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Infanterie de Marine (FOTS Unit)

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Infanterie de Marine (FOTS Unit)
File:Infanterie de Marine FOTS.png
Class Elite Infantry
Recruitment Cost 1430
Upkeep Cost 180
Requires Buildings:
  • French Trading District
  • Melee Attack 11
    Charge Bonus 20
    Bonus vs Cavalry 7
    Range 125
    Accuracy 75
    Reloading Skill 70
    Ammunition 15
    Melee Defence 6
    Armour 2
    Morale 12
    Speed 4


    These hardy marines have learned their business in tough, colonial wars across the world.

    These French line infantry are tough, capable soldiers, well used to fighting in all corners of the world and dealing with whatever hardships and enemies of France they encounter. They are armed with modern breech-loading rifles and are well trained in their use. This allows them to pour accurate and rapid fire into enemies stupid enough to act as targets. They are also well able to charge into melee and give a good account of themselves. As Frenchmen they naturally have élan, and this gives them very good melee in most circumstances. Like all infantry, however, bravery and dash are no use when bombarded by artillery.

    The infanterie de marine could trace their origins back to 1622, when the troupes de marine were established by Cardinal Richelieu, Louis XIII's chief minister. Apart from being a brilliant administrator and statesman, he was also used later as the chief villain in Dumas' tale, "The Three Musketeers"; sadly for Richelieu's other achievements, that's how most people know of him. The troupes de marine were intended to fight overseas, and in the new French colonies. This meant they saw a good deal more action than most of the French army, usually against troublesome British fellows. Oddly, infanterie de marine weren't directly controlled by the French Navy, but by the Ministere de la Marine, the civil servants who ran the navy and also the French colonies. It suited the Ministry to divert marines to keep the colonies in order, rather than to help the Navy! As a result, the Navy had to recruit its own "fusiliers-marins" to replace what should have been its marines. The Ministere de la Marine, glad to keep the infanterie de marine, let them get on with it.

    Strengths & Weaknesses

    • Very good accuracy and reload rate.
    • Good in melee.
    • Very good morale.
    • Maximum Limit: 3 Units per Clan in Campaign.

    Special Abilities

    • Kneel Fire - The first rank of this unit will kneel to allow the first two ranks to fire simultaneously.
    • Suppression Fire - This ability increases reload rate but lowers accuracy. Enemy units hit by suppression fire are slowed and suffer a morale penalty.

    United States Marines VS Royal Marines VS Infanterie de Marine

    United States Marines Royal Marines Infanterie de Marine
    Recruitment Cost 1340 1370 1430
    Upkeep Cost 170 180 180
    Melee Attack 13 12 11
    Charge Bonus 20 20 20
    Bonus vs Cavalry 7 7 7
    Range 125 125 125
    Accuracy 65 70 75
    Reloading Skill 60 65 70
    Ammunition 15 15 15
    Melee Defence 8 7 6
    Armour 2 2 2
    Morale 12 12 12

    Pros & Cons

    • The United States Marines are the cheapest in recruitment and upkeep costs and can hold their own against charging infantry and cavalry units. On the other hand, their lesser skill with the rifle means that they tend to cause less damage than expected.
    • The Infanterie de Marine can deliver several crippling volleys with their superb accuracy and reloading skills which is very helpful in preventing enemy cavalry from reaching your lines and becoming a serious threat. Unfortunately, they're very expensive and won't last long against dedicated melee units.


    • Players who are concerned with the threat of being tied up in melee should go with recruiting United States Marines.
    • Players that aren't concerned about melee and want to make every shot count should invest in Infanterie de Marine.
    • The Royal Marines offer a balanced compromise between cost, melee, and shooting.

    Second Opinion

    • Rifle units are purely meant for shooting, not engaging in melee. Therefore, the Infanterie de Marine are the best unit to have.
    • If the United States Marines are recruited in a Province that has both a Firing Range and a Gunsmith, the Exceptional Accuracy Bonus will make them the best Elite Infantry unit overall in terms of shooting and melee.
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