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Site Owner
Also known as GED

Badges/Roles:Artifex, Opifex, Novus
Patron of:None

GrnEyedDvl is the current owner of the TWC site.


GrnEyedDvl joined TWC on January 06, 2007, during all the trouble that eventually led to the change in site ownership. Staying completely out of that, he lurked around the modding boards for a few months, relatively inactive.

  • In June of 2007, unimpressed by how modding information was organized, he formed the TW: Mod Squad as a way to help new modders learn to mod and keep information organized. When he announced his intention to teach a mapping class, he was contacted by Professor420 about doing the class in the newly created TWC University. After extensive conversation with Professor420 and gigagaia he agreed, and was promoted to both the University Senate and the Consilium Belli.
  • In September of 2007 he was offered patronage by Selenius4tsd and was subsequently voted in, choosing the rank of Artifex.

Involving himself in site politics, he has often been critical, some would say overly critical, of both moderation policy and some of the general staff decisions.

  • In January of 2008 he resigned both his positions in the TWC University and the Consilium Belli over the lack of progress and a dispute with some members of the Hex and instead decided to refocus on modding.
  • In March of 2008 he became the first Tribune who was not previously a Moderator.
  • In December of 2008 he joined the Hexagon Council and he is the only member with physical access to the servers.
  • Ultimate Docudemons - The Docudemons the way CA should have released them, designed by a modder for modders, with information on 18 categories.
  • GED created a bot on the wiki named GrnEyedBot2 in 2013.

He also really loves slapping people! Slap.gif

See Also

The TWC Wiki This article is about a member of TWC. Members are usually responsible for updating their own pages as they wish, therefore the information shown may not be up-to-date.
For current staff list see here. For current citizens list see here.
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