How to make character traits
This article is based on How to make Character VnVs (traits) the original article was written by Spartan and imported with his permission as part of the Scriptorium project. The article may have been altered since import - please refer to the history page for details of changes, or reference the original document.
Quote from Spartan:
I have invested a lot of time studying the VnV and trait system to further advance our community's collective modification capability. In addition, I have successfully implement a few new ones based on what I have learned. Overall, I must say I was impressed with the shear number of possibilities available; if one has a creative mind and a need to address. Anyway, what follows is a quick and dirty overview. I hope it makes for an informative read.
It is possible to exclude cultures "ExcludeCultures". Create diametrically opposed traits "AntiTraits" as well as assign multiple ones to boot! You can also compose epithets and assign a can't get rid of feature "NoGoingBackLevel".
The applicable known groups are:
- characters spy
- characters diplomat
- characters family
- characters assassin
- characters admiral
I have organized into three (3) general groups, the variable that can be affected on a +/- ( The highest I have seen was +60) scale. They are:
- Command
- Attack
- Defence
- Ambush
- TroopMorale
- SiegeAttack
- SiegeDefence
- LineOfSight
- SiegeEngineering
- NightBattle
- NavalCommand
- HitPoints
- InfantryCommand
- CavalryCommand
- Combat_V_[Plural Name of Culture] (except "Cathaginians" has to be mispelled for it to work)
- Looting
- MovementPoints
- Law
- Management
- Construction
- PublicSecurity
- Trading
- TrainingAgents
- Unrest
- Farming
- Mining
- Squalor
- TaxCollection
- Influence
- BribeResistance
- PersonalSecurity
- Subterfuge
- Negotiation
- Bribery
- Fertility
- SenateStanding
- PopularStanding
- Electability
In addition there are defined culture group. They are:
Roman, Barbarian, Greek, Eastern, Egyptian, Carthaginian, Slaves
When to Test Options
As far as triggers go, there are many as well. The when to test (WhenToTest)options are:
- PostBattle
- PreBattleWithdrawal
- OfferedForAdoption
- OfferedForMarriage
- CharacterTurnEnd
- CharacterComesOfAge
- CharacterMarries
- CharacterBecomesAFather
- SettlementTurnEnd
- GovernorBuildingCompleted
- BattleGeneralRouted
- BecomesFactionLeader
- BecomesFactionHeir
- BecomeAedile
- BecomeCensor
- BecomeConsul
- BecomePontifexMaximus
- BecomePraetor
- BecomeQuaestor
- CeasedAedile
- CeasedCensor
- CeasedConsul
- CeasedPontifexMaximus
- CeasedPraetor
- CeasedQuaestor
- IsUnderSiege
- GeneralCaptureSettlement
- GeneralCaptureWonder
- LeaderDestroyedFaction
- CharacterDamagedByDisaster
- BrotherAdopted
- LostLegionaryEagle
- CapturedLegionaryEagle
- RecapturedLegionaryEagle
- SenateExposure
- QuaestorInvestigationMinor
- QuaestorInvestigation
- QuaestorInvestigationMajor
- SpyMission
- AgentCreated
- LeaderOrderedSpyingMission
- AssassinationMission
- LeaderOrderedAssassination
- SufferAssassinationAttempt
- SabotageMission
- LeaderOrderedSabotage
- BriberyMission
- LeaderOrderedBribery
- AcceptBribe
- RefuseBribe
- Insurrection
- DiplomacyMission
- LeaderOrderedDiplomacy
- LeaderSenateMissionSuccess
- GovernorBuildingDestroyed
- GovernorUnitTrained
- GovernorBuildingCompleted
- GovernorCityRiots
- GovernorCityRebels
- EnslavePopulation
- ExterminatePopulation
- GeneralDevastatesTile
- LesserGeneralOfferedForAdoption
You can also have self perpetuating triggers!
How to add a custom VnV:
1. First open "export_VnVs.txt" and add something like this:
¬--------------------- {Cerean} Cerean {Cerean_desc} James Bond has nothing on this man! {Cerean_effects_desc} Subterfuge +8 (This man is the slickest of all) {Cerean_lose_desc} This man is now a loser! {Cerean_gain_desc} This man has made a name for himself with the Gods! {Cerean_epithet_desc} The Spy Lord ¬--------------------
2. Then open "export_descr_VnVs_enums.txt" and add something like this:
Cerean Cerean_desc Cerean_gain_desc Cerean_lose_desc Cerean_epithet_desc
3. After that open "export_descr_character_traits.txt" and add something like this:
;------------------------------------------ Trait Cerean Characters spy Level Cerean Description Cerean_desc EffectsDescription Cerean_effects_desc GainMessage Cerean_gain_desc Threshold 1 Effect Subterfuge 8 ;------------------------------------------
Finally add a trigger or modify one something like this:
;------------------------------------------ Trigger agents4 WhenToTest SpyMission Condition MissionSuccessLevel = highly_successful Affects GoodSpy 1 Chance 100 Affects GoodConspirator 1 Chance 50 Affects Cerean 1 Chance 100 ;------------------------------------------
Then save and you are on your way!
Note: the first number is for the threshold of the trait and the second is the percentage of chance.
You can also assign your trait to a character in the "descr_strat.txt" if you wish to start with it.
Note if you make changes to the "export_descr_VnVs_enums.txt" AFTER you have the game started you MUST restart completely for them to take effect. This tip cost me over two (2) hours to figure out :cry
Posted here with the permission of the original author: Spartan Please note that the content may have been altered since import. Subsequent amendments are welcome but are not the responsibility of the original author. |