amazon factions all have quests they have to fulfill in order to attain higher cultural strata.


The 8.0 series allows player to switch campaign mode, so the mod is capable of four different campaign mode with 20 factions. From 8.3 onwards, it also has utility to allow players to either play the original nudity version (aka the Anthropology Mod), or with minimized nudity (aka Family Friendly Mod). The games plots are the same, and players can interchange and continue their saved game in either version. The family friendly version is still beta-tested, so warning is still posted to ask the players to play at their own risk.

  • 1. in addition, it allows faction to recruit mercenary unit including heavy weapons/war-machines.
  • 2. Rebel and renegade are beefed up with heavy units as well so the players never know what army they might run into.
  • 3. added greek mobile artillery unit called Palintonon. The units shoots canisters of stone or lead block, so has more area capability but less range.
  • 4. New modular biometric animation approach to make models more live-like without huge rendering overhead.
  • 5. Generals are now awarded with titles when conquering or occupying a critical region, before, only the Amazon factions has this capability.

The 7.0 series allows player to explore many modern military concepts on the battlefields of antiquity. Such as mobility and stand-off capability, area denial minefields, guerrilla warfare, thermite munitions, wagon warfare (similar to tank battles), and long range mobile artillery. The 5.0 and 6.0 series focus exclusively on women cavalry's mobile warfare and stand-off weapons. The 3.0 and prior releases focus on Amazons from legend and myth.

Features added in Amazons Total War - Recalesced, aka Amazon Total War 7.0 Series

  • 1. Area Denial "Minefield" weapons added.
  • 2. Wagon fighting units added.
  • 3. Linked Armor-Clad Cavalry added, this is the dominating cavalry formation in Eurasia for centuries, now depicted in a video game for the first time.
  • 4. New campaign map extended to Eurasia.
  • 5. New Far East Celt faction added, based on latest archaeology data and anthropological extrapolation.

Features added in Amazon Total War - Reignited, aka Amazon Total War 6.0 Series

  • 1. Women fighting units for many factions
  • 2. Quests for Amazon factions as well as Armenia, Carthage and the Sarmatians.
  • 3. 512x512 texture for many units, this makes the appearance sharper than some new games's models.
  • 4. Many Barbarian and all Amazon factions have higher tier buildings.
  • 5. Naval fleet have much higher movement points than the original RTW/BI games, and this does not involved the buggy export_char.txt's starting_action_points modifications. This is much more realistic than BI or many mods.
  • 6. spy can make money while in the enemy territory.
  • 7. Integrated 4 turns per year script.
  • 8. new missiles types, such as the thermite grenade munition, iron encased lead shot.
  • 9. new stand-off weapons, double bow, mano-ballista, pole-sling, giant composite bow, and others.
  • 10. cost balance on iron armored units vs. bronze armored units.
  • 11. New Amazon chariot and wagon-cart artillery.
  • 12. more realistic armor skins using the BUM concept.
  • 13. light units either has little or no cloth, or uses animal pelts for clothing.
  • 14. almost all line units wears frontal armors only, and their protection points as well as cost reflect that too.
  • 15. From Release 6.0J, the diplomat can recruit army behind the enemy line, assumed there is a significant presence of diplomat's faction's supporter or people in that region.

Features added in Amazon Total War 5.0 Series

  • 1. Thermite Ballista Weapons integrated from pre-5.0.
  • 2. Amazon advanced units integrated from pre-5.0.

Parthian Shot's Laws

Since the release of Amazon Total War 5.0, there are criterion of considerations, sometimes referred to as Parthian Shot's Laws.

  • Law #1. Community infrastructure and unit cost against unit texture and unit capability must show a direct relationship.
Case in point, the game can no longer recruit full chain mail armored unit of 160 warriors from a tiny community of 700 with only a metal smith in town.
  • Law #2. Chain mails are expensive and time consuming to manufacture, and where possible, use of chain mails should be minimize to limb armor, or used as linkage between two plate armor piece.
Only factions with highly developed industrial complex or slave industry can field units with full chain mail suits.
  • Law #3. Units with iron armors and armor accessories are given higher recruiting as well as upkeep costs.
  • Law #4. Units with full garment are given higher cost for recruiting and upkeep, as clothings are expensive and time consuming to fabricate.
Line unit or light unit should either have animal skin or animal pelts as clothing, or have as little clothing as possible.
only aristocratic units or patrician units should have full 'uniform's.
  • Law #5. Line Units should have frontal full armors only, with their backs more exposed or more vulnerable.
This is based on archaeological observation as well as extrapolated anthropological theories that units with less protected backs are less likely to turn tails and run away from a fight.
It also reduces the cost of equipping such a combat unit.
  • Law #6. Low cost unit does not equate to light unit. Light unit can not be fast and easy to hide without proper gear.
For a unit to traverse through a variety of battlefield terrains, they must have proper footwear. If they can hide in long grass, then likely they have knee pad or knee protection. Proper footwear to allow them to negotiate terrain and this should be accounted into cost for recruiting.
  • Law #7. Sword is expensive to forge and it should not be used as secondary arm for every low cost unit and their cousins.
For low cost units, the secondary weapon has been or should be switched from sword to dagger, ax, short halberd, and so on.

The Team

Amazon: Total War 5.0-8.0

  • Parthian Shot-Mod Leader
  • Pea, parthian shot's partner, weapon research specialist, Animation Lead
  • Celestial Shuttle Buddy, re-balance coordinator, script, text, and textures, since 6.0K.
  • Bibi, Test Coordinator, since 6.0B.
  • Animator #1
  • Animator #2
  • System Test Volunteer #1, Jenn
  • System Test Volunteer #2, er_smith
  • Chinese Translation Volunteer, Becky Lani
  • allypup, campaign tester 7.0 Beta
  • anfindol, campaign tester 7.0D
  • Kaiser Christoph XVIII, campaign tester 7.0 Beta
  • naftykid, campaign tester 7.0 Beta
  • Totalwar14, campaign tester7.0 Beta
  • WheeliePaul, campaign tester from 7.0D, unit card creator from 8.0A
  • Draghour, campaign tester from 8.0, proof reader from 8.0A, co-sponsor from 8.0A.
  • andrey, .cas trouble shooting and augmentation from release 5.04e to 6.0b.

Special Thanks

  • GRANTO for his help to create custom RSII battle environment
  • The Fourth Age: Total War Team for their gracious permission to use the multi-horse animation as well as their wagon animation.
  • Terikel Grayhair, Edorix, and Spartan198 for all the publishing help
  • King Louise Assurbanipal for his kind permission to use his Amazon models, even though his terrific work was not able to be used in the current mod because it ran out of modeling slots.
  • Quaztalcoatl for the use of the Amazon .cas files for the re-skinned Amazon units used since the Re-ignited mod.
  • Trajan for the use his .cas files from AR_S_Late_Roman_Army_Mod_V_3.0
  • OC Grenadier for the use of the Amazon Axe cas file for re-skinned Amazon heavy units.
  • Andronicus for his re-skinned Thracian Peltast animation.
  • Sapped8 for his help to facilitate build-in Chinese font display and his help to Rebecca Lani
  • the 左贤王 team for providing Chinese Calligraphy Display utility.

Visual Material

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