Bull Warriors (RTW unit)
Bull warriors are men whose bravery, stamina and skill are unmatched. These elite fighters are shock troops.
Among the doughty folk of the Spanish hills the Bull Warriors are men whose bravery, stamina and skill is unmatched. These elite fighters are shock troops who disregard all danger when cutting their enemies to pieces. Carrying only a sword and shield they do not look much of a threat, a mistaken assessment that enemies rarely get to make twice! This is particularly true of they manage to ambush enemy forces. They fear no men and their over-eagerness to join a battle can be problematic, but like all foot soldiers, they need to be wary of cavalry.
Bull Warriors derive their name from the distinctive horned helmets which they wear.
Bull Warriors are good quality troops that are difficult to obtain, and generally aren’t considered early-game troops. For one, only the largest Spanish cities with a Sacred Circle of Esus can recruit Bull Warriors. These troops also have a high recruitment cost and two-turn recruitment wait, opposed to the more common single turn. Bull Warriors are similar in tactical ability to Scutarii from the Hall of Heroes. Both units use pila and swords in combat, similar to Roman infantry. One of the differences between Bull Warriors and Scutarii is in price and attack, for both of which Bull Warriors are higher.