Town Militia (RTW Unit)
Town Militia are trained bands of citizens dragged from their homes and shops, given a spear each and some rudimentary training.
Town militia are trained bands of citizens dragged from their homes and shops, given a spear each and some rudimentary training before they are thrown into battle. Their war gear is literally no more than a cheap shield and a spear, so they are defensive troops best used against light cavalry. They should not be expected to stand unsupported against an enemy, and until they have been seasoned by surviving a battle or two they shouldn't be expected to do much more than defend themselves! They are, however, cost effective to raise.
As the first infantry recruited in Spanish and Carthaginian Muster Fields, or Barracks, Town Militia units are quite accessible. Due to their low statistical quality and rather inexpensive price Town Militia are adequate garrison units when more elite soldiers would be sent to the lines of battle. Since they are the only spearmen infantry for Spain and Carthage (until Carthage can recruit Libyan Spearmen), Town Militia can be brought into battle as a counter-cavalry unit, especially light cavalry. Town Militia usually cannot handle heavy cavalry on their own.