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Kiliç Alì

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Kiliç Alì
Ranks: Artifex | Citizen
Patron : Ngugi
House : The Imperial House of Hader

About Kiliç Alì

Kiliç Alì registered on February 10th, 2011 due to interest in Third Age: Total War, and became a Citizen and Artifex in December 2013.
He is often encountered in the Westeros: Total War hosted mod forum, and have to both mods released a couple of msubods of his own, and and aided other existing mods.
Kiliç Alì earned his citizenship as a talented modder and helpful fellow TWC member.


Mank have released a copuple of submods to Third Age: Total War and Westeros: Total War. He has also contributed to other mods beside these:

Mods WIP



Current Ranks

Rank Description
Citizen radadir.png Citizen is a special rank given as a reward by the CdeC to those members who make a significant contribution to the Forum.
Artifex radadir.png An Artifex is someone who earned their rank through modding a TW game.

The TWC Wiki This article is about a member of TWC. Members are usually responsible for updating their own pages as they wish, therefore the information shown may not be up-to-date.
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