Orthodox Christianity (M2TW Religion)
Orthodox is a eastern Christian religion in the game Medieval 2: Total War. Russia and the Byzantine Empire are followers of this religion. Unlike Catholic or Islamic factions, the followers of the Orthodox faith can not unite in a Crusade or Jihad, and, like Islam, they have no centralized authority, and won't receive missions from the Pope, participate in Papal elections or face threats of Excommunication.
One advantage for factions that are Orthodox is that they never get a Crusade called on them no matter what; unlike Muslims, Pagans and Excommunicated Catholics. The other advantage is that they are the best religion at converting regions. Like Muslim Masjids; Orthodox Churches are better at converting regions than Catholic Churches, but do not provide a health bonus at higher levels, unlike Catholic Cathedrals. Orthodox factions however also have access to the Ikonic Art buildings, which amplify the Religious Conversion and give a health bonus as well. There are also a few Mercenary Knight units that only fight for Christians.
Diplomatically Orthodox Christian factions have an interesting relationship with the other religions. Since Crusades cannot be called upon them, they are theoretically able to coexist peacefully with Catholic factions. They are also able to coexist peacefully with Pagan factions in mods that include them. However, with Muslim factions a lasting peace is unlikely, because Muslims are able and likely to call Jihads on them, which inevitably leads to War.