Chamber of records
The Chamber of Records was a community focusing on Lord of the Rings- and Middle-earth based gaming and modding run by Fourth Age: Total War-team leader -apocalypsis-. It hosted Total War-mods such as The Fourth Age: Total War, Middle-earth: Total War, Moria: Total War, War of the Silmarils: Total War, and Third Age: Total War. (Note: Some of the mods may have stopped development)
The early version of CoR used a heavily modified version of PhpBB 2.0. In March 2007 admin Apoc bought a license for vBulletin.
High King (Administrator): Apoc Stewards (Co-Admins): Cronus, Arakorn Princes (Moderators): palantir, Astaldo, fatsheep
Similarities with the FATW Team list are obvious.
The Chamber of Records was hosted at (site unavailable as at October 2018)